Inflation Surcharges

TRASER DMS 365 allows you to define inflation surcharges for items with changing prices. The inflation surcharge is applied to determine the purchase and sales prices in all sales and purchase documents as soon as an applicable item is added to the document lines. This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Setting up Inflation Surcharges

Please proceed as follows to set up inflation surcharges:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Inflation Surcharge Setup.
  • The page Inflation Surcharge Setup is displayed.
  • To set up a new inflation surcharge, click on New in the menu bar.
  • In the Manufacturer field, enter the manufacturer that the inflation surcharge should apply for.
  • In the Vendor field, enter a vendor if the inflation surcharge should only apply to a specific vendor.
  • In the Item Category field, enter an item category if the inflation surcharge should only apply to a specific item category.
  • You may also enter a purchase item discount group in the Purchase Item Discount Group field. For more information regarding purchase item discount groups, click here.
  • Then, enter an inflation surcharge in the Surcharge in % field.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.
  • You may set up more inflation surcharges.

You have successfully set up one or multiple inflation surcharges. The next section describes how to update the inflation surcharges on the setup page.

Updating Inflation Surcharges

The inflation surcharges are updated by checking all items that match the filter criteria set on the Inflation Surcharge Setup page. The value of the Surcharge in % field is then written into the Inflation Surcharge % field on the item cards of the applicable items. Please proceed as follows to carry out such an update:

  • On the Inflation Surcharge Setup page, click on Updating Inflation Surcharges in the menu bar.
  • A dialog is displayed, showing the filters of the inflation surcharges you set up.
  • Click OK to start the update.

You have successfully carried out the update of the inflation surcharges. The inflation surcharge values of the applicable items will be updated on the item cards.