Processing Service Orders

This chapter describes how you can process open service orders. It is divided into the following sections:

Splitting Service Orders

In TRASER DMS 365, you have the option of splitting a service order into two orders. This can be useful, if you e.g. want to create an internal and an external invoice for the service order. To split a service order, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Service Orders page.
  • Open the service order you want to split.
  • Click on Order > Split Order... in the menu bar.
  • The Splitting Wizard is displayed.
  • In the Order Type field, enter the order type for the new service order.
  • Activate the ‌Recalculate Lines toggle switch so that the lines are recalculated and correctly inserted into the new service order.
  • Optional: Activate the Include Comments toggle switch if you want service faults, solutions or internal comments to be inserted into the new service order.
  • Click on Next.
  • Activate the Split Order checkbox for the lines that should be included in the new service order.
  • In the Split Order Quantity field, enter the quantity for the lines that should be included in the new service order. If you activate the Split Order checkbox and do not adjust the order quantity, the entire quantity will be transferred to the new service order.
  • Then, click Finish.
  • A dialog window opens. Here, you can specify whether you want to open the newly created service order. Click Yes to confirm the dialog window.
  • The newly created service order is displayed. The lines that you have transferred from the old service order are displayed in the Lines FastTab. These lines have also been removed from the original service order.

Your have successfully split a service order into two service orders.

Changing Service Order Status

You can change the service order status to depict the progress of repair or maintenance work on all service items of a service order. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Service Orders page.
  • Open the desired service order.
  • In the General FastTab in the Status line, select the service order status Open, In Process, Finished or On Hold from the dropdown menu.

You have successfully changed the status of a service order.

Changing Repair Status of a Service Item

You can change the repair status of a service item in an open service order to depict the progress of maintenance or repair work. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Service Orders page.
  • Open the desired service order.
  • Navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Select the relevant repair status from the dropdown menu in the Repair Status Code column.


The Service Order Status will be adjusted automatically, if needed, according to the linked repair status code. This is specified during Repair Status Setup.

You have successfully changed the repair status of a service item in an open service order.

Registering Starting Date and Finishing Date of a Service Order

You can register the starting date and finishing date of a service order and also show these dated in Service Invoices. This is useful, e.g. if invoicing occurs only after a longer time period, and improves the traceability of service orders.

Under certain conditions, the starting date and finishing date of a service order will be entered automatically in the Details FastTab on the service order card. These conditions are as follows:

  • Once you change the repair status of a service item in an open service order to In Process, the current date will be entered into the Starting Date field in the Details FastTab.
  • Once all service item lines are set to the Finished repair status, the current date will be entered into the Finishing Date field in the Details FastTab.


If all service item lines are set to the Finished repair status without previously being set to In Process, the current date will be entered into the Starting Date and Finishing Date fields.

The following section describes how you can enter the starting date and finishing date of a service order manually.

Manually Entering Starting Date and Finishing Date

To manually enter the starting date or finishing date of a service order, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Service Orders page.
  • Open the desired service order.
  • Navigate to the Details tab.
  • Click on the Starting Date or Finishing Date field and enter the correct date or select it via the calendar icon.

You have successfully manually entered the starting date or finishing date of a service order.

Accessing ‌Resource Statistics

To keep an overview of the type and number of services in a service order, you can access the resource statistics page. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Service Orders page.
  • Open a service order.
  • In the open service order, navigate to the Lines FastTab.
  • Click Order > Resource Statistics from the menu bar of the Lines FastTab.
  • The Resource Statistics page is displayed.


You can also access the resource statistics via the worksheet. To do so, click on Actions > Resource Statistics in the menu bar of an open worksheet.

You have successfully accessed the resource statistics.