Drop Shipments

You can create drop shipments in TRASER DMS 365 to provide items by direct delivery. With drop shipments, the items are sent directly from the supplier to the customer, bypassing any warehouse activity. This chapter describes how to work with drop shipments and is divided into the following sections:

Creating Drop Shipment via Sales Order

To create a purchase order as drop shipment via a sales order, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Sales Orders.
  • Open the sales order you would like to create a drop shipment for.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Enter a purchasing code for the relevant line in the Purchasing Code field. The purchasing code has to be marked as drop shipment.
  • Then, click on Actions > Functions > Create Purchase Documents > Create Drop Shipment Purchase Order(s) in the menu bar of the sales order.
  • A dialog window is displayed. Confirm with Yes to open the purchase order.
  • The purchase order is displayed. In the Shipping and Payment FastTab, the field Ship To should display the value Customer Address. In the Lines FastTab, the field Sales Order No. should display the number of the linked sales order and the checkbox Drop Shipment should be activated.
  • You can now further process the purchase order.

You have successfully created a purchase order as drop shipment via a sales order. The next section describes how to create a purchase order as drop shipment via a service order.

Creating Drop Shipment via Service Order

To create a purchase order as drop shipment via a service order, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Service Orders.
  • Open the service order you would like to create a drop shipment for.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • In this FastTab, click on Line > Worksheet.
  • In the worksheet, navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Enter a purchasing code for the relevant line in the Purchasing Code field. The purchasing code has to be marked as drop shipment.
  • Then, click on Actions > Functions > Create Purchase Documents > Create Drop Shipment Purchase Order(s) in the menu bar of the worksheet.
  • A dialog window is displayed. Confirm with Yes to open the purchase order.
  • The purchase order is displayed. In the Shipping and Payment FastTab, the field Ship To should display the value Customer Address. In the Lines FastTab, the field Sales Order No. should display the number of the linked sales order and the checkbox Drop Shipment should be activated.
  • You can now further process the purchase order.

You have successfully created a purchase order as drop shipment via a service order.