TRASER DMS 365 2302 Release Note
- Introduction
- [13519] G/L account lines for differential taxation aren't shown in sales orders
- [13872] Error when using 'Add Service Item' in sales documents
- [13911] Error when using 'Add Service Item' for service items that are 'In Stock'
- [14003] Error in service item worksheet
- [14042] Error when adding service item lines in case automated checklists are assigned for order type
- [14052] Error regarding the responsibility center validation
- [14169] Question regarding the archiving of sales quotes is shown twice
- [14221] Item availability factbox shows no values
- [14255] Order type field missing on purchase return orders
- [14268] Customized layout not available on the report selection page
- [14334] Wrong filter on my activity cues
- [14399] Placeholder for reminder text missing on reminder report
- [14400] Error when printing posted sales credit memos
- [14438] No updating of 'Status (Purchase)' on service item card
- [14454] 'Show Document' in customer ledger only checks for sales documents
- [14624] Error when inserting item number into purchase line
- [14654] 'Multi Sales Person Assignment' for rental documents
- [14660] Posted sales invoices cannot be opened from 'Navigate' page
- [14682] Issue with table permissions when posting and sending sales orders
New Functions
- [3069] Wizard for setting up used parts tax
- [12014] Changing of 'Pay-to Vendor' field after posting receipt
- [12230] Sales and service document printouts now contain information on foreign currencies
- [12231] Sales and service documents now contain fields for foreign currency information
- [13169] Placeholder for 'Due Date' in payment term description
- [14028] New factbox for tasks
- [14035] Fixes on reminder report
- [14078] 'Change Multi Sales Person Assignment' report
- [14094] New Table 'Sales Person Setup'
- [14448] New field 'Assigned Salespersons' on contact card
- [14622] 'Description 2' on fixed asset card and list
- [14644] New fields in customer template
- Improvements
- Machine
- Service
- [13885] Wrong purchase discount values in sales forecast
- [14071] Item revaluation journal doesn't include service item number or trade number
- [14080] Error regarding service item number when assigning item tracking in trade-ins
- [14083] Error message when adding service item to trade-in document
- [14095] Dimension values of service item aren't correctly transferred into sales lines
- [14259] Error when creating sales quote from sales forecast
- [14509] Error when creating sales quote from sales forecast
New Functions
- [13679] New field 'Margin %' on location card
- [13856] New fields in calculation review
- [13860] Rental objects in sales documents
- [13975] Linking of commission summation with parent summation
- [14109] Locking of allocation fields if g/l account has been selected
- [14302] Extension of multi sales person filter functionality
- [14473] Lookup functionality for resource ledger entries in calculation review
- [14501] New fields in commission entries
- [14505] Filtering of sales invoice lines and sales credit memo lines by shortcut dimensions
- [14506] Creation of calculatory asset via posted purchase invoices
- [14569] New fields in cost/revenue alloction to calculation review
- [14584] Separation of FA journal setup for rebook wizard and calc. asset wizard
- Improvements
- [13599] Issue with automatic reservation from req. worksheet
- [13667] Error when using 'Execute Update' function
- [13970] Interchangeables aren't shown on S/I page
- [13977] Incomplete record set in substitution entries after catalog import
- [14157] 'Calculate Devaluation' uses wrong date formula
- [14207] Issue with transfer of responsibility center when creating purchase orders
- [14218] Issue with item template
- [14252] Error when invoicing documents with rounded price factor
- [14279] Issue with catalog update
- [14287] Error when invoicing service order with rounded price factor
- [14296] Error when posting sales order
- [14328] Issue with printing posted sales credit memos
- [14383] Issue with preview of posted sales credit memos
- [14404] Catalog import error
- [14416] Bugs regarding certain service lines
- [14599] No price in sales price list after catalog import
New Functions
- [10448] Defining multiple 'Purch. Discount Groups' per item based on vendor no.
- [10885] Linking of catalog items to items via import run
- [12027] 'Purch. Discount Group' for surcharges
- [13292] 'Purchasing Code' in service lines
- [13294] 'Get Service Orders' in requisition worksheet
- [13295] Update of requisition line
- [13300] New fields regarding size in catalog and catalog buffer entries
- [13311] Size information on catalog items
- [14185] Shipment fields in picklist
- [14190] 'Shipment Method' in pick documents
- [14213] Transfer of item description from sales order to purchase order
- [14370] Transfer of comment lines from sales order to purchase order
- [14375] Catalog import with multiple vendors
- [14615] 'Reordering Policy' in stockkeeping list
- [13315] New factboxes on substitution page
- [14011] Adding substitution entries via 'Select Catalog Items' function in sales quotes and sales orders
- [14130] New toggle 'Create Purchase Order for available Inventory' on 'Sales & Receivables Setup' page
- [14389] Improvements regarding drop-shipment in service documents
- [14415] 'Create Purchase Order' in service orders without drop-shipment
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[13519] G/L account lines for differential taxation aren't shown in sales orders
The G/L account lines for differential taxation weren't visible in sales orders. The issue has been fixed.
