TRASER DMS 365 2401 Release Note
- Introduction
- Bug Fixes
New Functions
- [12952] New actions regarding signatures in sales and service documents
- [12953] Signpad connection setup
- [12955] Storing signatures in media storage
- [14896] Signpad request page
- [15060] Redesign of item legacy data table
- [15063] Redesign of customer legacy data table
- [15064] Redesign of vendor legacy data table
- [15066] Extension of item sales factbox
- [16519] New toggle switch 'Extended Credit Limits' on customer card
- [16700] New factbox for extended credit limits
- [16702] New option 'Ship only against cash payment' on customer card
- [16707] New checkbox 'Cash Payment' in payment methods
- [18313] Accessing posted service orders from service history
- [19197] New action 'Prepayment Texts' in sales orders
- Improvements
New Functions
- Machine
New Functions
- [12927] Labor costs grouping by work type
- [14988] New Report 'Maintenance Contract Invoicing'
- [15708] Overview of 'Last Service Orders' in Service Item Worksheet
- [16567] 'Upper Limit Counter Value' field moved from service item card to service item warranty page
- [16742] Debited Cost Centers enabled for Service
- [17705] Message for fix price calculation
- [18167] 'Service Budget' cues added to Role Center
- Improvements
New Functions
New Functions
- [16442] Creating purchase orders from forecast templates
- [16798] New toggle switch 'Bad Debts Active' in Commission Setup
- [16799] New toggle switch 'Bad Debts' in general journal and customer ledger entry
- [16800] Exclusion of bad debts from commission calculation
- [17865] New price options in forecast and sales documents
- [18658] New forecast status option 'Alternative'
- [18729] Default and minimum margin
- [18993] New tables for discounts and costs
- [18995] Handling of discounts and costs from configurators
- [19002] Procedure to set product hierarchy manually
- [19188] Possibility to define multiple product hierarchies when importing a configuration
- [19211] New toggle switch 'Always print VAT information in agency documents' in 'Sales & Receivables Setup'
- Improvements
New Functions
- Parts
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Bug Fixes
This release includes several bug fixes as well as the following new functions and improvements.
New Functions
[12952] New actions regarding signatures in sales and service documents
The following actions were added to sales and service documents:
- Add Customer Signature
- Show Signatures
- Add Technician Signature (only in service orders)
- Add Foreman Signature (only in service orders)
[12953] Signpad connection setup
The following fields were added to the user setup table:
- SignPad Connection type
- SignPad IP Address
- SignPad IP Address Port
[12955] Storing signatures in media storage
The media storage type enum was extended by the following options:
- Service Technician
- Service Foreman
- Customer
- Certificate of Supply
[14896] Signpad request page
A signpad request page was added. The new page opens whenever a signpad signature is requested on sales or service documents.
[15060] Redesign of item legacy data table
The item legacy data table was redesigned.
[15063] Redesign of customer legacy data table
The customer legacy data table was redesigned.
[15064] Redesign of vendor legacy data table
The vendor legacy data table was redesigned.
[15066] Extension of item sales factbox
The item sales factbox was extended, it now also includes legacy data.
[16519] New toggle switch 'Extended Credit Limits' on customer card
The toggle switch Extended Credit Limits was added to the customer card.
[16700] New factbox for extended credit limits
A new factbox for extended credit limits was implemented.
[16702] New option 'Ship only against cash payment' on customer card
Users can now select the option Ship only against cash payment in the Blocked field on the customer card.
[16707] New checkbox 'Cash Payment' in payment methods
The checkbox Cash Payment was added to the payment methods table.
[18313] Accessing posted service orders from service history
Posted service orders can now also be opened from the service history.
[19197] New action 'Prepayment Texts' in sales orders
The action Prepayment Texts was added to the sales order card.
[18389] Usability, caption and tooltip improvements
Several improvements were made regarding the usability, the captions and the tooltips.
[18880] Improvement regarding spacing on proforma invoice report
The spacing for the signature field on proforma invoice reports was improved.
New functions
[18045] New fields on service item card
The fields Service Item Location and Location Updated At were added to the service item card.
[18655] Service item translations
Users can now add translations to service items via the action Translations.
[18656] Counter translations
Users can now add translations to counters via the action Translations.
