TRASER DMS 365 2307 Release Note
- Introduction
- [15852] Problem when using recurring sales line for sales orders
- [16557] Subtotal and VAT amount are not being transferred to the report
- [16775] Problem when deleting default dimension with empty dimension code
- [16825] Status (Purchase) doesn't change when service item is deleted from the purchase lines
- [16850] Issue when recurring sales lines are used with 'insert automatically' function
- [16862] Error messages in all sales reports
- New Functions
- Improvements
- Machine
- [16297] Missing print button on checklists
- [16304] 'Your Reference' not correctly shown on posted service invoices
- [16468] Error when creating deductible invoice
- [16560] User is unable to set default counter in 'Service Management Setup' if service items exist
- [16587] Item from standard service code isn't transferred to new service order when it has been created from a forecast
- [16708] Signature is not transferred to the service worksheet print layout
- [16857] Error when posting service orders
- New Functions
- Improvements
- [16221] Bug regarding active commission line creation
- [16222] Wrong date on correction lines for archived commission lines
- [16226] Service Item No. in sales forecast not updated when creating service item in related purchase order
- [16495] Error message when printing out commission settlement
- [16583] Wrong commission settlement printout
- [16695] Service item number in sales forecast not updated after service item creation on purchase receipt
- [16726] Bug regarding rental invoices
- [16749] Problem with inconsistent G/L entries
- [16771] Active commission lines marked as 'paid'
New Functions
- [8611] Warning message if an agency business machine is selected
- [14950] Time limited discounts in forecasts
- [16318] New action 'Sales Forecast' on service item card
- [16356] 'Copy Forecast' action
- [16357] Transfer of item/equipment number
- [16372] Start and end date for default purchase discounts
- [16625] Possibility to copy trade-ins and posted trade-ins
- Improvements
- Bugfixes
New Functions
- [15538] Automatic freight cost calculation
- [16247] Vendor Item Number in phys. inventory recording
- [16418] New page 'Freight Charge Mappings'
- [16556] Larger barcode print for items and service items
- [16641] Change of 'Skip First Line' boolean to 'Lines to Skip'
- [16644] Shopping Basket actions moved to different places
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[15852] Problem when using recurring sales line for sales orders
The system showed an error message when using recurring sales lines (that have been set up to be inserted automatically) for sales orders. This problem has been fixed.
[16557] Subtotal and VAT amount are not being transferred to the report
The subtotal and VAT amount weren't correctly transferred to sales return order reports. This issue has been fixed.
[16775] Problem when deleting default dimension with empty dimension code
The system wrongfully deleted the extended dimensions when trying to delete a default dimension with empty dimension code. This problem has been fixed.
[16825] Status (Purchase) doesn't change when service item is deleted from the purchase lines
The system failed to update the Status (Purchase) field when deleting a service item from the purchase lines. This error has been fixed.
[16850] Issue with transfer of recurring sales lines
The system failed to transfer recurring sales lines to sales documents. This issue has been fixed.
[16862] Error messages in all sales reports
An error message appeared in all sales reports. This issue has been fixed.
New Functions
[15773] Description field in all purchase, sales, service & rental documents
A description field has been added to all purchase, sales, service and rental documents so users can enter a free description.
[15871] Redesigning of sum area on reports
The sum area on reports has been redesigned to improve the visibility of the Total.
[16344] Dimension update per user
The boolean Auto Dimension Update has been removed from the General Ledger Setup and can now be set up per user in the User Setup.
[9416] 'Show fields' function removed from mandatory fields factbox
The Show fields function has been removed from the mandatory fields factbox.
[16584] Bug regarding transfer of payment discount date and payment discount
The system failed to transfer the payment discount date and payment discount from the original documents to the machine community share documents. This bug has been fixed.
[16821] Commission documents won't post
The system showed an error message when trying to post commission documents. This error has been fixed.
New functions
[16601] Prices in share documents no longer include VAT
The price calculation in share documents has been changed. From now on, the Document Balance field takes the Total Excluding VAT into account when calculating the share balance and final amounts.
[10577] Improvement regarding posting of share documents
When posting share documents fully, the originating head document will be archived so that users are able to find the original document that was created for the administrative machine community head.
[16559] Improvement regarding dialog window display when changing service item description
A dialog window showed up multiple times when changing the service item description. This functionality has been improved so that the dialog window only shows up once.
[16598] Improvement regarding the creation of share documents in service
Several improvements have been made regarding the creation of share documents in service.
[16787] Improvement regarding the document lines when creating share documents
Several improvements have been made regarding the document lines that are set up when share documents are created.
[16297] Missing print button on checklists
The print button was missing on checklists. This error has been fixed.
[16304] 'Your Reference' not correctly shown on posted service invoices
The Your reference field on posted service invoices wasn't correctly displayed. This issue has been fixed.
[16468] Error when creating deductible invoice
The user wasn't able to create a Deductible Invoice when manually creating a warranty claim. This error has been fixed.
