Creating Orders

In TRASER DMS 365, you have the option to create purchase orders either manually or automate the process through the requisition worksheet. This page provides information on the manual creation of purchase orders. For details about the automated generation of purchase orders using the requisition worksheet, please click here. For details on the creation of purchase orders as drop shipment, please click here. This chapter is divided into the following sections:


You have the option to modify the vendor for any purchase order, even after the items have been posted to inventory and potentially resold. To change the vendor, navigate to the Pay-to field in the Shipping and Payment FastTab and choose the option Another Vendor. Then, input the details of the new vendor into the Name field. This adjustment will also automatically update the vendor details on the posted purchase receipt to reflect the new vendor information.

Creating Purchase Order

To create a new purchase order for an item, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Purchase Orders.
  • To create a new purchase order, click New in the menu bar.
  • On the purchase order page, complete the information in the General FastTab.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Select the type of line you would like to add. In this case, select Item..
  • Fill in all relevant information for the item via the different columns.
  • You can repeat this step to add more items to the purchase order.
  • You can now proceed with the purchase order, such as by posting it.

The next section describes how to create a purchase order from a sales order.

Creating Purchase Order from Sales Order

The following instructions presuppose that you have already created a sales order. To create a purchase order from a sales order, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Sales Orders.
  • Open the sales order you would like to create a purchase order for.
  • In the menu bar of the sales order, click on Actions > Functions > Create Purchase Document > Create Purchase Orders.
  • The lines for the purchase order are calculated.
  • A new window is displayed, showing the planned purchase order line/lines.
  • Click OK to create the purchase order.
  • On the purchase order page, enter the Vendor Invoice No. in the General FastTab.
  • Check the rest of the information.
  • You can now proceed with the purchase order, such as by posting it.

The next section describes how to create a purchase order from a service order.

Creating Purchase Order from Service Order

The following instructions presuppose that you have already created a service order. To create a purchase order from a service order, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Service Orders.
  • Open the service order you would like to create a purchase order for.
  • On the service order page, navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Select Line > Worksheet from the menu bar in the Lines FastTab.
  • In the menu bar of the worksheet, click on Actions > Functions > Create Purchase Document > Create Purchase Orders.
  • The lines for the purchase order are calculated.
  • A new window is displayed, showing the planned purchase order line/lines.
  • Click OK to create the purchase order.
  • On the purchase order page, enter the Vendor Invoice No. in the General FastTab.
  • Check the rest of the information.
  • You can now proceed with the purchase order, such as by posting it.

Creating Purchase Order from Rental Contract

You can generate a purchase order for a service item directly from a rental contract when the item is specifically needed for the contract. Before proceeding, ensure that the rental contract is set to open and that the service item is not currently in stock. Proceed as follows to create a purchase order from a rental contract:

  • Open the desired rental contract.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Add a rent class.
  • Click on Purchase > Create New Service Item in the menu bar.
  • Fill in the Manufacturer, Category, Subcategory and Model fields in the wizard.
  • Confirm with OK.
  • The Object No. field in the Lines FastTab is updated.
  • Click on Purchase > Create Purchase Order for Service Item in the menu bar of the Lines FastTab.
  • Fill in the Vendor No., Purchase Order Type and To Retal Location fields in the wizard.
  • Confirm with OK.
  • Fill in the purchase order as needed.

You have successfully created a purchase order from a rental contract.

To open the linked rental contract again, click on Related > Other > Rental Document in the menu bar. Further information about the rental contracts in the TRASER Rental area can be found here.

Handling Reservation Changes in Purchase Orders

In TRASER DMS 365 you have the option of managing reservations in service or sales orders. If the promised delivery date for a service or sales order cannot be met, for instance, if the vendor notifies you that the order will be delayed, you can review whether reservations for specific service or sales orders have been canceled. Additionally, you have the option to create new reservations directly. The following description assumes that you have already created a Purchase Order from a Sales Order or a Purchase Order from a Service Order. Please proceed as follows:


This function is only available for reservable items.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Purchase Orders.
  • Open the desired purchase order.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Adjust the date in the Expected Receipt Date field to the new delivery date confirmed by the vendor.
  • A dialog window is displayed, informing you that the existing reservation for the line will be cancelled and can be edited at a later time. Confirm the dialog window with Yes.
  • In the menu bar of the purchase order, click on Actions > Functions > Open Pending Demand Lines.
  • The page Pending Demand Lines by Supply Changes is displayed. Here you can see the demand line with the updated expected receipt date and the associated sales or service order.
  • Click on Reserve in the menu bar.
  • The reservation page is displayed. Here you can change the date to the new expected receipt date using the selection field in the Shipping Date field. Alternatively, you can specify a number of days that are automatically added to the shipping date in the Formula for Calculation of Future Supply field on the location card. This eliminates the need to manually adjust the Shipping Date via the selection field.
  • After entering the date, the purchase order is displayed on the reservation page.
  • In the menu bar under Home, click on Reserve from Current Line.
  • A dialog window is displayed informing you that the date in the associated order will be adjusted. Confirm the dialog window with Yes.
  • The quantity is reserved. Then, click on the reserved quantity in the Total Reserved Qty column.
  • Check the reservation entry. You can open the document associated with the order via the Reserved for column. In the document, the shipping date is adjusted to reflect the new date.
  • Go back to the Pending Demand Lines by Supply Changes page and activate the Handled checkbox for the line that you created a new reservation for. Then, you can delete the line via the Delete action in the menu bar.

You have successfully changed a reservation in purchase orders.