Agency Business Contracts


This description does not include any details on applicable tax laws. Should you have any questions, please consult your tax advisor or auditor. Please note that the agency business functionality is exclusively available in Germany. If you are located outside of Germany, the use of this function is strictly prohibited.

In TRASER DMS 365, you have the option to process agency businesses. In an agency business, you act as an agent, brokering service items on behalf of the client/selling customer. In this role, you do not own the service item but act on behalf of and for the account of the selling customer, receiving a commission for your brokerage activities. This documentation explains how to carry out agency businesses in TRASER DMS 365 and is divided into the following sections:

Activating Agency Business Functionality on the User Card

Before processing agency businesses, you must first activate the function for the user. Proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page User Setup.
  • Select the user for whom you want to activate the agency business functionality.
  • Click on Card in the menu bar.
  • Activate the Agency Business toggle switch in the Sales FastTab.

The selected user can now process agency businesses. For more information on the user setup card, click here. The next section explains how to carry out the basic set-up for agency businesses.

Carrying out basic Set-Up for Agency Businesses

In order to be able to process agency businesses, you must first set up some basic configurations in the Sales & Receivables Setup. To do so, proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Sales & Receivables Setup.
  • On the Sales & Receivables Setup page, navigate to the Agency Business FastTab.
  • Fill in the fields according to the table below:
Field Description
No. Series Enter a number series for agency businesses.
General Journal Template Enter the general journal template that should be used for the loan postings of the agency businesses.
General Journal Batch Enter the general journal that should be used for agency businesses.
Source Code Enter the source code that should be used for agency businesses.
Always print VAT Information in Agency Business documents Activate this toggle switch if VAT information should always be printed on agency business documents.
Sales Order Type Specify the default order type that should be used for sales documents created from agency businesses.
Trade-In Order Type Specify the default order type that should be used for trade-in documents created from agency businesses, e.g. if the agency business was unsuccessful.
Resource (Service Item) Enter the resource that should be used for the service item in the sales invoice and commission invoice of the agency business. It is recommended to create a separate product posting group and VAT product posting group for this purpose. Both can be used to create an internal billing account, sales account and tax account.
Resource (Agency Commission) Enter the resource that should be used for the posting of the commission of the agency business if the agency business was successful. It is recommended that you create a separate product posting group and VAT product posting group for this purpose to ensure that the revenue and VAT on the commission are posted correctly.
Resource (Agency Service Revenue) Enter the resource that should be used for the posting of the service revenue and VAT of the agency business if the agency business was successful. It is recommended to create a separate product posting group and VAT product posting group for this purpose to ensure that the revenue and VAT are posted correctly.
Headline Commission / Cost (Standard Text) Enter a text for the heading of commission/costs for agency businesses.
Beginning Text Agency Business Sales Invoice Enter a beginning text for agency business sales invoices.
Beginning Text Agency Business Commission Invoice Enter a beginning text for agency business commission invoices.
Loan Contract Printout Specify here how loan contracts should be printed out. For more information on how to define loan contract printouts, click here.
Agency Contract Printout Specify here how agency business contracts should be printed out. For more information on how to define agency business contract printouts, click here.

You have successfully completed the basic setup for agency business contracts. The next section describes how to specify a receivables account for agency businesses for customer posting groups.

Specifying Agency Receivables Account

In order to be able to carry out loan postings, a receivables account for agency businesses must be specified for the customer posting group. To do so, proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Customer Posting Groups.
  • Create a new customer posting group or carry out the following steps for an existing customer posting group.
  • Navigate to the Agency Business Receivables Account column.
  • In the column, enter a G/L account that should be used when posting receivables from agency business contracts for this posting group to generate customer ledger entries for the loan.
  • Your changes are saved automatically.

You have successfully specified a receivables account for agency businesses for a customer posting group. The next section describes how to create an agency business contract.

Creating Agency Business Contract

To create an agency business contract, proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Agency Business Contracts.
  • To create a new agency business contract, click on New in the menu bar.
  • In the General FastTab, enter the following information:
Field Description
No. Enter a number for the agency business contract.
Description Enter a clear description for the agency business contract.
Document Date This field is automatically filled in with the current date.
Start Date This field is automatically filled in with the start date of the agency business contract, but can be changed manually if needed.
End Date Enter an end date for the agency business contract, which is typically set for a one-year period. If the agency business is not successful by the end of the year, the machine is traded in.
Status This field is automatically filled in with the current status of the agency business contract.
Responsibility Center Enter the responsibility center for the agency business contract.
Salesperson Code Enter the salesperson for the agency business contract.
Reconciliation Customer No. Enter the customer to whom the loans will be posted. You can either select the customer you work with for the agency business or specify a dummy customer for all loan postings.
  • In the Agency Seller FastTab, enter the following information:
Field Description
Selling Customer No. Enter the customer who is selling the machine you are brokering on their behalf.
Selling Customer Name This field is automatically filled in with the name of the selling customer when you enter a customer number.
Guaranteed Price (Incl. VAT) Enter the price for the service item that was agreed upon with the selling customer. The difference between this price and the actual sales price will be paid out as commission.
No. Enter the service item for the agency business.
Description This field is automatically filled in with the description of the service item when you enter a service item number.
Serial No. This field is automatically filled in with the serial number of the service item when you enter a service item number.

