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This chapter describes how to set up and use the commission functionality. This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Setting up the Commission Functionality

This section describes how to set up the commission functionality. To set up the commission functionality, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Commission Setup.
  • The page Commission Setup is displayed. The page allows you to set up the following parameters:
Tab Option Description
General Active Activate this slider to activate the commission functionality.
Sales Person Dimension Enter the sales person dimension.
Only Add Settled Documents Activate this toggle switch to specify that only settled documents should be used to calculate the commission.
Selection Period Enter a formula for the commission calculation, e. g. -3M when the last three months should be taken into account for the commission calculation.
Calculation Period Specify how long document changes should be taken into consideration for the commission calculation, e. g. 1M.
Correction Option Specify how differences should be processed. If you select Differential, differential lines will be created. If you select Cancel & New, the lines will be cancelled and new lines will be created.
Run Adjust Cost Before Activate this toggle switch if the adjust cost report should be run before the commission documents are created.
Number Series Commission No. Enter a number series for the commission documents.
Posted Commission Nos. Enter a number series for posted commission documents.
Options Commission Period Base Enter the period for the commission calculation, e. g. Year.
Commission Start Month (Only when Commission Period Base = Year) Enter a starting month for the commission calculation.
Include Documents without Salesperson Activate this toggle switch if invoices and credit memos that cannot be assigned to a sales person should also be included in the commission documents.
Include Service Documents Activate this toggle switch if service invoices an service credit memos should also be included in the commission documents.
Advanced Commission Active Activate this toggle switch if you would like to use the advanced commission functionality. If you activate this toggle switch, you will be able to set up commission fields and commission summations.
Summation Mandatory Activate this toggle switch if only posted document lines that contain a sum should be added to commission documents.
Bad Debts Active Activate this toggle switch if sales that have been marked with Bad Debt should be excluded from the commission calculation. The Bad Debt checkbox in the General Journal serves the purpose of indicating instances of bad debts.
Process Setup Process posted documents by Specify how you would like posted commission documents to be processed.
XML Port Enter the XML port that will be used for the export of posted commission documents.
Multiple Commissions per Document Activate this toggle switch to enable the creation of multiple commissions for one document.

Your changes are saved automatically. The next section describes how to set up commission calculation methods on the commission setup page.

Setting up Commission Calculation Methods

To set up commission calculation methods on the Commission Setup page, please proceed as follows:

  • In the menu bar, click on Calculation Methods.
  • The page Commission Calculation Methods is displayed.
  • Click in an empty line to create a new calculation method.
  • Complete the columns according to the table below.
Column Description
Calculation Code Enter a clear caption for the calculation method, e. g. MACHINE if you want to set up a calculation method for the commission of machines.
Description Enter a specific description for the calculation method.
Default Calculation Specify the method used to determine the commission revenue and commission contribution margin. For the commission of machines, this would be Machine. However, you can also select the Fixed Amount or Standard option.
Default Commission Type Enter whether the commission amount should be calculated based on revenue, contribution margin or a single payment.
Include Location Margin % Activate this checkbox if the location margin % should be taken into account for the commission calculation.
Negative Base Amount Not Allowed Activate this checkbox to prevent the use of a negative commission base amount when calculating commissions for invoices.

Your changes are saved automatically. You can now close the page or set up more calculation methods. The calculation methods you set up can now be assigned to different service order types on the Service Order Types page. For more information regarding service order types, click here.

Setting up Commission Fields


You only have to set up commission fields if you activated the toggle switch Advanced Commission Active that was described in Setting up the Commission Functionality.

Commission fields allow you to set up different filters. These filters will then be used by the system to filter for documents that are relevant for a specific commission calculation. To set up commission fields on the Commission Setup page, please proceed as follows:

  • Click Advanced Setup > Field Setup in the menu bar.
  • The page Commission Field Setup is displayed.
  • Complete the columns according to the table below.
Column Description
Commission Field No. This field will be filled by the system. You can set up as many commission fields as you like.
Source Type Enter the source type the system should filter by, e. g. Dimension if you want the system look for a specific dimension.
Description Enter a description, e. g. TRACTOR, if you want to grant a commission on all tractor sales.
Dimension Code (Only when Source Type = Dimension) Enter a dimension code, Category, so that the system will filter for the Category dimension.

Your changes are saved automatically. You can now close the page or set up more calculation fields. The next section describes how you can add these calculation fields to a commission summation.

Setting up Commission Summations


You only have to set up commission summations if you activated the toggle switch Advanced Commission Active that was described in Setting up the Commission Functionality.

