Service Orders

You can create service orders in TRASER DMS 365.
In service orders, you can provide all information regarding the service (repair and maintenance) of a service item and specify the working hours. This allows you to send this service order to the customer to invoice the service.

Creating a Service Order

To create a service order, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to open the Service Items page, and open the service item for which you want to create a service order.
  • Select Actions > New Service Order from the menu bar.


If the Actions options is not displayed, initially click on More Options in the menu bar.

  • In the Service Wizard, select the desired order type in the Order Type field.
  • The fields Customer No., Customer Name, Bill-to Customer No., and Bill-to Customer Name are automatically filled according to the data stored for the service item.
  • Click OK to confirm the details.
  • A dialog is displayed asking whether you want to open the created order. To confirm, click on Yes, and the newly created Service Order is opened.
  • Information as for example the Customer No., the Contact No., as well as the Service Item No. has already been transferred into the respective fields from the service item.
  • In the Fault CommentsFactBox, click on Edit to enter the service item fault leading to the service case.
  • Click Close to confirm the details.
  • Complete the fields in the other FactBoxes as required before, after, or during service work.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab, and click on Line > Worksheet to open the Edit - Worksheet page.
  • The fields of the General FastTab have automatically been filled with the information of the service item and the service order.
  • Complete the remaining fields of the General FastTab as required.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Enter here the required items, resources, costs and/or G/L accounts for the service.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.

You have successfully created a service order with a corresponding worksheet.


Information about creating a warranty claim from the service order can be found here.


If a service order is in the open status in the system for a long period of time, you have the option of updating the prices of the individual lines before posting. To do so, click on Line > Update Price in the menu bar of the Lines tab of an open service worksheet. Afterwards, select which prices you would like to update and confirm your selection with OK. The corresponding prices are updated in the lines.

Creating a Service Order from a Service Quote

You can also create a service order from a service quote. In this case, all information except the labor lines are transferred from the service quote into the service order.

You can find more information on service quotes here.

To create a service order from a service quote, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) in TRASER DMS 365 to find the page Service Quotes.
  • The page Service Quotes is displayed.
  • Select the service quote you would like to create a service order from.
  • The page Service Quote is displayed.
  • Click on Start > Create Service Order in the menu bar.
  • A dialog window is displayed asking whether you want to convert the quote into an order.
  • To confirm, please click on Yes.
  • Depending on the setup, another dialog window is displayed asking whether you want to archive the quote.
  • Select the desired option.
  • The quote is created. A dialog window is displayed asking whether you want to open the new service order.
  • To confirm, please click on Yes.
  • The page Service Orders is displayed.
  • Check all details and add more as required.

You have successfully created a service order from a service quote.

Posting Service Orders

Once you have created a service order, you can post it and create and print an invoice.
Please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) in TRASER DMS 365 to find the page Service Orders.
  • The Service Orders page is displayed.
  • Select the open service order you would like to post.
  • The page Service Orders is displayed.
  • Click on the tab Resolution Comments > Edit.
  • The page Edit - Notepad is displayed.
  • Enter here how and which faults from the fault comments were resolved.
  • Click Close to confirm the details.
  • Navigate to the Lines tab.
  • Select Line > Worksheet from the menu bar in the Lines tab.
  • The Edit - Worksheet page is displayed.
  • Navigate to the Lines tab.
  • Here, adjust the actually required items, resources, costs and/or G/L accounts for the service.
  • Enter here also the personell and the working hours.
  • Navigate to the General tab.
  • Click on the Repair Status Code field and set it to Done.


If the spare parts for the service order are not in stock, set the repair status code to Waiting for Spare Parts and order the required spare parts.
For more information on purchase orders, go here.


If the service charges check box has been activated on the Repair Status Setup page, the previously defined service charges are automatically added or recalculated if necessary when the repair status is set to Completed . For further information about setting up service charges, click here.

  • Close the Edit - Worksheet page.
  • The page Service Orders is displayed.
  • Click Start > Post in the menu bar.
  • A dialog window is displayed.
  • Select the fitting option. In this example, select Ship and Invoice.
  • Click OK to confirm your selection.
  • A dialog window is displayed asking whether you want to open the created invoice.
  • To confirm, please click on Yes.
  • The Posted Service Invoices page is displayed.
  • Click Print/Send > Print... in the menu bar.
  • The Print Wizard is displayed.
  • Customize the settings in the Options FastTab as required.
  • Click Print to print the invoice.
  • Now make further printer settings as usual.


You can hide lines with 100% discount in printed documents. To do so, activate the Hide lines with 100 % discount field on the Service Management Setup page.

You have successfully posted a service order and printed the associated invoice.