TRASER DMS 365 2406 Release Note


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Bug Fixes

This release includes several bug fixes as well as the following new functions and improvements.


New Functions

[9128] Finance charge memo preview

The option to open a finance charge memo preview for rental invoices was added to TRASER DMS 365.

[18197] Automatic posting to short/mid/long-term loan and interest accounts

Users can now activate the automatic posting to short/mid/long-term loan and interest accounts so that the maturities are correctly taken into account. Therefore, the toggle switch Automatic posting to short/mid/long-term loan accounts was added to the Financing Setup.

[18198] Posting logic for automatic posting to short/mid/long-term loan and interest accounts

Financing postings are now automatically directed to the appropriate loan and interest accounts based on the defined maturities for short, mid, and long-term financings, eliminating the need for manual rebooking. For loan postings, either the short or long posting method will be used, while interest postings will be automatically split according to maturity.

[18497] Redesign of 'Sums' factbox in financing card and list

The Sums factbox on the financing card and list was redesigned as the old factbox did not calculate the values correctly.

[20844] Posting logic for active financings

Users are now able to post financings that have been set up as type Active in the Financing Posting Setup. This applies to cases where the dealer issues financings to a customer.


[19542] No automation for item charges in certain areas

The automation for item charges was disabled in the following user cases:

  • Calculation: A document is created out of a sales calculation
  • Calculation: A document is created out of a calculation template
  • Puchase Return Order: When using Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action
  • Purchase Credit Memo: When using Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action
  • Sales Return Order: When using Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action
  • Sales Credit Memo: When using Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action

[20853] Improvement regarding transfer of document texts to share documents

To prevent duplicated document texts in share documents within the machine community, the following improvements were made:

  • When creating share documents in the service or sales area, document texts from the admin document will not be transferred if the Automatically Inserted toggle switch is set to true
  • Document texts will only be transferred when the toggle switch is set to false

This update ensures that share documents will no longer contain duplicated document texts. Previously, document texts were always transferred from the admin document, leading to duplications.


New Functions

[18281] Removal of 'Service Text' and 'Standard Equipment Text' factboxes from the service item card

The Service Text and Standard Equipment Text factboxes were removed from the service item card as they are not necessary on this page.

[21403] New factbox for machine owner history

A new factbox displaying all owners that are related to a machine was added to the service item card. Via the factbox, you can add owner information.

[21404] New functionality regarding machine owner history

If a service item contains information about the machine owner, these information will be transferred to the following documents when posted:

  • Sales invoice
  • Sales Credit Memo
  • Purchase Invoice

[21718] Service document handling for requisition in machine community documents

The service document handling for the requisition in machine community documents was updated. Previously, items needed for machine community-related service documents could only be procured once the repair status was set to finished, ensuring no additional work or time tracking occurred after the split documents were created. Now, the Create Purch. Orders action is only available for admin service orders. Additionally, a new toggle switch Machine Community Member Document was added to filter share document lines. The error preventing the creation of purchase orders in service documents was also resolved.


[15827] Preventing changes of certain fields in split sales documents

Once share documents for sales have been created, only the following fields can be edited:

  • In sales document header: all fields in Invoice Details FastTab, all fields in Shipping and Billing FastTab
  • In sales document line: Shortcut Dimensions 1 - 8

All other fields will be locked and cannot be edited.

[17617] Preventing changes of certain fields in split service documents

Once share documents for service have been created, only the following fields can be edited:

  • In service document header: all fields in Invoicing FastTab, all fields in Shipping FastTab
  • In service document line: Shortcut Dimensions 1 - 8
  • In service item line: Repair Status Code
  • In service item worksheet: Repair Status Code and comments in factboxes

All other fields will be locked and cannot be edited.

[20843] Improvement regarding service item description translation

When the system generates a service item description, an automatic translation of the description will also be created from now on. This translation will be generated only if both the language code and its corresponding translation are stored for the category and subcategory. If these conditions are met, the service item description translation will be created in the specified language code.


New Functions

[5833] Segmentation marker for service item

It is now possible to select service items and the associated contacts in the segmentation by service items in order to link these to the corresponding activities and to be able to send automated mails to the contacts. For this, the following fields were added to the request page:

  • Service Item No.
  • Manufacturer
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Model
  • Year of construction
  • Counter 1
  • Counter 1 Value

[8687] New fields in segment line

The following new fields were added to the segment lines:

  • Service Item No.
  • Service Item Description
  • Serial No.
  • Service Interval Description

The fields are filled automatically when a contact is inserted into the segment lines.

