TRASER DMS 365 2502 Release Note


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Bug Fixes

This release includes several bug fixes as well as the following new functions and improvements.


New Functions

[23306] New Report 'Service Item list with Book Value'

A new report, Service Item list with Book Value, for showing the values of stock machines was added. This report allows users to create a list of machines in stock, categorizing them as either current assets or fixed assets for a certain posting date. This will help with financing requirements and year-end tasks for dealers.

[24279] Possibility to set up extended credit limits globally

The page Credit Limit Setup was added to the system, showing a Customer No. column that filters for customers with the Extended Credit Limits toggle switch enabled. Users can set global extended credit limits for customers without specific limits in place via this page. When a specific limit is defined for a customer, it takes precedence over the global setting. New customers automatically inherit the global limit, making the setup process more efficient.

[24281] VAT report printout now customizable by business area

Users can now define the VAT Report Type for individual business areas. Previously, the VAT Report Type could only be set up globally for all reports.

[24638] No payout date check in financings

Users can now enter payout dates in financings that are earlier than the start date, providing greater flexibility in the financing process.

[24640] Possibility to add 'Financing No.' to general journal

Users can now add the Financing No. to the general journal. This allows them to directly assign the Financing No. when posting financing entries through a payment journal.

[24928] Possibility to access 'Responsibility Center Setup' via user setup card

Users can now access the Responsibility Center Setup directly from the user setup card via the new action in the menu bar.

[24988] Possibility to add attachments to financings

Users can now attach documents to financings, following the same process as with other master data.

[25054] Possibility to add links to financings

Users can now add links to financings, following the same process as with other master data.


[24639] No automatic item charge when cancelling posted documents

When canceling a posted sales or purchase document, generating a corrective credit memo or using the Copy Document functionality, automatic item charges will be applied to the corrective document only if they were included in the original (canceled) document.

[24675] Improvement regarding positioning of 'Alternative Position' lines on sales and service quote printouts

The positioning of Alternative Position lines on sales and service quote printouts was improved to make it clearer that the lines below are considered alternative positions, rather than the lines above.


New Functions

[19259] Visibility of service item information when assigning equipment

The fields Location, Bin Code and Apply to Item Ledger Entry are now automatically populated when a service item is selected for assignment in the Assign/Remove Equipment table.

[24288] Display of main service item on built-in service items

Users can now see which service item another service item is built into. If a service item is built into another, the number of the service item it is built into will automatically be displayed in the field Built-Into on the service item card.

[24512] Multiple service item approval logs in Excel exports

Users can now export multiple approval logs for the calculation review to Excel, with the logs sorted by date and time. This allows for easy comparison of different states of approved calculation reviews per service item in Excel.



New Functions

[23297] New page 'Statistics' in maintenance contracts

The Statistics page was added to maintenance contracts and service intervals, comparing invoiced and used amounts for maintenance contracts.

[24489] Possibility to unlink a service interval from contract

A new action, Unlink from Contract, was added to the service intervals page, allowing users to disconnect a service interval from an existing maintenance contract. Previously, this was only possible for service orders.

[24835] 'Purchase Order Type' and 'Service Order Type' in warranty claim types table

The service and purchase order type fields were added to the warranty claim types table. This enhancement allows users to define the order types to be used in resulting documents from warranty claims, based on the claim type and manufacturer.

[24836] 'Purchase Order Type' in warranty documents

Users can now define the purchase order type for resulting documents from warranty claims, based on the claim type and manufacturer.

[24837] 'Service Order Type' in warranty documents

Users can now define the service order type for resulting documents from warranty claims, based on the claim type and manufacturer.

[24838] Warranty claim type now mandatory in warranty claims

Filling out the claim type is now mandatory for warranty claims to ensure valid data is entered into the created documents.

[25089] Accessing connected service order from service item worksheet

The Document No. field on the service item worksheet can now be used to directly navigate to the connected service order.

