TRASER DMS 365 2403 Release Note


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Bug Fixes

This release includes several bug fixes as well as the following new functions and improvements.


New Functions

[16960] Integration signature pad for certificate of supply

It is now possible to use the Signpad signature on the Certificate of Supply. For this, the Add Certificate of Supply Signature, Show Signature and Remove Signature actions were added to the Certificates of Supply page.

[19031] Automatic Item Charges factbox added to item card

The Automatic Item Charges factbox was added to the item card. The new factbox is non-visible by default and user has to personalize it into the page. When using the new Automatic Item Charges action, the item number is already prefilled on the Automatic Item Charges page.

[19593] New boolean 'Quantity = Item Quantity'

The Quantity = Item Quantity boolean was added to the Automatic Item Charges page. If an item line is created in a document and an automatic item charge is applied, the item charge then has the same quantity as the item line.


[20023] Redesign of 'Ext. Credit Limits' factbox

The Extended Credit Limits factbox underwent the following improvements:

  • The Service Order Type field was added to the factbox.
  • The caption of the Total Credit Limit (LCY) field was changed to Credit limits (LCY).
  • Each defined credit limit line from the payment condition setup is displayed separately (not in total sum).

[20130] 'Registration No.' removed from customer card

The Registration No. field that was added to the customer card in an earlier release was removed again since it is now available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central by default.


New functions

[18636] Additional Serial Numbers for Service Items

It is now possible to add additional serial numbers for service items. For this, the Service Item Serial Nos. page was added. When a serial number is created on the Service Item Serial Nos. page, the boolean Display on Card is automatically enabled and the serial number is set on the service item card.

[18637] Serial Number Types

The Serial Number Types page was added.

[18638] 'Serial No.' page can be opened from several documents

The Service Item Serial Nos. action was added to the following service documents to be able to open the Service Item Serial Nos. page:

  • Service Item Card
  • Service Item List
  • Service Item Worksheets
  • Warranty Claim Card
  • Archived Warranty Claim
  • Archived Service Order
  • Service Invoice Item Line

[18639] Mapping Serial Number Types in Service Item Categories

It is now possible to map the serial number types in the service item categories. For this, the Serial No. Type 1 and Serial No. Type 2 fields were added to the Service Item Category page.




New functions

[5830] Segmentation Marker for Service Interval

It is now possible to select service items and the corresponding contacts in the segmentation according to service intervals, in order to link these to the corresponding activities and to be able to send automated mailings to the contacts.

[17150] Send estimated time as job duration to Dime.Scheduler

The Use Expected hours from Service Item Line as Duration setup field was added to the Dime.Scheduler setup. The time is then shown as Planned Quantity or Duration on the appointment.

[19652] Correcting service shipments with workshop bins

It is now possible to correct service shipments after they have been posted out of workshop bins. When using one of the Cancel/Correct/Create Corrective Credit Memo functions, the system checks if a bin exists. If it doesn't, then the item is posted to the default bin. If there is no default bin, then an error message appears saying which item is missing a default bin. If there are items without default bins, then the page filtered with those items is opened and there will be a message to insert a default bin.

[19691] Item import into the warranty claim lines

It is now possible to get lines into the warranty lines by importing them via the Shopping Basket.


[17820] Multiselect for Standard Service Codes

It is now possible to select multiple standard service codes in order to import them into the service item worksheet.

[17824] Service Item Worksheet extended

  • The fields Model, Year of Construction, License Plate No. and Document Date were added to the header of the report.
  • In the service worksheet printout header, the service order description is printed.
  • The first assigned resource is shown on the right. The first resource is from the resource allocations page under the border right side.
  • The Service Item No. and Description were moved underneath the divider line.

[18762] Improvement of error message for mandatory fields in maintenance contract

The error message for mandatory fields in a maintenance contract was improved to include the source field name.

[20486] Print out Share Documents from Machine Community in Service

It is now possible to print out share documents from the machine community in the service area.

[20576] Resource Groups are transferred to the machine community share document lines

When machine community share documents are created, the resource groups are transferred to all share documents, regardless of the resource group set on the consolidation resource.


New Functions

[17919] Fill in 'Serial No.' in Equipment Lines of Service Item

When creating a service item by releasing the purchase document, the related configurations and equipments from the forecast are now transferred to the equipment lines.

[18024] 'Apply Word Document' action for service items

The 'Apply Word Document' action was added to:

  • Service Item Card
  • Service Item List
  • Service Item Line
  • Sales Calculation

This action calls up the Word Template Selection Wizard which allows you to print a document that contains the most important information belonging to a service item.

[18792/20635] Service Item translations in documents

Whenever a service item is entered in one of several different document types, the system takes the translation for that language, based on the document language code.


[17953] Machine Community is skipped when creating Agency Business document

If for example a sales invoice or sales credit memo from an agency business contract card is created, a message occurs. This message was now improved to skip everything regarding machine community.

[19205] Same Sales Quote Number is used when updating the Quote from Sales Calculation

The system now uses the same document number for the existing sales quote, if the Update Quote action is executed.


New functions

[10601] Automated Reservation for Transfer Order Creation from Req. WS

The fields Trans. Ord. Reserv. (Outbnd.) and Trans. Ord. Reserv. (Inbnd.) were added to the Location page. They show if a transfer order line will be reserved. If the option value is empty, there will be no reservation. The option values Optional and Optional & Always are defining the item records to be automatically reserved. The values are correlating with the field Reserve on the corresponding item record.

[17887] External Document Number of Sales Shipment in 'Combine Shipment'

The Include External Document No. boolean was added to the Combine Shipment page. It is disabled by default. If enabled, the combine shipment report does not only write the shipment number as a text line above the item line but extends that text with the external document number.