[18505] New fields in warranty setup table

The Warranty Setup page was extended by 3 fields:

  • Resource for Parts incl. VAT
  • Resource for Labor incl. VAT
  • Resource for Misc. incl. VAT

[19138] Resource setup added to warranty setup

The following fields were added to the Warranty Setup page:

  • Resource for Parts
  • Resource for Labor
  • Resource for Misc.

The Use Resources in Documents field was added to the Warranty Types page.

[19142] Use resources in documents created from warranty claims

When creating a new customer credit memo from the warranty claim using the action Create Customer Credit Memo or service invoice using Create Customer Invoice, the system checks if there are any service lines or warranty lines and transfers the resource information from the warranty documents into the newly created document.

[20875] Moving parts to workshop bin

The Create Int. Movement action was added to the service worksheet lines. This allows service technicians to trigger an inventory movement document for spare parts they added to the worksheet during the service. This inventory movement is then both shown in the system and, if used, in any mobile device in the warehouse for all warehouse employees so that they know they have to move spare parts from a warehouse shelf into the workshop bin.

[20880] Return parts from workshop bin

The Create Return Int. Movement action was added to the service worksheet lines. This allows service technicians to trigger an inventory movement document for spare parts did not use during the service order they were working on. This inventory movement is then both shown in the system and, if used, in any mobile device in the warehouse for all warehouse employees so that they know they have to move spare parts from the workshop back to the default bin.

[21243] Customer number printed on service worksheet

The Customer No. will now also be printed on the service worksheet Report.


[18745] Hiding service line amount when using fix price for resources

The logic for hiding the service line amount when using labour costs with a fix price was improved. When a fix price is entered but not yet calculated, and the Preview Document action is executed, a message occurs saying that fix prices that have not yet been calculated will not be printed on the report. The service invoice preview report only shows the fix price if it has been calculated.

[20914] Improvement for machine community service shipment report

The lines in the machine community service shipment report now only show the lines specific to the customer rather than all shipment lines.

[21247] Resource statistics added to worksheets

The new resource statistics action was added to the worksheet list.


New Functions

[18714] New fields for multi-currency in sales area

The following fields have been added in the sales area for the multi-currency functionality:

  • On sales calculation page: Sales Currency, Sales Currency Exchange Rate
  • On sales forecast page: Calculation Currency, Calculation Currency Exchange Rate
  • On sales discounts page (in sales forecast): Total Sales Discounts
  • In sales discounts table (in sales forecast): Base Discount Amount, Discount Amount
  • On workshops page (in sales forecast): Total Cost Amount (Labor), Total Cost Amount (Parts), Total Cost Amount
  • In workshops table (in sales forecast): Amount (Labour), Amount (Parts), Total Amount

[18715] 'Calculation Currency Code' in manufacturer table

The field Calculation Currency Code was added to the manufacturer table so that users can set up the currency calculation at the manufacturer.

[18720] New fields for multi-currency in purchase area

The following fields have been added in the purchase area for the multi-currency functionality:

  • On purchase discounts page (in sales forecast): Total Purchase Discounts
  • In purchase discounts table (in sales forecast): Base Discount Amount, Discount Amount
  • On external equipment page (in sales forecast): Total List Price, Total Costs, Total Calculated Sales Price
  • In external equipment table (in sales forecast): List Price, Direct Unit Cost, Line Amount

[18721] Transfer of multi-currency calculation to sales quote

The unit costs of sales lines will be recalculated if the sales currency differs from the calculation currency. The new functionality works as follows:

  • Transfer of exchange rate for the sales currency and the sales currency code to the sales quote if it differs from the calculation currency.
  • If the sales currency differs from the calculation currency, recalculation of Unit Price Excl. VAT field of the sales line using the exchange rate of the sales currency.

[18722] Transfer of multi-currency calculation to purchase order

From now on, the Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT will be recalculated using the exchange rate of the calculation currency if the calculation currency of the forecast differs from the vendor's currency.

[18725] Storing options with prices per currency

A field to store a currency value was added to the forecast. When picking an option from the options table, the system will update the list price and direct unit cost using the exchange rate of the calculation currency, but only if the calculation currency is different from the option's currency. When picking an option with a currency that has an exchange rate of 0, the list price and direct unit cost won't be added to the configuration lines. When selecting an item in the configuration line and the calculation currency is different from the vendor's currency, the system will update the list price and direct unit cost using the exchange rate.