[18657] Service item attribute translations
Users can now add translations to service item attributes via the action Translations.
New functions
[12927] Labor costs grouping by work type
The labor costs can now be grouped by total sum and work types in service documents.
[14988] New Report 'Maintenance Contract Invoicing'
There is now a new report for Maintenance Contract Invoicing which can create multiple invoices via a new function.
[15708] Overview of 'Last Service Orders' in Service Item Worksheet
There is now a new factbox on the Service Item Worksheet page to see the last ten services of the current service customer.
[16567] 'Upper Limit Counter Value' field moved from service item card to service item warranty page
The Upper Limit Counter Value field was moved from the service item card to the Service Item Warranty page.
[16742] Debited Cost Centers enabled for Service
The Debited Cost Centers logic was enabled for the service area.
[17705] Message for fix price calculation
A message is now shown when posting or releasing a document if a fix price was just entered but not calculated.
[18167] 'Service Budget' cues added to Role Center
The following cues were added to the service cuegroup in the role center:
- Service Orders over Budget
- Service Orders over Budget (Parts)
- Service Orders over Budget (Labor)
New Functions
[16442] Creating purchase orders from forecast templates
Users can now create purchase orders from forecast templates. A new action called Create Purchase Order was added to the menu bar on the forecast template card.
[16798] New toggle switch 'Bad Debts Active' in Commission Setup
The toggle switch Bad Debts Active was added to the Commission Setup.
[16799] New toggle switch 'Bad Debts' in general journal and customer ledger entry
The toggle switch Bad Debts was added to the general journal and the customer ledger entry.
[16800] Exclusion of bad debts from commission calculation
During the commission calculation process, a check has been added to scrutinize the values in the Bill-to Customer No. and Document No. fields. If the associated customer ledger entry is set to Bad Debt, the corresponding lines in the commission lines will now be marked as Exclude.
[17865] New price options in forecast and sales documents
The following price options were added:
- Show discounted Sales Prices
- Show List Prices
- Discounted Machine Sales Price
[18658] New forecast status option 'Alternative'
A new forecast status option called Alternative was added.
[18729] Default and minimum margin
The field Margin % in the Margin Setup was changed to Minimum Margin %. In addition, a new field called Default Margin % was added.
[18993] New tables for discounts and costs
New tables were added that allow the user to store discounts and costs in the configuration framework so that these values can be used for calculations that come from specific configurators.
[18995] Handling of discounts and costs from configurators
Discounts and costs from a configurator will be converted into charge items in purchase/sales documents.
[19002] Procedure to set product hierarchy manually
Users can now โdefine the product hierarchy of a service item manually if no information comes from the implemented configurator.
[19188] Possibility to define multiple product hierarchies when importing a configuration
Users now have the possibility to define multiple product hierarchies for a base machine when importing a configuration.
[19211] New toggle switch 'Always print VAT information in agency documents' in 'Sales & Receivables Setup'
The toggle switch Always print VAT information in agency documents was added to the Sales & Receivables Setup.
[19141] Improvement of manufacturer configurator logic
Improvements were made regarding the manufacturer configurator logic.
[19162] Improvement regarding commission invoice in agency business contracts
Improvements were made regarding the creation of commission invoices from the agency business card.
[19204] Improvement regarding 'Release' status in sales calculations
An improvement was made regarding the Release status in sales calculation. It is now possible to make certain changes even after a sales calculation has been released.
New functions
[16377] 'Inflation Surcharge (%)' in sales, purchase and service lines
The column Inflation Surcharge (%) was added to all sales, purchase and service lines.
[17279] 'Vendor Item No.' in all warehouse documents
The Vendor Item No. is now shown in all warehouse documents.
[18716] Catalog item translations
Users can now add translations to catalog items via the action Translations.
[19082] 'Vendor Item No.' in warehouse shipment lines
The Vendor Item No. is now shown in all warehouse shipment lines.
[18391] Usability, caption and tooltip improvements
Improvements were made regarding the usability, the captions and the tooltips.
[18922] Deactivation of recount functionality in physical inventory orders
The recount functionality in physical inventory orders had to be disabled as it was causing errors.
[19195] Automatic selection of first line when entering shopping basket list
The system now automatically selects the first line instead of the last line when entering shopping basket lists in purchase and sales orders.