[17901] Tracking Over-Receipt Quantity after posting the warehouse receipt

It is now possible to see information on the Over-Receipt Quantity in the purchase order after posting the warehouse receipt or posting the receipt from the purchase order. For this, the Tracked Over-Receipt Qty. field was added to the purchase line.

[18290] Notification if weight or volume does not match the selected shipping agent

The fields Maximum Weight and Maximum Volume were added to the shipping agent services. If one value of the fields in the sales order statistic exceeds the limit that is defined in the shipping agent services, a notification occurs.

[18409] Dangerous Goods Handling

The Dangerous Goods column was added to the sales order lines.

[18667] New page 'Multi-Level Discounts'

It is now possible to define multi-level discounts that can be used in the Sales Price List. For this, the Multi-Level Discounts page was added. There are two actions on the page: Outdent and Indent. Those two actions indent or outdent the line the user selects. The indentation level of the different discounts defined on the page will then influence how the total discount % is calculated in the bottom sum field of the page.

[18688] Transferring multi-level discount into sales documents

The Multi-Level Discount boolean was added to sales lines. When selecting an item in a sales line in which the line discount originates from a sales price list line record with multi-level discounts stored for that line, the system automatically creates comment lines that will contain the description and percentage of the multi-level discounts as texts.

[18719] 'Order Fulfillment Status' added to Sales Order List as a summary

The Order Fulfillment Status field was added to the Sales Order List and Service Item Worksheets pages. It shows a summary of the fulfillment statuses of any relevant sales line. Only lines which can be calculated due to the pre-requisites are considered as relevant.

[18799] Mapping and transferring Purchase Item Discount Group into catalog items

It is now possible to to import, map and transfer information of the Purchase Item Discount Group column to the specific catalog item record data.

[19010] Action to open document in Demand Overview page

The Open Document field was added to the Demand Overview page. It will open the corresponding document based on the source type in the Demand Overview.

[19018/19020] Automation added for Purchase Order from Sales/Service Order creation

The process for each created requisition line was extended. If the Order Multiple of the used item card has a value that is not 0, the system adjusts the Quantity to Purchase, so that it is a multiple of the Order Multiple and not smaller than the originally filled value of the field Quantity to Purchase.

[19120] Create Drop Shipment Purchase Orders from sales order

The Create Drop Shipment Purchase Orders action and Drop Shipment Order Requisition Worksheet Template" & ...Batch field were added to sales orders. This creates a purchase order for all lines with a purchasing code that contains drop shipment.

[19127] Create Drop Shipment Purchase Orders from service worksheet

The Create Drop Shipment Purchase Orders action was added to service worksheets. This creates a purchase order for all lines with a purchasing code that contains drop shipment.

[19562] Picking list - hiding the delivered quantities and printing 'Vendor Item No.'

The Show Delivered Quantity field was added to the Picking List report. If activated, all already delivered lines are printed alongside the ones that still need to be picked. If deactivated, only the lines that need to be picked are printed.

The Show Vendor Item No. field was added to the Picking List report.

[19624] Barcode printing from item reclassification journal

The Print Barcode Label actions was added to the Reclassification Journal. When executed you may choose from the Item, Service Item or Bin option. Depending on which option is executed, the barcode or QR code will be printed.

[19648] Restore Functionality of 'Default Item No. Series' from Catalog Item Setup for BC22 and up

Items are now created correctly from catalog items using the number series defined in the inventory setup.

[19785] Create released Warehouse Shipment by releasing Purchase Return Order

The Warehouse Shipment process was automated so that a released Warehouse Shipment is created when a Purchase Return Order is released.

[19810] Option to remove quote marks for shopping basket

The Remove Quotation Marks was added to the Shopping Basket Setup card. If it is enabled, a csv file is exported and the quotation marks aren not set in the csv file.

[20065] 'Vendor Item No.' shown in list elements in the Mobile WMS App

The Vendor Item No. is now shown in list elements in the Mobile WMS App.


[14414] 'Get Service Order' action in Purchase Orders

The Get Service Order action was added to purchase orders. When selecting a service order, the system will import all lines that have a drop shipment purchasing code and where the item vendor matches the vendor of the current purchase header.

[19544] 'Orig. Manufacturer Item No.' field has same length as 'Vendor Item No.' field

The Orig. Manufacturer Item No. field was limited to 50 characters maximum.

[19609] Drop Shipment connected documents will open non-editable

The Sales Order and Service Order actions in purchase orders will open the documents in read-only mode. The Purchase Order action in sales orders opens the editable document.

[19629] Visibility of linked drop shipments documents in lines

The visibility of linked drop shipments documents in lines was improved:

On Sales Order:

  • Drop Shipment boolean is visible and non-editable
  • Purchase Order No. is visible and non-editable
  • Purchase Order Line No. is visible and non-editable
  • Purchasing Code is not visible by default, editable if the Drop Shipment boolean is non-editable

On Service Order:

  • Drop Shipment boolean is visible and non-editable
  • Purchase Order No. is not visible and can't be personalized in, needs to be added via Design
  • Purchase Order Line No. is not visible and can't be personalized in, needs to be added via Design

On Purchase Order:

  • Drop Shipment boolean is visible
  • Sales Order No. and Line No. are visible
  • Service Order No. and Line No. are visible

[19779] Inflation Surcharge filters are set too strictly

On the creation of the Item, the system will now take the lowest compatible Inflation Surcharge % from the setup.

[20536] Change Order of Fields in Calculate Devaluation Report

To improve usability and prevent filtering issues, the order of the Devaluation Rule Code and Posting Date field was switched.