[18726] Redesign of factbox in sales forecast

The factox in the sales forecast was redesigned to include the calculation currency functionality.

[18731] Display of expected values in LCY in the calculation review

When using foreign currency, the expected amounts on the​ calculation forecast page will now be shown in LCY.

[20959] Activation of configurator without manufacturer

Users can now activate configurators without specifying a manufacturer, making the configurator framework more flexible and suitable for a wider range of requirements.

[20961] Loading configurations without having to set up a manufacturer in advance

Users can now load configurations without needing to set up a manufacturer in advance. The load function operates with or without a manufacturer code. The first manufacturer found is not automatically assigned to the vendor, as it might differ in the configuration. If multiple configurations are available, users are prompted to choose one.

[20964] Extension of product hierarchy selection with manufacturer

The product hierachy selection was extended. When a configurator is loaded without a pre-defined manufacturer, the manufacturer field is editable. Conversely, if the configurator has a pre-defined manufacturer, the manufacturer field is non-editable and is already filled with the correct value for the configurator.

[20971] Implementation of check regarding the completion of the product hierarchy

A new check was implemented to ensure the completion of the product hierarchy in the purchase order list, purchase order card, and sales calculation card. If no manufacturer has been selected, the configurator cannot be loaded and will abort with an error. This function ensures accuracy and prevents errors by requiring all necessary information before proceeding.

[21362] Improvement regarding 'VAT Prod. Posting Group' for trade-ins in agency business

The field VAT Prod. Posting Group was added to the agency business contract card. If the field is populated, the value will b transferred to the trade-in line.

[21365] Separate Excel template and import for translations

To enhance the usability of importing translations for manufacturers' price lists in multiple languages, TRASER DMS 365 now supports the separate import of translations in up to five languages, independent of price updates for catalog items within a single catalog. The following three actions were added to the catalog card:

  • Export Excel Template (Translations)
  • Import Excel Template (Translations)
  • Update Translations

[21452] Display of more fields in sales documents

The following fields are now displayed in all sales documents:

  • Subtotal
  • Subtotal Amount
  • Subtotal From Line No.
  • Subtotal To Line No.
  • Alt. Position Comment
  • Alt. Pos. From Line No.
  • Alt. Pos. To Line No.
  • Alt. Position Line


[21372] Improvement regarding service items in forecasts

Users can now select service items in forecasts that have the Status (Purchase) = In Trade-In or the Status (Sales) = Sold. This allows for calculating and quoting machines that the user has agreed to take back from other customers, even if the machines are not yet in the dealer's inventory.


New Functions

[19202] New structure to handle reservation changes from purchase order lines

The action Open Pending Demand Lines was added to the purchase order card, storing affected demand lines for further processing.

[20499] New field 'Planning Flexibility'

The field Planning Flexibility was added to the item and stockkeeping unit card. This allows users to specify whether the Planning Flexibility value should automatically populate lines in requisition worksheets, purchase orders, and transfer orders.

[20500] Extension of reservation logic to apply a future date formula

The field Formula for Calculation of Future Supply was added to the location card, allowing users to enter a date formula that will be used to calculate supplies required to fulfill future demands.

[21032] 'Vendor Item No.' in proforma invoice

The vendor item number will now be shown on proforma invoice reports when the user activates the new toggle switch Show vendor Item No..

[21199] New column 'Vendor Item No.' and 'Location Code' for 'Warehouse Register Qty.' report

The columns Vendor Item No. and Location Code were added to the Warehouse Register Qty. report.

[21271] New setup parameter regarding planning flexibility from item card

When setting up an item or stockkeeping unit for a specific item/location/variant combination, users can now choose the desired Planning Flexibility value. For example, users can set the planning flexibility to None by default when setting up an item, ensuring that requisition worksheets won't suggest canceling or recreating existing purchase orders.

[21275] New field 'Planning Flexibility' in item templates

The field Planning Flexibility was added to the item template card. This allows users to specify whether the Planning Flexibility value should automatically populate lines in requisition worksheets, purchase orders, and transfer orders.


[21445] Removal of function regarding proforma delivery note

The action Proforma Delivery Note was removed from the sales order page as it is not needed as part of the standard process.