[25476] Change of default value for 'Line Action' field in service order lines

The default value for the Line Action field in service order lines was changed from Cap. Service to Attach for component attachments, providing a more efficient and user-friendly experience for service users.




New Functions

[25102] New confirmation message for all item charge lines when importing configurations

When importing configurations, the confirmation message stating the use of the standard item charge is now displayed only once for all lines.

[23872] Rework of wizard for creating service item calculation

The service item calculation wizard now displays only service items that do not yet have a calculation. This enhancement provides users with a clearer overview, making it easier to create new service item calculations.

[23958] New action 'Create Transfer Order' on service item card

The action Create Transfer Orders was added to the service item card, enabling users to create transfer orders directly for a specific service item.

[24492] Option records without quantity and cost/price

The quantity check for options has been removed, allowing lines to be added without a quantity or price/cost. If a quantity is deleted from a configuration line of type Option, the item charge will be cleared. Additionally, an error message will be displayed if a user tries to select an item charge without a defined quantity.

[24494] Treating options with negative quantity as removed equipment

Option lines with a negative quantity will now be automatically transferred to the service item equipment as Removed Equipment with a positive quantity and corresponding price/cost.

[24495] Removal of quantity information in service item equipment description

The quantity will no longer be added in parentheses at the end of the service item equipment description since it is already shown in the regular quantity field.

[24508] Adjustment of several captions

Some comment captions have been updated to align with standard Microsoft Dynamics Business Central terminology.


[24026] Improvement regarding display of confirmation message for the creation of new 'Trade No.'

The confirmation message for creating a new Trade No. for a service item will no longer be displayed when adding the service item to a trade-in order or take-back purchase order. Instead, it will be displayed when the orders are posted. This guarantees that, if an incorrect service item is added or an order is deleted, the Trade No. will remain unaffected.

[25106] Improvement regarding confirmation message when deleting lines from forecast

A new confirmation message was implemented, warning users when attempting to delete a forecast line that has associated documents.


New functions

[22747] Integration of tote shipping into process flow

Users are now able to use tote locations in combination with tote shipping in Tasklet Factory Mobile WMS. This function allows warehouse staff to scan a tote location after finalizing a tote during picking. A tote location can represent any designated space, such as a shelf or a specific area in the yard or warehouse shipment zone, and is recorded as information in a text field within TRASER DMS 365. This enhancement makes it easier for those responsible for finalizing warehouse shipments to locate where the tote was placed by the picking team.

[24275] Printing of item barcode via bin contents

It is now possible to print item barcodes directly from all bin content pages.

[24466] Inclusion of file names of data imported into catalog entry buffer

The catalog import history will now display the filename of the file imported into the catalog entry buffer.

[24738] Picking instruction in purchase return orders

The pick instruction report, available for sales orders, was also implemented for purchase return orders. This allows warehouse management to print pick instruction lists directly from the document in TRASER DMS 365.

[24771] Moving parts to pick-up bin from stock

Users can now create inventory movements to transfer parts from existing inventory into the sales pick-up bin via a logistics document.

[24772] Return parts from pick-up bin back to warehouse

If a customer decides to purchase fewer items than initially planned, users can now move the remaining parts from the pick-up bin back to the warehouse.

[24796] Possibility to change service order type in purchase orders with existing reservations

Users can now change the order type in purchase orders even when reservations exist for the purchase lines. This update simplifies workflows for procurement teams, allowing them to work with reservations while still making changes to purchase documents. Previously, all reservation entries had to be manually deleted to make such changes.


[25242] Improvement regarding barcode printing in Tasklet Factory Mobile WMS

Barcodes can now be easily set up for label printing in Tasklet Factory Mobile WMS. With a new action on the Mobile Reports page, barcode labels for relevant items are automatically inserted. Once configured, they can be printed wherever item labels are supported in Tasklet Factory Mobile WMS.

[25392] Improvement regarding creation of items from item template

When creating items using an item template that has no Base Unit of Measure defined, the Base Unit of Measure field will now be left empty by default. This improves the creation of items from item templates.