Filtering Posted Documents by Order Type
You can filter posted documents by the order type you assigned to the document before posting. This applies to all documents from Purchase and Sales.
This will be illustrated using the pages Posted Sales Invoices und Posted Purchase Invoices. On these pages as well as on all other pages where posted documents are concerned, you will find the column Order Type This field shows you which order type was assigned to this document before posting. If the field is empty, no order type was assigned to the document.
You now have the option to filter posted documents by one or by multiple order types:
- You can enter the order type manually in the filter bar. This method is useful if no document with this order type is available in the list or if you do not know which order types have been created.
- You can filter directly from a column. This method is useful if you know what order type you are looking for and if you know that a document with this order type is available in the list.
Entering the order type manually in the filter bar
- Right-click on the order type column.
- Select Filter....
- The filter opens on the left side of the page.
- Enter the order type that you want to apply the filter to.
- As soon as you enter a value into the filter bar, the relevant order types will be suggested.
- Select the order type.
- Now only the documents with the selected order type are displayed.
- The filter symbol next to the column indicates that a filter is active.
Filtering order types directly from a column
- Select a line in the posted documents that has been assigned the relevant order type.
- Right-click on the column.
- Select Filter to this value.
- The order type will be automatically entered into the filter bar.
- Now only the documents with the selected order type are displayed.
- The filter symbol next to the column indicates that a filter is active.