Changing Dimensions in Posted Documents

In TRASER DMS 365, you have the option of subsequently changing dimensions if incorrect dimensions were assigned to a document during the posting process. This function can be enabled for individual users. This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Allowing Changes of Dimensions for Users

This section describes how to grant a user permission to change dimensions. Proceed as follows to grant a user permission to change dimensions:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page User Setup.
  • Select the checkbox in the column Allow Dimensions Changes for the users who should be able to change dimensions in posted documents.

The user will now be able to change dimensions in posted documents. The next section describes how to change dimensions in posted documents.

Changing Dimensions in Posted Documents

This section describes how to change dimensions in posted documents.


This function will be illustrated using a posted sales invoice. However, you can also change dimensions in sales credit memos, sales orders, purchase credit memos and service orders.

Proceed as follows to change a dimension in a posted document:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Posted Sales Invoices.
  • Open a sales invoice that was assigned dimensions when it was posted.
  • Click Invoice   Change Dimensions... in the menu bar.
  • You now have the option of either entering a new dimension value in the column New Dimension Value Code or entering an additional dimension line.


If you delete the value in the column New Dimension Value Code and leave it blank, the dimension is then removed.

  • Click OK to save your changes.
  • A dialog window is displayed. In this dialog, you can choose between the following options:
Option Description
Update Document Header Activate this toggle switch to update the dimension in the document header.
Update Relevant Ledger Entries Activate this toggle switch to update the dimension for the relevant ledger entries.
Update Analyses Entries Activate this toggle switch to update the dimension for the analyses entries.
Update All Document Lines Activate this toggle switch to update the dimension for all document lines.
  • Activate the desired toggle switches.
  • Click OK to update the dimensions.

The dimension is changed. The next sections describes how to view changed dimensions.

Viewing Changed Dimensions in the Dimension Update Log

This section describes how to view the dimensions that have been changed. Proceed as follows to open the dimension update log where you will be able to see what dimensions have been changed:


This function will be illustrated using a posted sales invoice. However, you can also change dimensions in sales credit memos, sales orders, purchase credit memos and service orders.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Posted Sales Invoices.
  • Choose the sales invoice that you would like to open the dimensions update log for.
  • Click Invoice   Dimensions Update Log... in the menu bar.
  • The window Edit – Update Dim. History is displayed. In the Factbox (ALT+F2), you can view the changes in the Old Dimensions and New Dimensions registers.

Compare the old with the new dimension values to track the changes. In addition, you can view the user that made the changes as well as other additional information.