Worklists and Changelogs

This chapter contains all the information you need to set up, create and edit worklists and worklist templates. The functions of teams, changelogs and table relations are described for the worklist templates.

The contents on this page are divided into the following sections:

TRASER Worklist

The TRASER Worklist functionality makes it possible to set up worklists to distribute tasks automatically or manually to different salespeople or teams. The tasks created in the worklist are displayed to the assigned salesperson or the assigned team in the role center under the Worklist Activities.

Set up Worklists

To activate the worklist function, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to find the page Setup for TRASER Worklist.
  • The page Setup for TRASER Worklist is displayed.
  • Enter the desired number series to be used for worklists to be created in the Worklist No. field.
  • In the Task No. field, enter the desired number series to be used for tasks to be created.
  • In the Administration Team field, select the team that is to receive administration rights for worklists. You can find more information on the setup of teams here.


The administration team can assign, lock, unlock, cancel or close all tasks.

  • In the Template for manual Task field, you can specify a previously created template to be used for manually created tasks. For more information on creating templates, click here.
  • Click on Activate to activate the worklist function.
  • Your entries will be saved automatically.

You have successfully activated the worklist function.

Create Templates for Worklists

To be able to assign tasks manually, you need a worklist template.
To create a worklist template, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to find the page Templates for TRASER Worklist.
  • The page Templates for TRASER Worklist is displayed.
  • Click New in the menu bar.
  • A new page Templates for TRASER Worklist opens.
  • Enter a description for your task in the Description field. This should be a clear task.
  • You can set the trigger for the worklist in the Setup Worklist Trigger FastTab.
  • In the Template Trigger field, select whether the worklist should be triggered by a changelog, the Completion of another Task, a Higher-level Task or Manually.
  • If you have selected Changelog, the following additional options are available to you:
Field Description
Changelog Select the changelog that is to serve as the trigger for the task.
Don’t Create Task Activate this button if you do not want to create a task for this template. This setting can be used if this template is used as a trigger for other templates.

Further information on creating changelogs can be found here.

  • If you have selected Completion of the Task, the following additional options are available to you:
Field Description
Worklist Trigger Code Select the worklist here that is to serve as the trigger for this task. As soon as the selected task has been completed, the task you created will be created.
Worklist Description Trigger The description of the worklist selected as the trigger is displayed here.
Worklist Trigger Option ID If the completion Option was selected in the triggering worklist, you can select the triggering option here.
Option Value Specify here at which option value the worklist should be triggered. This is only possible if the Worklist Trigger Option ID field has a value.
  • If you have selected Higher-level, the following additional options are available to you:
Field Description
Worklist Trigger Code Select the worklist here that is to serve as the trigger for this task. As soon as the selected task has been created, the task you created will be created.
Worklist Description Trigger The description of the worklist selected as the trigger is displayed here.
  • If you have selected Manual, the worklist can only be triggered manually.

  • In the FastTab Mapping, you can select whether the worklist should be assigned to an individual person or a team.

  • You can set the start and end date of the worklist in the Start & End Date tab.

  • In the Selection Setting FastTab, you can specify the table or page affected by the worklist.

  • You can set when the worklist should be closed in the Closing Setup FastTab.

  • In the Completion Option field, select whether the task should be completed without further specifications (Default), by specifying Yes/No, by specifying a user-defined Option or by checking the content of a field (Field Check).

  • Enter user-defined options separated by commas in the Option Value field.

  • In the Completion Condition field, select whether the task can be completed On Condition Setting, After Expiry of the Active Period (enter this in the Active period field), on condition setting or after expiry of the active period or whether the task can only be completed Manually.

  • In the Conditions FastTab, you can set the conditions under which a task is to be created. This can be, for example, a specific value in a field you have selected.

  • If you have selected the Field Check completion option, the Field Check information tab is displayed. Here you can specify the field to be checked and, for example, define the value required to complete the task.

  • In the Additional Information tab, you can select fields that are displayed in an FactBox in the task to be created.

  • In the FastTab, you can specify Instructions to be carried out by the assigned person/team.

  • Your entries will be saved automatically.

You have successfully created a worklist template.


Tasks, whether created automatically or manually, will be displayed for the assigned person or team in the Worklist Activities section under the categories Assigned to You, Expired Tasks, My Tasks and All.


Users with the Teamleader role can perform all subsequent steps for all tasks within their team.

Assign Tasks

If a task has been assigned to a team, people with the Team Leader role have the option of assigning the task to individual salespeople.

To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • In the Worklist Activities in the role center of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central; click on the batch that contains the task to be opened.
  • The selected batch is displayed.
  • Click on the desired task.
  • The TRASER Worklist Task Card is displayed.
  • Select Assign > Lock/Assign from the menu bar.
  • Select a salesperson you would like to assign this task to.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.

You have successfully assigned a task to a salesperson.

Lock/Unlock Tasks

If a task has been assigned to a team, team members have the option of locking the task and claiming it for themselves.

To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • In the Worklist Activities in the role center of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central; click on the batch that contains the task to be opened.
  • The selected batch is displayed.
  • Click on the desired task.
  • The TRASER Worklist Task Card is displayed.
  • Click on Lock/Assign > Lock/Unlock in the menu bar.
  • The task has now been locked or unlocked for you.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.

You have successfully locked/unlocked a task.

Close Tasks

If you have been assigned a task or you have locked a task, you have the option of completing the task.

To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • In the Worklist Activities in the role center of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central; click on the batch that contains the task to be opened.
  • The selected batch is displayed.
  • Click on the desired task.
  • The TRASER Worklist Task Card is displayed.
  • Click on Process > Close in the menu bar.
  • If the completion conditions of the task have been met, it is now completed.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.

