Set up Customer Price Groups and Customer Discount Groups

The fields Customer Price Group and Customer Discount Group can be automatically pre-filled when a document is created for the customer. To define the values, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Customer Price and Discount Setup.
  • A list of all defined values for customer prices and discounts is displayed.
  • In the Customer No. column, select the customer for which these values should apply.


If you open the Customer Price and Discount page directly via the Customer Card, the Customer No. field is already pre-filled with the customer number. To do this, select Related > Prices and Discounts > Customer Price And Discount Setup from the menu bar of the Customer Card.

  • Select the desired area in the Area column.
  • In the Customer Price Group column, select the desired value for the Customer Price Group field in documents or create a new price group.
  • In the Customer Discount Group column, select the desired value for the Customer Discount Group field in documents or create a new discount group.
  • Your changes are saved automatically.

You have successfully set up a customer price group and a customer discount group. If a document is now created for this customer in the selected area, the fields Customer Price Group and Customer Discount Group in the Invoice Details FastTab of the respective documents are automatically filled with the defined values.