Document Texts Rental

TRASER Rental 365 allows you to add individual texts and text templates to documents. Via document text templates you can define beginning and ending texts, as well as texts to be used in payment terms. These template/texts can also be edited specifically for a document at a later time and will be displayed on the selected documents and printed reports. This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Defining Document Text Templates for Rental

This section describes how to create a new document text template for rental. For more information on document text templates, click here. Please proceed as follows to create a document text template:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Document Text Templates.
  • To set up a new document text template, click New in the menu bar.
  • In the General FastTab, specify a name for the document text template in the Description field.
  • Enter a starting date for the document text template into the Starting Date column.
  • Enter an ending date for the document text template into the Ending Date column.
  • Now you can enter different document texts. There are 3 different fields:
Text Type Description
Beginning Text Add a beginning text. The position of the beginning text is illustrated by the number 1 in the following screenshot.
Ending Text Add an ending text. The position of the ending text is illustrated by the number 2 in the following screenshot.
Payment Terms Text Add a text for the payment terms. The position of the text for the payment terms is illustrated by the number 3 in the following screenshot.
  • To create a new document text, click on the selection field next to the text type.

  • Enter a text for the selected text type via the text editor.

  • After entering a text, click on OK to go back to the document text template.

  • The value of the text will be changed to Yes.

  • In the Use on Documents FastTab, activate the toggle switches for the documents that the document text template should be applied to. For the rental area, the following document types are available:

    • Rent Order
    • Rental Protocol
    • Rental Purchase Request
    • Rental Purchase Contract
    • Rental Purchase Protocol
    • Rent End
    • Rent End Vendor

You have successfully set up a new document text template. Document text templates will be applied depending on the Starting Date, Ending Date and the rental documents you selected for this document text template.

Defining Document Text for Rent Orders

You can define document texts for certain rent orders. These will then only be valid for this rent order. Please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rent Orders in TRASER Rental 365.
  • All created rent orders are displayed.
  • Select the rent order to which you want to add document texts.
  • Select Related > Document Texts from the menu line.
  • The window Edit – Document Texts – Rent Order is displayed. Here, you can set the Document Text Template or Translations of the beginning/ending text as well as the payment terms text specifically for this rent order.

Further information on setting up document texts can be found in the Document Texts chapter.

Viewing Document texts in posted Rental Invoices and Rental Credit Memos

You can view the stored document texts in posted rental invoices or posted rental credit memos. To do this, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Posted Rent Invoices or Posted Rent Credit Memos in TRASER Rental 365.
  • All posted rent invoices and rent credit memos are displayed.
  • Open the posted rent invoice or rent credit memo of which you want to view the document texts.
  • Select Related > Show Document Texts from the menu line.
  • The page Posted Rent Invoice or Posted Rent Credit Memo is displayed in which you can view the stored before and after text as well as the payment terms text. This page is not editable.

Further information on setting up document texts can be found in the Document Texts chapter. In the next chapter you will find information on creating contract messages. Continue with next chapter