Creating Warranty Claims

There are three different ways in TRASER DMS 365 to create a warranty claim:

Please also find the following sections on this page:


Before creating a warranty claim, make sure that the service item manufacturer has a vendor set up in the Manufacturers table which has the Warranty Vendor checkbox selected.

Creating Warranty Claims Based on Service Orders

This method of warranty claim creation is recommended as most information needed can be taken from the service order and service item worksheet. In addition, it is easier for reporting and accounting.

To create a warranty claim based on a service order, please proceed as follows:


Make sure to select a service order type with the Warranty checkbox selected. Only exception are special allowance warranty cases.


Partial posting of a service order is not possible anymore as soon as a line from the service order is linked to a warranty claim. The same way, warranty claims cannot be created for posted service order lines.
Partial shipment, on the other hand, is still possible.

  • We recommend to finish all service work required before continuing with the next step. When updating information in the service order after creating the warranty claim, the warranty claim is not automatically updated.
  • In the Lines FastTab, click on Line > Create Warranty Claim to create a warranty claim from this service order. If prompted, directly open the warranty claim.


To open the warranty claim from the service order at any time, click on Line > Open Warranty Claim in the Lines FastTab.

  • In the General FastTab:
    • In the Claim Type field, select the applicable warranty claim type.
      Please note that only manufacturer-specific and generic warranty claim types without defined manufacturer are displayed in the list, if available.
    • In the Starting Date and Finishing Date fields, enter the corresponding start and end dates of the service, if not already filled from the worksheet. They are applied to all other date fields (also the hidden fields) as well.
    • Optional In the External Claim No. field, enter the warranty claim number used by the vendor in their own system.
    • Optional In the Item > Failure Part field, select the item which caused the issue, if applicable. For software or kits with special numbering, simply enter the corresponding number as they are not available as an item in the system.
    • The Status value is set to Open.


When the Item > Failure Part field is filled, the Report > Print Used-Part Information Label button can be used to create a printout for the used part to be handled by the warehouse staff as per manufacturer's instructions on temporarily storing failure parts for later reference.

  • In the Warranty Claim Lines FastTab:
    • Click on Create Claim Lines in the menu bar to copy the service lines from the FastTabs below (including Unit Price and Line Amount).
      • If only the Service Lines or Posted Service Lines FastTab has lines available, the lines from this FastTab are copied.
      • If both the Service Lines and Posted Service Lines FastTabs have lines available, only lines from the Service Lines FastTab are copied.
    • Make all required adjustments to the lines (edit, delete, add).
      Remember that all lines available in this FastTab are part of the final warranty claim and all printouts. Adjustments do not affect service lines, only the warranty lines!
      • Optional Edit the Dealer Contribution, Manufacturer Contribution, and/or Customer Contribution values for analysis purposes.
    • Optional In lines with Type = Item, you can click on History > Sales History or Purchase History to see the corresponding sales and purchase activities for the selected item. This facilitates proper pricing.
  • The Claim Statistics FastTab shows the specific amounts handled in the warranty claim. It is used for information purposes. Further values like proposed or approved customer, dealer, and manufacturer contribution can be manually added via the Personalize functionality, if needed. The values are updated immediately.
    For more information, see the Warranty Claim Data section.
  • When all fields are filled and the warranty claim is ready for settlement, click on Release in the menu bar of the Warranty Claim page to release the warranty claim.
  • To issue a service invoice, click on Create Invoice in the menu bar, select the corresponding option, and follow your internal processes.
  • To issue a service credit memo, click on Create Credit Memo in the menu bar, select the corresponding option, and follow your internal processes.
  • When the warranty claim is finalized, click on Archive > Archive Warranty Claim in the menu bar to archive the warranty claim.
  • In order to make changes after releasing or archiving the warranty claim, click on Reopen in the menu bar.

You successfully created a warranty claim and finalized it.

The corresponding warranty claim is available in the Service History table of the service item (as long as it is linked to the warranty claim) which can be opened by clicking on Home > Show Service History on the Service Item Card page.


Warranty claims which have a credit memo or other document (other than the base service order) linked, cannot be deleted.


Warranty claims can be manually added to sales and purchase documents by selecting the Warranty Claim No. value in the General or Line FastTab.

Creating Warranty Claims for Subdealers

It is possible to create warranty claims without a service order, e.g., if warranty claims for subdealers / B dealers must be created. This is required if the subdealer performed service work, but the main dealer must create and issue the warranty claim as only the main dealer is allowed by the manufacturer to submit warranty claims.