[13872] Error when using 'Add Service Item' in sales documents
The user wasn't able to use the Add Service Item option in sales documents. This error has been fixed.
[13911] Error when using 'Add Service Item' for service item that are 'In Stock'
The user wasn't able to use the Add Service Item option for service items that were marked as In Stock. This error has been fixed.
[14003] Error in service item worksheet
The system showed an error message when opening the service item worksheet. This error has been fixed.
[14042] Error when adding service item lines in case automated checklists are assigned for order type
The system showed an error message when trying to add a service item line to a document with automated checklists. This error has been fixed.
[14052] Error regarding the responsibility center validation
The system failed to validate the responsibility center when creating a purchase order from a sales order. This error has been fixed.
[14169] Question regarding the archiving of sales quotes is shown twice
The question regarding the archiving of sales quotes was shown twice. This issue has been fixed. The second dialog window has been removed.
[14221] Item availability factbox shows no values
The Item Availability factbox showed empty values. This issue has been fixed.
[14255] Order type field missing on purchase return orders
The order type field was missing on purchase return orders. This issue has been fixed.
[14268] Customized layout not available on the report selection page
Users weren't able to select customized layouts on the report selection page. This error has been fixed.
[14334] Wrong filter on my activity cues
The filter on my activity cues was incorrect. The issues have been fixed.
[14399] Placeholder for reminder text missing on reminder report
The placeholder for the reminder text was missing from the reminder report. This error has been fixed.
[14400] Error when printing posted sales credit memos
The system showed an error message when trying to print posted sales credit memos. This error has been fixed.
[14438] No updating of 'Status (Purchase)' on service item card
The Status (Purchase) field on the service item card wasn't updated properly. This issue has been fixed.
[14454] 'Show Document' in customer ledger only checks for sales documents
The Show Document action in the customer ledger entries list only showed sales documents. This error has been fixed.
[14624] Error when inserting item number into purchase line
The user wasn't able to insert the item number into the purchase line. This error has been fixed.
[14654] 'Multi Sales Person Assignment' for rental documents
The Multi Sales Person Assigment functionality has been implemented in rental documents.
[14660] Posted sales invoices cannot be opened from 'Navigate' page
The user wasn't able to open posted sales invoices via the Navigate page. This error has been fixed.
[14682] Issue with table permissions when posting and sending sales orders
There was an issue with the table permissions when it comes to posting and sending sales orders. This issue has been fixed.
New Functions
[3069] Wizard for setting up used parts tax
A new wizard for setting up the used parts tax functionality has been added.
[12014] Changing of 'Pay-to Vendor' field after posting receipt
Users are now able now change the Pay-to Vendor field even after a receipt has been posted.
[12230] Sales and service document printouts now contain information on foreign currencies
Sales and service document printouts now show information regarding foreign currencies.
[12231] Sales and service documents now contain fields for foreign currency information
Fields regarding foreign currencies have been added to sales and service documents.
[13169] Placeholder for 'Due Date' in payment term description
A placeholder for the due date has been added to the payment term description. This placeholder is filled with the respective due date in the document report.
[14028] New factbox for tasks
A new factbox for assigning and creating new tasks has been implemented.
[14035] Fixes on reminder report
The reminder report has been updated.
[14078] 'Change Multi Sales Person Assignment' report
The report Change Multi Sales Person Assignment has been added in TRASER DMS 365.
[14094] New Table 'Sales Person Setup'
A new table for the sales person setup has been implemented.
[14448] New field 'Assigned Salespersons' on contact card
The field Assigned Salespersons has been added to the contact card.
[14622] 'Description 2' on fixed asset card and list
The field Description 2 has been implemented on the fixed asset card and the fixed asset list. The field is not always visible but can be added when personalizing the page.
[14644] New fields in customer template
There are three new fields in the customer template to set up template values:
- No. of Invoice Copies
- No. of Cr. Memo Copies
- No. of Shipment Copies
[13879] The amount from the alternative position lines is no longer included in subtotal amount
The subtotal amount on sales reports no longer includes the amount from the alternative position lines.