You have successfully completed a task.

Validate Tasks

If you want to complete a task, you first have the option of checking whether the completion conditions have been met.

To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • In the Worklist Activities in the role center of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central; click on the batch that contains the task to be opened.
  • The selected batch is displayed.
  • Click on the desired task.
  • The TRASER Worklist Task Card is displayed.
  • Click on Process > Validate in the menu bar.
  • A dialog window opens showing whether the completion conditions for the task have been met.
  • To confirm this please press OK.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.

You have successfully validated a task.

Cancel Tasks

If an assigned task is no longer necessary or can no longer be fulfilled, you can cancel it.

To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • In the Worklist Activities in the role center of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central; click on the batch that contains the task to be opened.
  • The selected batch is displayed.
  • Click on the desired task.
  • The TRASER Worklist Task Card is displayed.
  • Click on Process > Cancel in the menu bar.
  • The task has been canceled.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.

You have successfully canceled a task.

Create Tasks Manually

If you have set the template trigger manually in a worklist template, you can only trigger this template manually in the respective documents.
To create a task manually, proceed as follows:

  • Open the document for which you want to create tasks.
  • Click on the FactBox tab Task > New Task.
  • Enter instructions for your task in the Description field on the Task Description FastTab.
  • In the Assignment FastTab, select the team or person to be assigned to this task.
  • Click OK to confirm the details.

You have successfully created a task manually.

Create a Team

You can create teams for worklists and assign salespeople to these teams. This makes it easier to distribute tasks using worklists.
To create a team, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Teams in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • The page Teams is displayed.
  • Click New in the menu bar.
  • Enter a code for the team in the Code field.
  • Enter a name for the team in the Name field.
  • The Next Task Date field indicates the date on which the next task is due for this team.
  • Your entries will be saved automatically.

You have successfully created an team.

Assign Salesperson to a Team

You can assign salespeople to a created team and select a team leader. The team leader can then assign, lock, unlock, cancel or close tasks within the team. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Teams in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • The page Teams is displayed.
  • Select a team you would like to assign salespeople to.
  • In the menu bar, click on the selection field > Related > Team > Other > Sellers.
  • The page Team Salespeople is displayed.
  • Select the salesperson you want to assign to this team in the Salesperson Code field.
  • The Sales Person Name field shows the name of the salesperson.
  • Activate the Team Leader button to mark this salesperson as the team leader.
  • Your entries will be saved automatically.

You have successfully assigned a salesperson to a team.

Set up Changelogs

Change logs can be used to track changes in documents and use them as triggers to automatically create tasks from worklists.


At the moment, changelogs can only be used in worklists.

Proceed as follows to set up changelogs:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page TRASER Changelogs Setup in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • The page Changelog Setup is displayed.
  • Click on the Active button in the General FastTab.
  • Use the Asynchronous Processing button to select whether the changelog should be processed synchronously or asynchronously in the task scheduler.
  • Your entries will be saved automatically.

You have successfully set up the changelog function.

Create Changelogs

To create a changelog, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page TRASER Changelogs in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • The page TRASER Changelogs is displayed.
  • Click New in the menu bar.
  • The TRASER Changelogs Card is displayed.
  • The following options are available in the General register:
Field Description
Code Enter a unique code for your changelog here and the TRASER changelog card will be displayed.
Description Enter a description for the changelog.
Change Changelog Type Select the changelog type. Only the Worklist option is currently available.
  • You can specify the tables to be checked in the changelog in the Lines FastTab.
  • Enter the table to be checked in the Table field.
  • You can specify a table relation to be checked in the Table Relation field. For more information on table relations, go here.
  • You can select in the buttons whether the changelog should check the Insertion, Change, Deletion or Renaming. You can also select several or all options.
  • If you have activated the Check Changes button, select in the check type field whether All fields or only Several Fields should be checked.
  • The Forbidden Table button deactivates the specified table in this changelog.
  • Click the Activate button.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.

You have successfully created a changelog.

Create Table Relations

Table relations are used to link fields or filters of two tables with each other. Table relations can be used in worklists or changelogs, for example.
To create a table relation, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Table Relations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • The page TRASER Table Relations is displayed.
  • Click New in the menu bar.
  • The Table Relation Card is displayed.
  • Enter a unique code in the Code field in the General FastTab of your table relation.
  • You can select the Extended table relation in the Type field. The Extended option uses other table relations to create a relation between source and target tables.
  • Enter a name for your table relation in the Name field.
  • Enter the ID of the source table of the table relation in the From Table ID field.
  • The name of the source table is displayed in the From Table Name field.
  • Enter the ID of the target table of the table relation in the To Table ID field.
  • The name of the target table is displayed in the To Table Name field.
  • Enter the fields and/or filters relevant for the table relation in the lines of the Details FastTab.
  • Use the Type field to select whether this line is a Field or a Filter.
  • Enter the field number of the source field in the From Field No. field. This is only possible for the Field detail type.
  • The name of the source field is displayed in the From Field Name field.
  • Enter the field number of the target field in the To Field No. field.
  • The name of the target field is displayed in the To Field Name field.
  • Enter the filter for the target field in the To Field Filter Value field. This is only possible for the Filter detail type.
  • You can check your table relation for errors in the Table Relation Check FastTab. The button in the FastTab displays either the option Error-Free (OK) or Not Error-Free (NOK).
  • Your changes will be saved automatically.

You have successfully created a table relation.