To create a warranty claim for subdealers, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to open the Warranty Claims table, and create a new warranty claim by clicking on New in the menu bar.
  • The Document Type value is always Quote to have a clear indication that no service order is available as a source for this warranty claim.
  • In the General FastTab:
    • In the Service Item No. field, select the service item the warranty claim must be created for.
    • In the Starting Date and Finishing Date fields, enter the corresponding start and end dates of the service. They are applied to all other date fields (also the hidden fields) as well.
    • In the Claim Type field, select the applicable warranty claim type.
    • Optional In the External Claim No. field, enter the warranty claim number used by the vendor/manufacturer.
    • In the Customer No. dropdown list, select the customer, and enter all bill-to customer information.
    • Optional In the Item > Failure Part field, select the item which caused the issue, if applicable. For software or kits with special numbering, simply enter the corresponding number as they are not available as an item in the system.
  • The Claim Statistics FastTab can be ignored.
  • In the Warranty Claim Lines FastTab:
    • Enter the lines required for the warranty claim by clicking into an empty line or by clicking on New Line in the FastTab menu bar.
      • Make all required adjustments to the lines (edit, delete, add). Remember that all lines available in this FastTab are part of the final warranty claim and all printouts.
      • Optional Edit the Dealer Contribution, Manufacturer Contribution, and/or Customer Contribution values for analysis purposes.
  • Enter the required descriptions into the Fault and Resolution FactBoxes.
  • When all fields are filled and the warranty claim is ready for settlement, click on Release in the menu bar of the Warranty Claim page to release the warranty claim.
  • To issue a service invoice, click on Create Invoice > Create Vendor Invoice in the menu bar, and follow your internal processes to issue an invoice to the manufacturer. (Only required for self-billing purposes.)
  • To issue a service credit memo, click on Create Credit Memo > Create Customer Credit Memo in the menu bar, and follow your internal processes to issue the credit memo to the subdealer.
  • When the warranty claim is finalized, click on Archive > Archive Warranty Claim in the menu bar to archive the warranty claim.
  • In order to make changes after releasing or archiving the warranty claim, click on Reopen in the menu bar.

You successfully created a warranty claim for a subdealer and finalized it.

Warranty Claim Data

Warranty claims consist of the following FastTabs and FactBoxes:

  • The General FastTab contains the relevant document and customer data.

  • The Claim Statistics FastTab shows the specific amounts handled in the warranty claim. It is used for information purposes. Further values like proposed or approved customer, dealer, and manufacturer contribution can be manually added via the Personalize functionality, if needed. The values are updated immediately.
    The following delta amount fields are available to give users feedback on the difference between the different entries that are added via a purchase credit memo as well as the existing Labor Amount (Delta) field.

    • The Parts (Delta) field shows the delta amount between the parts amounts from the original service order and the credited amounts from linked documents.
    • The Additional (Delta) field shows the delta amount between the miscellaneous amounts from the original service order and the credited amounts from linked documents.
  • The Warranty Claim Lines FastTab shows all lines which were copied from the Service Lines FastTab (see below). Only these lines are printed on the warranty claim and submitted to the manufacturer or dealer.

  • The Service Lines FastTab shows all lines from the Lines FastTab of the corresponding worksheet.

  • The Posted Service Lines FastTab shows all lines from the Lines FastTab of the corresponding service order which have already been posted.

  • The Fault FactBox shows the information from the Fault Comments FactBox of the service order.

  • The Resolution FactBox shows the information from the Resolution Comments FactBox of the service order.

  • The Job Instructions FactBox shows the information from the Job Instructions FactBox of the service order.

Exporting Items from Warranty Claim Lines into Shopping Baskets

Users can export an item shopping basket from warranty claim lines using CSV or TXT files to be imported into a manufacturer portal.

Please proceed as follows to export items from warranty claim lines into a shopping basket:

  • Define a shopping basket setup as per the instructions in the Shopping Baskets section.
  • Open the warranty claim which you want to export the shopping basket CSV or TXT file from, and click on Actions > Shopping Basket > Export Shopping Basket in the menu bar.
  • On the Shopping Basket Setup window, select the shopping basket setup defined for the CSV or TXT file to export.
  • Enter a shopping basket text in the Shopping Basket Free Text window. It will be available in the export file.
  • Select the directory where to download the export file, and confirm by clicking on Save.

You successfully exported item lines from a warranty claim into a shopping basket to send to and import in a manufacturer portal.

If you want to import a shopping basket, please proceed here.

Importing Items into Warranty Claim Lines from Shopping Baskets

Users can import an item shopping basket from a manufacturer portal into warranty claim lines using CSV or TXT files.

Please proceed as follows to import items from shopping baskets into warranty claim lines:

  • Define a shopping basket setup as per the instructions in the Shopping Baskets section.
  • Open the warranty claim which you want to import the shopping basket CSV file for, and click on Actions > Shopping Basket > Import Shopping Basket in the menu bar.
  • On the Shopping Basket Setup window, select the shopping basket setup defined for the CSV file to import.
  • Select and upload the file via the Select File window.
  • After import, the lines from the CSV file are added to the Warranty Claim Lines FastTab.

You successfully imported item lines into a warranty claim from a shopping basket.

If you want to export a shopping basket, please proceed here.