[14074] Option to hide shipment date on sales order confirmations
An option to hide the shipment date on sales order confirmations has been implemented.
[14046] Multiple bugs regarding purchase orders
There were multiple bugs regarding purchase orders. All bugs have been fixed.
[14097] Error when recalculating calc. interest ledger entries
The recalculation of calc. interest ledger entries did not work as intended. This issue has been fixed.
[14200] Issue with counter value calculation on service item card
There was an issue with the counter value calculation on the service item card. This issue has been fixed. The counter value is updated properly when creating a service order.
New functions
[11973] Service item info on fixed asset card/record now based on FA ledger entries
The service item information on the fixed asset card, such as the service item number, will now be drawn from the corresponding FA ledger entry.
[13521] New function for opening linked item/fixed asset from service item
A new function for opening a linked item/fixed asset from a service item card has been implemented.
[14609] 'Description 2' on service item list and card
The field Description 2 has been added to the service item list and service item card.
[11731] Handling of service items in trade-ins
Users can now add any service item to trade-ins. If the service item is in stock as External Machine the system changes it to Current Asset.
[14168] Check for existing items/service items when changing description
When changing the manufacturer, category or subcategory description, the system will now check for existing items/service items.
[14027] Issue regarding 'Planned Delivery Date' in service item worksheet header
There was an issue with the calculation of the Planned Delivery Date in the service item worksheet header. This issue has been fixed.
[14257] Deletion of 'Warranty' from service order type list
The warranty column has been deleted from the service order type list.
[14447] Issue regarding transfer of warranty in credit memos
There was an issue with the transfer of warranty in credit memo lines. This issue has been fixed.
New Functions
[14136] Implementation of service worksheet in report selection
Users can now select service worksheets on the Report Selection page.
[14182] 'Unit Cost' on service worksheet
The field Unit Cost has been added to the service worksheet.
[13885] Wrong purchase discount values in sales forecast
The sales forecast showed wrong purchase discount values. This error has been fixed.
[14071] Item revaluation journal doesn't include service item number or trade number
When executing the Calculate Inventory Value function, the fields for service item number and trade number weren't populated. This error has been fixed.
[14080] Error regarding service item number when assigning item tracking in trade-ins
When using the Item Tracking Lines function in a trade-in document for a service item with an existing record, the service item no. in the line was wrongfully deleted. This issue has been fixed.
[14083] Error message when adding service item to trade-in document
The system showed an error message when trying to add a service item to a trade-in document. This error has been fixed.
[14095] Dimension values of service item aren't correctly transferred into sales lines
When adding a service item, the dimension values of said service item weren't correctly transferred into the sales line. This error has been fixed.
[14259] Error when creating sales quote from sales forecast
The system showed an error message when trying to create a sales quote from a sales forecast. This error has been fixed.
[14509] Error when creating sales quote from sales forecast
The system produced an error message when creating a sales quote from a sales forecast. This problem has been fixed.
New Functions
[13679] New field 'Margin %' on location card
The field Margin % has been added to the location card.
[13856] New fields in calculation review
New fields regarding internal services have been added to the calculation review.
[13860] Rental objects in sales documents
Users can now add activated rental objects (service items) to sales quotes or sales orders.
[13975] Linking of commission summation with parent summation
Users can now link a commission summation with a parent summation via the commission summation setup card.
[14109] Locking of allocation fields if g/l account has been selected
From now on, the fields Allocate to Service Item No., Allocate to Trade No. and Allocate to Calculation Entry Type will be set to not editable if the selected line type is G/L Account.
[14302] Extension of multi sales person filter functionality
The multi sales person filter functionality has been extended.
[14473] Lookup functionality for resource ledger entries in calculation review
A lookup functionality for resource ledger entries has been added to the calculation review page.
[14501] New fields in commission entries
New fields have been added to commission entries.
[14505] Filtering of sales invoice lines and sales credit memo lines by shortcut dimensions
Sales invoice lines and sales credit memo lines can now be filtered by shortcut dimensions.
[14506] Creation of calculatory asset via posted purchase invoices
Users are now able to create calculatory assets via posted purchase invoices.
[14569] New fields in cost/revenue alloction to calculation review
New fields have been added for the cost/revenue allocation regarding the calculation review. These fields are not editable.
[14584] Separation of FA journal setup for rebook wizard and calc. asset wizard
The fields Calc. FA Journal Template Name and Calc. FA Journal Batch Name have been added to the General Ledger Setup. This allows the user to set up different FA journals for the rebook wizard and the calc. asset wizard.
