Profiling app


Open the form of an account and navigate to the Profiling tab (1). First, select the questionnaire matching the customer (2).

Open profiling app

The questions of the selected questionnaire are now displayed on the left side (1). Select a question by clicking on the button Profiling-Fragebogen erstellen. In the middle (2), select the answer option that fits the customer. The selected answers will be listed on the right side (3). Repeat this process with the next question on the left side. You can delete questions again by clicking on the X (4).

Answer profiling questions

In the configuration of these questionnaires, there is the possibility to activate multiple answers. If this has been set up for a question, the buttons for answering the question are displayed with checkboxes Checkbox instead of radio boxes Radiobutton. You can now select multiple answers. The first answer selected will be marked with a filled star on the right side and thus prioritized. You can adjust the prioritization by clicking on one of the empty stars of the other answers.

Answer profiling questions with multiple answers

Die wichtigsten Antworten werden nun im Header der Firma angezeigt. Welche Antworten hier angezeigt werden, können Administratoren im Einrichtungsbereich festlegen. Sollte es sich hierbei um eine Frage handeln, bei der Mehrfachantworten aktiviert sind, so wird die priorisierte Antwort im Header angezeigt.

Display profiling highlights