TRASER DMS 365 2404 Release Note
- Introduction
- Bug Fixes
New Functions
- [19796] Order number on every printed report page
- [20024] Allocation of several items in automatic item charge table
- [20076] Posting day check for corrective credit memos
- [20259] Report for transfer orders
- [20260] Report for transfer shipments
- [20269] Report for transfer receipts
- [20841] Display of assembly parts on pick instruction
- [20059] Improvement regarding display of serial and service item number in share documents
- [20205] Improvement regarding display of VAT amounts in share documents
- [20690] Improvement regarding field caption for azure blob storage authentication
- [20890] Implementation of check for existing document when creating a purchase order for external equipment lines
New Functions
New Functions
- [17323] Possibility to enter a serial number in a warehouse receipt instead of in the item tracking
- [19466] Link on the service item page to the service item that the first service item is built into
- [19731] Display of serial number field in item ledger entries lookup when choosing serial number for service item
- [20448] New field for assigned service item
- Improvements
New Functions
- Service
New Functions
- [19803] Prefilling of salesperson and person in charge from user setup in sales calculations
- [19952] 'Sales Order Type' and 'Responsibility Center' in sales calculations
- [19993] Setting order type, responsibility center and location code for returns from calculation forecasts
- [20132] Printing of 'Registration No.' in trade-in documents
- [20289] Setting order type, responsibility center and location code for machine purchase orders and external equipment purchase orders from calculation forecasts
- [20301] Setting order type, responsibility center and location code for workshops from calculation forecasts
- Improvements
New Functions
New Functions
- [14534] Item availability factbox filtered to responsibility center setup
- [14691] New date fields in warehouse shipments
- [17875] Defining catalog surcharges via the item discount group
- [17899] Handling of 'Remanufacturing Deposit' on catalog items & item records
- [18312] Extension of item replenishment details in requisition worksheet
- [18642] REMAN business logic
- [18644] Extension of sales line logic to automatically apply REMAN calculation
- [19290] Warehouse registers (entries) extended with 'Vendor Item No.' and physical inventory pages
- [19591] New barcode size 50x20
- [20104] Extension of low inventory notification to include vendor item number
- [20539] Display of vendor item number in posted physical inventory orders and recording lines
- [20797] Display of vendor item number in reservation entries list
- Improvements
New Functions
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Bug Fixes
This release includes several bug fixes as well as the following new functions and improvements.
New Functions
[19796] Order number on every printed report page
Each printed report page now displays the order number, improving clarity for the user.
[20024] Allocation of several items in automatic item charge table
Users now have the possibility to set up automatic item charges for several items at once via the Allocate Items action on the automatic item charge table.
[20076] Posting day check for corrective credit memos
The posting day check was extended to also include corrective credit memos generated from posted sales invoices.
[20259] Report for transfer orders
Users can now create a report for transfer orders.
[20260] Report for transfer shipments
Users can now create a report for transfer shipments.
[20269] Report for transfer receipts
Users can now create a report for transfer receipts.
[20841] Display of assembly parts on pick instruction
The pick report now also displays the items for the assemble-order, improving user convenience.
[20059] Improvement regarding display of serial and service item number in share documents
The serial as well as the service item number is now displayed on all share documents, improving user convenience.
[20205] Improvement regarding display of VAT amounts in share documents
To provide a clearer summary of VAT information, VAT lines will now be summed up on all share document printouts.
[20690] Improvement regarding field caption for azure blob storage authentication
The field caption for the azure blob storage authentication was changed to Access Key.
[20890] Implementation of check for existing document when creating a purchase order for external equipment lines
When generating a purchase order for a base machine, the system will now verify if there is an existing purchase order for external equipment lines with the same vendor number. If such lines are found, they will be skipped as the purchase order already exists, improving the purchase order functionality.
New functions
[17323] Possibility to enter a serial number in a warehouse receipt instead of in the item tracking
Users now have the possibility to enter a serial number directly into the warehouse receipts, eliminating the need to navigate to the item tracking lines. This enhances the functionality.
[19466] Link on the service item page to the service item that the first service item is built into
If the Status (Sales) of a service item is marked as Built-in, users can now simply click on the status field to access the service item the service item is attached to. This enhances the functionality.
[19731] Display of serial number field in item ledger entries lookup when choosing serial number for service item
When assigning a serial number to a service item via the lookup, the serial number wasn't initially visible in the item ledger entries list, requiring personalization for display. To streamline this process, the serial number field of the item Ledger Entry table was made visible by default when accessed via the service item serial number lookup.
[20448] New field for assigned service item
The field Assigned to was added to the service item list and service item card. This makes it easier for users to see if the service item is attached to another service item.
New functions
[19271] Extending the service item worksheet with new serial no. types
The fields Serial No Type 1 and Serial No Type 2 were added to the header of the service item worksheet report.
[19482] 'Resource Statistics' page added
The new Resource Statistics page allows for a quick overview of resource usage per service worksheet in addition to comparing it to the service order.
[19643] Extending time sheet by 'Service Item Line No.'
You are now be able to use time sheets for submitting times per worksheet and not only per service order. For this, the Service Item Line field was added to be able to select the service item line.
[19689] 'Total' field added to warranty claim lines
The Total field was added to warranty claim lines to be able to see the total value of the warranty claims, so the customer can get a quick overview of the total costs and compare it to the original amount.