[13599] Issue with automatic reservation from req. worksheet
There was an issue with the new functionality regarding the automatic reservation of resulting lines from a requisition worksheet. This issue has been fixed.
[13667] Error when using 'Execute Update' function
The system showed an error message when trying to use the Execute Update function for catalogs. This error has been fixed.
[13970] Interchangeables aren't shown on S/I page
There was an issue with the display of interchangeables on the S/I page. This has been fixed.
[13977] Incomplete record set in substitution entries after catalog import
The record set for substitution entries was incomplete after importing a catalog. This problem has been fixed.
[14157] 'Calculate Devaluation' uses wrong date formula
The Calculate Devaluation report used the wrong date formula when changing the language of the system to German. This error has been fixed.
[14207] Issue with transfer of responsibility center when creating purchase orders
When creating a purchase order from a sales order, the responsibility center from the sales order wasn't transferred to the purchase order. This issue has been fixed.
[14218] Issue with item template
There was an issue with the item template regarding the transfer of fields to the item. This error has been fixed.
[14252] Error when invoicing documents with rounded price factor
The system showed an error message when invoicing documents with rounded price factor. This error has been fixed.
[14279] Issue with catalog update
The catalog update functionality couldn't be used to update substitution entries. This error has been fixed.
[14287] Error when invoicing service order with rounded price factor
The system showed an error message when invoicing service orders with rounded price factor. This error has been fixed.
[14296] Error when posting sales order
The system produced an error message when posting sales orders. This has been fixed.
[14328] Issue with printing posted sales credit memos
There was an issue with the printing of posted sales credit memos. This issue has been fixed.
[14383] Issue with preview of posted sales credit memos
The user wasn't able to preview posted sales credit memos. This issue has been fixed.
[14404] Catalog import error
The system produced an error message when trying to import catalogs. This error has been fixed.
[14416] Bugs regarding certain service lines
Some users were able to edit or delete service lines that should have been locked. This error has been fixed.
[14599] No price in sales price list after catalog import
The price field of an item liked to a catalog item wasn't populated properly when importing and executing a catalog update.
New Functions
[10448] Defining multiple 'Purch. Discount Groups' per item based on vendor no.
Users can now define multiple Purch. Discount Groups per item based on the Vendor No..
[10885] Linking of catalog items to items via import run
Users can now link a catalog item to an item so that they are able to match both entities to each other.
[12027] 'Purch. Discount Group' for surcharges
Users now have the option to define surcharges based on Purch. Item Discount Groups when importing price lists/updating price lists.
[13292] 'Purchasing Code' in service lines
The field Purchasing Code has been added to the service line.
[13294] 'Get Service Orders' in requisition worksheet
The option Get Service Orders has been added to the requsition worksheet.
[13295] Update of requisition line
Multiple field names in the requsition line have been updated.
[13300] New fields regarding size in catalog and catalog buffer entries
The fields Height, Width and Length have been added to catalog and catalog buffer entries.
[13311] Size information on catalog items
The fields Height, Width and Length have been added to the catalog item card.
[14185] Shipment fields in picklist
New shipment fields have been added to the picklist tasklet device.
[14190] 'Shipment Method' in pick documents
The tab Shipment Method has been added to pick documents.
[14213] Transfer of item description from sales order to purchase order
The item description will now be transferred to the purchase order if you create a purchase order from a sales order.
[14370] Transfer of comment lines from sales order to purchase order
Comment lines will now be transferred to the purchase order if you create a purchase order from a sales order.
[14375] Catalog import with multiple vendors
Users can now import an Excel sheet with more than one Vendor No. so that they can use the surcharge functionallity to create sales prices for items with a catalog from different vendors.
[14615] 'Reordering Policy' in stockkeeping list
The column Reordering Policy has been added to the stockkeeping list.
[13315] New factbox on substitution page
The Item Availability factbox has been added to the substitution page.
[14011] Adding substitution entries via 'Select Catalog Items' function in sales quotes and sales orders
Users can now use the function Select Catalog Items in sales quotes and sales orders to create substitution entries.
[14130] New toggle 'Create Purchase Order for available Inventory' on 'Sales & Receivables Setup' page
The toggle Create Purchase Order for available Inventory has been added to the Sales & Receivables Setup.
[14389] Improvements regarding drop-shipment in service documents
Several improvements have been implemented regarding the drop-shipment functionality in service documents.
[14415] 'Create Purchase Order' in service orders without drop-shipment
From now on, the Create Purchase Order option on the service item worksheet will ignore all lines marked as Drop Shipment.