You can define specific commission calculations via the commission summation setup. To set up commission summations on the Commission Setup page, please proceed as follows:

  • Click Advanced Setup > Summation Setup in the menu bar.
  • The page Commission Summation Setup is displayed.
  • To create a new commission summation click on New.
  • A new Commission Summation Setup Card is displayed.
  • In the the General tab, fill in all necessary information according to the table below.
Field Description
Starting Date Enter a starting date for the summation. The system will use this date to filter for documents that match the specific commission summation.
Summation No. Manually enter a summation number, e. g. MACHINESUMMATION if you want to set up the commission calculation for specific machines.
Description Manually enter a specific description for the summation.
Commission Type Enter the commission type.
Calculation Select how the commission should be calculated.
End Date Optional Enter an end date for the summation.
Parent Summation No. Optional If applicable, enter the parent summation number.
Include Location Margin % Optional Activate this checkbox if the location margin % should be taken into account for the commission calculation.
Active Activate this toggle switch to activate the commission summation. You can only activate the toggle if you have assigned commission fields to the lines.
  • In the Lines tab, you can now assign commission fields to the summation. These fields will then be used by the system to determine the documents that match the summation you set up.
  • After setting up the summation and assigning commission fields to the summation, you can activate the toggle switch Active in the General tab.

Your changes are saved automatically. You can now close the page or set up more commission summations.

Setting up Commission Groups


You only have to set up commission groups if you activated the toggle switch Advanced Commission Active that was described in Setting up the Commission Functionality.

Commission groups allow you to define the specific commission percentages for commission summations . After setting up a commission group, you can assign it to a salesperon. To set up a commission group, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Commission Groups.
  • The page Commission Groups is displayed.
  • To set up a new commission group, click on New in the menu bar.
  • In the Group Code field, enter a clear caption for the commission group.
  • In the Description field, enter a clear description for the commission group.
  • You have successfully set up a commission group. To add different commission percentages to the commission group, click on Commission % in the menu bar.
  • A new page opens where you can set up different commission percentages.
  • Click in an empty line to set up a percentage. You can set up several commission percentages.
  • Complete the columns according to the table below.
Column Description
Start Date Enter a date at which the commission percentage becomes valid.
Summation Name Select a Commission Summation for which the commission percentages should apply.
Minimum Amount Enter the minimum amount from which the commission percentage rate should apply.
Commission % Enter the commission percentage.
End Date Enter the end date for the commission percentage.

Your changes are saved automatically. You can now close the page or set up more commission groups. Yuu can now assign commission groups to salespeople via the Salespersons/Purchasers page.

The next section describes how to create commission documents for sales documents.

Creating Commission Documents for Sales Documents


In order to be able to create commission documents it is important to read and execute all the steps described in Setting up the Commission Functionality and Setting up Commission Groups.

To be able to create commission documents for sales documents, the following preconditions have to be met:

  • The order type specified on the sales documents must have a Commission Calculation Method. You can assign a calculation method via the Commission Calculation field on the Service Order Types page.
  • The salesperson specified on the sales document must always have a Commission Group Code.

To create commission documents for sales documents, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Commission Document List.
  • The page Commission Document List is displayed.
  • Select Create > Create Documents from the menu bar.
  • A new window opens.
  • In the From Date Filter, enter a date from which the system should filter for commission relevant documents.
  • In the To Date Filter, enter a date to which the system should filter for commission relevant documents.
  • You may also enter a calculation filter.
  • Then, click OK.
  • A new commission document will be created.
  • Open the commission document.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab and look for the checkbox Paid. Make sure that the checkbox has been ticked for all documents. The commission document can only be released and posted when all documents have been paid.
  • To release the commission document, select Release from the menu bar. The document will be released.
  • Close the document to return to the Commission Document List.
  • Now, select Post > Post from the menu bar to post the commission document.

The next section describes how to create commission documents for service documents.

Creating Commission Documents for Service Documents


In order to be able to create commission documents it is important to read and execute all the steps described in Setting up the Commission Functionality and Setting up Commission Groups.

To be able to create commission documents for service documents, the following preconditions have to be met:

  • The order type specified on the service documents must have a Commission Calculation Method. You can assign a calculation method via the Commission Calculation field on the Service Order Types page.
  • The salesperson specified on the service document must always have a Commission Group Code.

To create commission documents for service documents, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Commission Document List.
  • The page Commission Document List is displayed.
  • Select Create > Create Documents from the menu bar.
  • A new window opens.
  • In the From Date Filter, enter a date from which the system should filter for commission relevant documents.
  • In the To Date Filter, enter a date to which the system should filter for commission relevant documents.
  • You may also enter a calculation filter.
  • Then, click OK.
  • A new commission document will be created.
  • Open the commission document.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab and look for the checkbox Paid. Make sure that the checkbox has been ticked for all documents. The commission document can only be released and posted when all documents have been paid.
  • To release the commission document, select Release from the menu bar. The document will be released.
  • Close the document to return to the Commission Document List.
  • Now, select Post > Post from the menu bar to post the commission document.

Accessing Commission Overview on the Salesperson Card

To get an overview over all commission sums and commission lines of a salesperson, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Salespeople/Purchasers.
  • A list containing all salespeople and purchasers is displayed.
  • Open a salesperson/purchaser card.
  • Click on Salesperson > Commission Overview in the menu bar.
  • An overview of all current commission sums as well as active commission lines will be displayed.