[19753] Creating service and sales quotes for contacts
The service administrator is now also able to create service quotes for contacts, as well as sales quotes. The Create Service Quote action was added to the contact list and contact card.
[18517] Improvement for Documents on Service Item
Files are now automatically opened in the standard viewer of the user by pressing directly on the description. If there is not standard file format software defined, the file is downloaded directly instead of pressing the download button per line.
[20882] Better visibility for Parts Manager for Parts required in Workshop via Documents Lines preview
It is now possible to know quicker what information is contained inside each worksheet from service orders without having to open each of them by being able to see the document lines from the worksheets list. When enabling the Show Document Lines function, the lines in the Worksheets list are shown and all functions are available.
New Functions
[19803] Prefilling of salesperson and person in charge from user setup in sales calculations
The fields Salesperson and Person in Charge will now be prefilled from the user setup when creating new sales calculations.
[19952] 'Sales Order Type' and 'Responsibility Center' in sales calculations
Users now have the possibility to enter the Sales Order Type as well as the Responsibility Center in sales calculations.
[19993] Setting order type, responsibility center and location code for returns from calculation forecasts
Users now have the possibility to specify the order type, responsibility center as well as the location code for returns from the calculation forecast.
[20132] Printing of 'Registration No.' in trade-in documents
The toggle switch Print Customer's Registration No. was added to the printout options for trade-in documents so that users are able to
print the customer's registration number on all trade-in documents.
[20289] Setting order type, responsibility center and location code for machine purchase orders and external equipment purchase orders from calculation forecasts
Users now have the possibility to specify the order type, responsibility center as well as the location code for machine purchase orders and external equipment purchase orders from the calculation forecast.
[20301] Setting order type, responsibility center and location code for workshops from calculation forecasts
Users now have the possibility to specify the order type, responsibility center as well as the location code for workshops from the calculation forecast.
[20132] Printing of 'Registration No.' in trade-in documents
The toggle switch Print Customer's Registration No. was added to the printout options for trade-in documents so that users are able to
print the customer's registration number on all trade-in documents.
[19673] Display of trade-ins as 'Act. Standard Cost' in calculation review
The process regarding trade-ins was improved. Trade-ins will now be displayed as Act. Standard Cost in the calculation review.
[19737] Possibility to add extended texts in the calculation forecast
The boolean Calc. Forecast was added to the Extended Text card. When activated, users can add extended texts to configuration lines as well as external equipment lines in calculation forecasts.
[20769] Improvement regarding headlines on posted trade-in printouts
For more clarity, the headline in trade-in credit memo printouts was changed from Trade-In to Trade-In Credit Memo.
New functions
[14534] Item availability factbox filtered to responsibility center setup
The item availability factbox in sales, purchase and service documents will from now on only show the locations that are set up for a user according to the responsibility center setup, making it easier for the user to get an overview of the relevant information.
[14691] New date fields in warehouse shipments
The warehouse shipment card was extended to show new date fields.
[17875] Defining catalog surcharges via the item discount group
Users can now define surcharges based on the item discount group when importing price lists via the catalog.
[17899] Handling of 'Remanufacturing Deposit' on catalog items & item records
Remanufacturing deposits can now be managed for the following logic:
- Import in a catalog buffer record
- Storing at a catalog item record
- Storing at an item record
[18312] Extension of item replenishment details in requisition worksheet
To enhance information availability, the requisition worksheet page was expanded and modified to better serve the needs of agricultural and construction dealers. For instance, the replenishment details factbox now includes the quantity of reorder point and the reordering policy.
[18642] REMAN business logic
Users now have the option to pre-define how TRASER DMS 365 handles remanufacturing deposits in sales documents. To facilitate this, the manufacturer card and list were expanded to include fields such as REMAN Process Type and REMAN Process No..
[18644] Extension of sales line logic to automatically apply REMAN calculation
When adding a sales line in a sales document, TRASER DMS 365 will now automatically include the remanufacturing deposit if one exists for the line.
[19290] Warehouse registers (entries) extended with 'Vendor Item No.' and physical inventory pages
Warehouse registers (entries) were extended with the Vendor Item No. field.
[19591] New barcode size 50x20
Users can now create barcode label with a size of 50x20.
[20104] Extension of low inventory notification to include vendor item number
Users will now see the vendor item number instead of just the item number in the notification that appears when an item is out of stock in sales orders.
[20539] Display of vendor item number in posted physical inventory orders and recording lines
The vendor item number is now also displayed in posted physical inventory orders as well as in the recording lines, improving user convenience.
[20797] Display of vendor item number in reservation entries list
The vendor item number is now also displayed in the reservation entries, improving user convenience.
[19782] Improvement regarding proforma picking list
The proforma picking list was improved; it now shows the vendor item number instead of the item number.
[19917] Improvement of order fulfillment status factbox
The order fulfillment status factbox was enhanced, notably through the change from displaying a legend to displaying the various fulfillment statuses.
[20462] Improvement regarding release of purchase orders
Purchase prices for service items are now set during the release of a purchase order, rather than when the purchase order is received or invoiced.
[20769] Improvement regarding discounts in sales documents
The way discounts are shown in sales documents was improved by replacing the - sign that previously separated the description and discount percentage with a : sign, providing greater clarity.