[16560] User is unable to set default counter in 'Service Management Setup' if service items exist
The user wasn't able to set the default counter in the Service Management Setup if service items existed in the system. This error has been fixed.
[16587] Item from standard service code isn't transferred to new service order when it has been created from a forecast
The item from the standard service code wasn't correctly transferred to a service order when it was created from a forecast. This error has been fixed.
[16708] Signature is not transferred to the service worksheet print layout
The system failed to transfer the signature to the service worksheet print layout. This error has been fixed.
[16857] Error when posting service orders
An error message occurred when trying to post service orders. This issue has been fixed.
New functions
[11987] Function for splitting service orders
The user is now able to split an existing service order into two service orders.
[16464] New table & fields regarding service charges setup
The page Service Charges Setup as well as several fields regarding service charges have been added in TRASER DMS 365.
[16465] Applying service charges in the service item worksheet
From now on, the user can apply the defined service charges in the service item worksheet so they can be invoiced to the customer.
[16488] Change of German caption on service reports
The German caption Lagerort has been changed to Standort on service reports.
[16579] Improvement regarding 'Copy Document' action
The Copy Document action for service documents now makes it possible to automatically close customer ledger entries when posting related documents.
[16221] Bug regarding active commission line creation
When an active commission line was created from the commission migration table, the summation name and summation start date fields weren't populated. This bug has been fixed.
[16222] Wrong date on correction lines for archived commission lines
The system showed the wrong date on correction lines that were created for archived commission lines. This issue has been fixed.
[16226] Service Item No. in sales forecast not updated when creating service item in related purchase order
When creating a service item in a purchase order that is connected to a sales forecast, the system failed to update the service item number in the sales forecast as well as in other related documents. This issue has been fixed.
[16495] Error message when printing out commission settlement
An error message occurred when trying to print out commission settlements. This error has been fixed.
[16583] Wrong commission settlement printout
The commission settlement printout showed lines that shouldn't have been included in the commission settlement. This issue has been fixed.
[16695] Service item number in sales forecast not updated after service item creation on purchase receipt
The system failed to update the Service Item No. in sales forecasts when a service item is created on a purchase receipt. This issue has been fixed.
[16726] Bug regarding rental invoices
The system wrongfully created correction lines for rental invoices stored in the commission archive. This bug has been fixed.
[16749] Problem with inconsistent G/L entries
There was a problem regarding inconsistent G/L entries when trying to post a purchase invoice in a foreign currency for a freight charge. This issue has been fixed.
[16771] Active commission lines marked as 'paid'
Active commission lines that hadn't been paid were marked as paid. This issue has been fixed.
New Functions
[8611] Warning message if an agency business machine is selected
A warning message has been implemented that warns users when they select a machine that is part of an active agency contract.
[14950] Time limited discounts in forecasts
Users can now set up time limited discounts in forecasts.
[16318] New action 'Sales Forecast' on service item card
The action Sales Forecast has been added to the service item card so users can open the linked sales forecasts.
[16356] 'Copy Forecast' action
The Copy Forecast action has been added to the Sales Forecast page.
[16357] Transfer of item/equipment number
From now on, the item/equipment number from the configuration tab of the forecast will be transferred to the comment lines of the sales quote/order.
[16372] Start and end date for default purchase discounts
The fields Start Date and End Date have been added to the Default Purchase Discounts page.
[16625] Possibility to copy trade-ins and posted trade-ins
Users can now copy trade-ins as well as posted trade-ins.
[14475] Improvements regarding calculation forecast factbox
Some improvements have been made regarding the calculation forecast factbox.
[15414] Substitution Notification is displayed several times when creating purchase order from sales order
The substitution notification was displayed several times when creating a purchase order from a sales order. This issue has been fixed.
[16219] Processing issues with 'Switch Replenishment System' function
The function Switch Replenishment System didn't work correctly. This issue has been fixed.
[16480] Issue regarding item search
The item search didn't work properly. This issue has been fixed.
[16646] Export without decimal spaces not working correctly
The export without decimal spaces in purchase orders didn't work correctly. This issue has been fixed.
New Functions
[15538] Automatic freight cost calculation
From now on, when releasing a sales quote, a sales order or a service order freight charges will be automatically added to the documents based on the existing setup.
[16247] Vendor Item Number in phys. inventory recording
The Show Vendor Item No. action has been added to the phys. inventory recording.
[16418] New page 'Freight Charge Mappings'
The page Freight Charge Mappings has been added in TRASER DMS 365.
[16556] Larger barcode print for items and service items
The barcode label for items and service items has been enhanced.
[16641] Change of 'Skip First Line' boolean to 'Lines to Skip'
The Skip First Line boolean on the shopping basket card has been changed to Lines to Skip.
[16644] Shopping Basket actions moved to different places
The shopping basket actions on the sales & purchase order and worksheet have been moved to different places.