You have successfully created an agency business contract. The next section describes how to carry out loan postings for an agency business contract.

Creating Loan Postings

Once you have set up an agency business contract, you must create and post loan postings. To do so, proceed as follows:

  • In the menu bar of an open agency business contract, click on Loan > Create loan posting.
  • In the dialog, enter a description for the loan posting in the Posting Description field.
  • Check all details in the dialog; then click OK.
  • The general journal with the loan postings is displayed. The first line is the line for the selling customer who receives the loan. The second line is the offset entry for the reconciliation customer.
  • Click on Preview Posting in the menu bar of the general journal and check the postings. Two customer ledger entries should be created: one for the receivables account and one for the Agency Business Receivables Account for the reconciliation customer.
  • Then, click on Post in the menu bar.
  • Confirm the dialog window in order to post the journal lines.
  • Close the general journal.

The loan postings have been created and posted. The status of the agency business is set to In Process. Then, there are two possibilities:

Successful Agency Business

If you have found a buyer for the service item, please proceed as follows:

  • In the open agency business contract, navigate to Agency Buyer FastTab.
  • In the Agency Buyer FastTab, enter the following information:
Field Description
Buying Customer No. Enter the customer that is buying the service item from the selling customer.
Buying Customer Name This field is automatically filled in with the name of the buying customer when you enter a customer number.
Actual Sales Price (Incl. VAT) Enter the price for the service item agreed upon with the buying customer. The difference between the Guaranteed Price (Incl. VAT) and the Actual Sales Price (Incl. VAT) will be paid out as commission.
  • If the service item requires repairs or maintenance before being sold, you can create a service order via the Service > New Service Order action in the menu bar. You can find more information on creating and posting service orders here.
  • Then, click on Set Status > Successful in the menu bar. The status of the agency business is set to Successful.

Now, you have to create the sales invoice for the agency business. To do so, proceed as follows:

  • To create a sales invoice for the agency business, click on Billing > Create Agency Sales Invoice.
  • The sales invoice is created. Confirm the dialog via the Yes button to open the sales invoice.
  • Check the details on the sales invoice.
  • To post the sales invoice, click on Home > Post in the menu bar.
  • Confirm the dialog via the Yes button to post the invoice.

You have successfully created the sales invoice for the agency business. Now, you have to create the commission invoice for the agency contract. To do so, proceed as follows:

  • To create the commission invoice for the agency contract, click on Billing > Create Agency Commission Invoice.
  • The commission invoice is created. Confirm the dialog via the Yes button to open the commission invoice.
  • Check the details on the commission invoice.
  • To post the commission invoice, click on Home > Post in the menu bar.
  • Confirm the dialog via the Yes button to post the commission invoice.

You have successfully created the commission invoice for the agency business. The agency business is completed. The next section describes what to do if the agency business was unsuccessful.

Unsuccessful Agency Business

If no buyer is found for the service item by the end date specified in the agency business, you must trade in the service item. In the event of an unsuccessful agency business, proceed as follows:

  • In an open agency business contract, click on Set Status > Not Successful in the menu bar. The status of the agency business is set to Not Successful.

  • Then, you need to reverse the loan postings that were created during the creation of the agency business contract. To do so, click on Loan > Reverse loan postings in the menu bar of the open agency business contract.

  • In the dialog, enter a description for the reversal of the loan posting in the Posting Description field.

  • Check all details in the dialog; then click OK.

  • The general journal with the postings is displayed.

  • Click on Preview Posting in the menu bar of the general journal and check the postings.

  • Then, click on Post in the menu bar.

  • Confirm the dialog window in order to post the journal lines.

  • Close the general journal.

You have successfully completed the loan posting reversal. Now, you can create the trade-in for the service item. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • To create the trade-in for the service item, click on Billing > Create Trade-In.
  • The trade-in is created- Confirm the dialog via the Yes button to open the trade-in.
  • Check the details in the trade-in. The, you can further process the trade-in. For more information on processing trade-ins, click here.

You have successfully created the trade-in for the service item. The agency business is completed.

Additional Information

Defining Agency Business Contract Printouts

In the Sales & Receivables Setup you need to specify the print settings for loan contracts and agency business contracts. To customize the content displayed on these printouts, proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Agency Business Contract Prints.
  • Click on New in the menu bar.
  • In the Print Code field, enter a code, e. g. Loan Contract or Agency Contract. You must enter this code in the Sales & Receivables Setup to define the contents displayed on loan and agency contract printouts. You can find more information on this in the section Carrying out basic Set-Up for Agency Businesses.
  • In the Description field, enter a clear description.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • To define content for the first page of the printout, click on the value in the Content Exists field.
  • Enter the content for the first page in the text editor. You can use placeholders within your text. For a list of all available placeholders, click the symbol on the right-hand side of the text editor.
  • To save the content, click on OK.
  • Repeat this process for any additional pages and content as needed.

You have successfully defined what contents should be displayed on loan and agency contract printouts.