TRASER DMS 365 2501 Release Note
- Introduction
- Bug Fixes
- Core
- Machine
- Service
New Functions
- [23937] Extension of mandatory fields by document type 'Trade-In'
- [24049] Notification regarding activation of new sales calculations
- [24387] Calculation review status in commission documents
- [24388] Display of blocked commissions due to pending trade-in documents
- [24389] Visibility of commission lines
- [24390] Display of blocked commission lines due to trade-in or sales documents
- Improvements
New Functions
New Functions
- [23318] Two separate email addresses on catalog card
- [23319] New confirmation message when leaving catalog card page
- [23320] Change of confirmation message for the Excel import
- [23608] Category in catalog job queues
- [23876] New action 'Update Prices and Discounts'
- [24047] Option to hide item charges on sales shipment printout
- Improvements
New Functions
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Bug Fixes
This release includes several bug fixes as well as the following new functions and improvements.
New Functions
[21262] Automatic item charges
Item charges are now synchronized with item quantities for improved consistency. If an item has automatic item charges and the Quantity = Item Quantity field enabled, the charge quantity and assignment quantity will now automatically adjust to match the item quantity. Additionally, when updating Quantity to Receive/Ship or Quantity to Invoice, the assigned item charge will also update accordingly. This functionality applies to direct posting from orders and when utilizing Get Purchase/Shipment Lines on invoice documents for both purchase and sales processes.
[24481] New fields in item template
The following fields were added to the item template page:
- Purchase Item Discount Group
- Exclude from Price Update
- Planning Flexibility
When these fields are populated in the item template, they will now be automatically transferred to new data records created from the template.
[24864] Option to hide 'Item No.' and 'Vendor Item No.' on sales quotes and order confirmations
The option to hide the Item No. as well as the Vendor Item No. was added to the sales quote and sales confirmation reports. This allows customers who prefer not to include these numbers on the reports to customize the printout, removing the need for custom layouts for each customer.
New Functions
[24286] Possibility to select multiple options in service item equipment
A new action Add Options was added to the equipment table for service items, enabling users to select multiple options at once and streamlining the selection process.
[20680] Improvement regarding the deletion of serial number type
Users are now prompted when deleting a Serial No. Type, asking if they also want to delete corresponding serial numbers. Selecting Yes removes the Serial No. Type and its assigned serial numbers, while selecting No cancels the deletion. All changes are logged in the Service Item Log for tracking. This improves the serial number management.
New Functions
[23823] 'Service Item Hints' FactBox on service order card
The Service Item Hints FactBox was added to the service order card, allowing users to view important information about the service item directly. Previously, this information was only available as a pop-up message after creating the service item line.
[24336] Warranty service orders for machine communities without splitting of document
Service orders for machine community customers can now be created without the need to split documents for each machine community member, provided the Bill-To Customer is marked as an internal customer. This enables users to create and post warranty-related service orders without generating separate service invoices. As a result, incoming documents, such as warranty credit memos and associated claims, can now be linked to a single document instead of being split across individual machine community members. This functionality can be enabled in the Service Management Setup by activating the Skip splitting documents for internal customers option.
New Functions
[23937] Extension of mandatory fields by document type 'Trade-In'
Users can now add the document type Trade-In to the Mandatory Document Field Setup - Sales. The selected mandatory fields will only be checked if the return order has Trade-In set to true and will not be checked for standard return orders.
[24049] Notification regarding activation of new sales calculations
Users now have the option to select whether to activate a new version of a sales calculation when it is created.
[24387] Calculation review status in commission documents
A new FactBox was added to the commission lines page displaying key details from the linked calculation review, including Calculation Review No., Service Item No., Service Item Description and Calculation Review Status. This ensures that users can always see the latest approved status before commissioning service items. The FactBox also allows direct access to the linked calculation review for better efficiency.
[24388] Display of blocked commissions due to pending trade-in documents
Users can now identify blocked commission lines due to pending trade-ins. A new Trade-In Pending checkbox was added to the commission line, automatically marked True if the connected trade-in has not been resold. This feature is configurable in the Commission Setup via the new Only Add Documents with no Trade-In pending toggle switch and helps ensure better visibility in commission documents.
[24389] Visibility of commission lines
Users can now easily identify commission lines that wonβt be posted due to unsettled sales documents. When creating a commission line, if the Paid toggle switch is deactivated, the following visual changes will appear:
- The commission line will be highlighted in red.
- The text will be displayed in italic font.
This makes it easier to identify all commission lines that are not yet settled.
[24390] Display of blocked commission lines due to trade-in or sales documents
Commission lines with a pending trade-in or purchase are now highlighted in red. Once the traded-in machine is sold and paid, the line returns to the standard color and the commission line status is updated.
[23395] Notification when creating new 'Trade No.' for service items
Users will now be notified if there are open service orders for the old Trade No. of a service item that is being traded in. They can then choose whether to create a new trade number.
[24215] Improvement regarding filtering for service items
The filter in the service item lookup on the Purchases subpage in the calculation forecast now also filters by external machine and current asset. Additionally, the filter for Status (Sold) now includes service items in sales quotes and orders, allowing their insertion into the Purchases subpage. When inserting an in-stock service item as an external machine, a prompt appears to convert it to a current asset. Selecting Yes converts it and assigns the appropriate item; selecting No prevents insertion.
[24455] Improvement regarding filters in item charge table
An improvement was made to the filters in the item charge table. When accessing calculation cost types, calculation purchase discounts or calculation sales discounts, the filter will now be set to the calculation entry type instead of the general Type field.
New functions
[23318] Two separate email addresses on catalog card
Users can now set up two different email addresses on a catalog card. These addresses will receive notifications about the success or failure of a scheduled catalog update once the job queue is complete.
[23319] New confirmation message when leaving catalog card page
A new message now alerts users of any unprocessed records in the buffer table for the catalog when leaving the catalog card page.
[23320] Change of confirmation message for the Excel import
The Import Excel action for price list imports now displays an updated confirmation message if there are unprocessed records in the buffer during the update.
[23608] Category in catalog job queues
When a catalog import is scheduled for a later run, a job queue category is now automatically assigned, enabling multiple jobs to be scheduled simultaneously.
[23876] New action 'Update Prices and Discounts'
The Update Price function was renamed to Update Prices and Discounts. When clicked, a dialog window is displayed, allowing users to select whether to only update prices or both prices and discounts.
[24047] Option to hide item charges on sales shipment printout
The option to hide Item Charges was added to the sales shipment report. When activated, the item charges will be hidden on the printout.