This chapter describes how reservations are realized in Business Central.
Use the following links to jump to the different sections in this document:
- Types of Reservations
- Check Ledger Entry Availability
- Create Reservation
- Plan Reservation
- Cancel Reservation
- Create Rental Quote or Rental Contract via 'Rent Reservation' Page
Types of Reservations
If a customer isn’t ready to sign a rental contract, they can instead reserve a rental object or resource. This object or resource will then be reserved for this customer until they decide whether they want to sign the contract. In TRASER Rental 365 there are two types of reservations:
Type of Reservation | Explanation |
Reserved | If a rental object or a resource is marked as reserved, a non binding reservation request exists. The rental object or resource can still be planned, rented out or posted. |
Planned | If a rental object or a resource is marked as Planned, a binding reservation request exists. The rental object or resource can no longer be planned, rented out or posted. |
Check Ledger Entry Availability
To view the utilization of certain rent objects, resources or rent classes / to check the availability of the selected ledger entry before releasing and printing the contract, please use the Rent Class Reservation Matrix. To do so, please proceed as follows:
- Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rental Reservation page in TRASER DMS 365.
- In the Rent Class Reservation Matrix FastTab, a list of all items, service items and resources is displayed. You can filter the ledger entries via the Matrix Options and Availability Options FastTabs.
- In the Rent Class Reservation Matrix FastTab, you can also view the availability status of an (service) item or resource. Use the scrollbar at the bottom of the page to scroll throuth the entire period.
- Please fill in the fields according to filter the availability by rent class or period.
You can also check the availability of rent classes directly on the Rent Class Card.
To do this, select Reservation > Reservation from the menu bar.
FastTab | Option | Action |
Matrix Options | Calculation Type | In this column you can filter for the calculation types Requested and Reserved. Requested calculates the availability according to the quantity in the contract lines. Reserved calculates the availability according to the reservations of objects that have been activated for this rent class. |
Include Quote | Activate this toggle switch if rental quotes should be included in the calculation. This is only possible if the value Requested was used in the Calculation Type field. | |
Rent Class Type Filter | Optional Select the desired rent class type in this dropdown list, e.g. Service Item, Item or Resource. | |
Rent Class Filter | Optional Select a rent class to narrow down the results. | |
Date Filter | Use this field to enter the start date that should be shown in the rent class reservation matrix. | |
View by | Please select a time unit from the dropdown list after which you want the results to be displayed in the rental class reservation matrix. You can choose between: Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year. If you select Month, Quarter or Year, the filter will use the first day of the period (which means the first day of the month) as the starting date for the request. |
Availability Options | Availability Requested From Date | Use this field to enter the validity date of the rent reservation. For a better overview, open the calendar view via the calendar icon. To select the current date, click on Go to today. You can close the calendar view by clicking Done. |
Availability Period in Days | Optional Enter the number of days you would like to reserve the rent object/resource. The Availability Requested To Date field will be filled in automatically. | |
Availability Requested To Date | Use this field to enter the validity date of the rent reservation. If you have already entered a value into the Availability Period in Days field, it will be filled out by the system. |
Availability Requested Quantity | Optional Please enter the quantity you would like to check the availability for. If you leave this field empty, the current utilization for the rental objects/resources will be displayed. |
Rent Class Reservation Matrix / Rental Reservation Matrix | Reference This area will display the filtered list. Use the bar at the bottom of the page to view the entire time period. By clicking on an entry, all reservations for that entry will be shown. |
- Close the Rental Reservation page.
An overview of all reservations can be found on the Rental Reservation Ledger Entries page.
Create Reservation
The following sections describe how to set up a reservation for a rental object/resource. You have the following options:
- Create Reservation via Rental Quote or Rental Contract
- Create Reservation via 'Rent Reservation' Page
- Create Reservation via Service Item
It is possible to overwrite reservations for other quotes or contracts. Once the status is set to Planned, this will no longer be possible.
To do this, select a rent object or rent class that has already been reserved when creating a new reservation. The existing reservation will be deleted from the rental quote/contract and the new reservation for the rent object or resource is adopted.
We recommend not to overwrite reservations that have been set up by other users. Please contact the person who set up the reservation before you overwrite it.
Create Reservation via Rental Quote or Rental Contract
This sub-section describes how to create a reservation via a rental or quote or rental contract. To do so, please proceed as follows:
- Open the quote or contract.
- Select Start > Reserve.
- A new window opens. Here, you can edit the rent object/resource reservation.
- The fields in the Availability Options will be pre-filled in automatically according to the rent parameters.
- Filter the Rental Reservation Matrix list under the Matrix Options FastTab to only display those rent object/resources that are relevant for you. A description can be found in the table below:
Option | Action |
Object Type | Select in this dropdown list whether you would like to filter by items, service items or resources. |
Date Filter | Optional Please enter a start date. |
View by | Optional Please enter a date format. You can choose between Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year. |
Rent Class Filter | Optional Enter the name of the desired rent class if you only want to view the rent objects/resources of a specific rent class. You can also click on the button with the three dots to select a specific rent class from the rent class list. |
Object No. Filter | Optional Enter the object no. if you are looking for a specific rent object or resource. You can also click on the button with the three dots to select a specific rent object or resource from the object list. |
Rent Object Category | Optional Enter a specific category. |
Rent Status | Optional Enter a specific rent status. |
Current Location | Enter a location if you want to filter by a specific location. |
- In addition to the filter options regarding the Availability Options and Matrix Options, you can also filter by Attributes. Attributes are added on the item or service item card.
- On the Rent Object Reservation page, select Attributes > Filter by Attributes from the menu bar.
- A new window opens where you can enter the attribute code as well as the attribute value.
- Confirm the entered attribute values by clicking OK.
- Now, select the desired rent object or resource from the filtered Rental Reservation Matrix by clicking in the line. An arrow will appear in the column next to the selected rent object or resource:
- It is also possible to select a (service) item from a different rent class for the reservation if the requested (service) item is not available. However, the requirement for this is that the toggle switch for Alternative Rent Classes allowed is activated on the TRASER Rental Setup page.
- Click on New > Create Reservation to create a reservation for the selected rent object or resource.
- The Manual Reservation Page page is displayed.
- Please fill in the fields according to the table below to create a rental reservation.
Option | Action |
From Date | Use this field to enter the start date of the rent period. |
To Date | Use this field to enter the estimated end date of the rent period. |
Comment | Optional Add a significant comment for the rental reservation. You can also filter by comments. The comment feature can also be used to provide information on the reservation and whether it can be used in other rental contracts. |
Quantity (Base) | Enter the number of rent objects you would like to reserve. The maximum quantity for service items is 1. This field is only for (service) items. |
- Click Close to close the window.
If the entered time period does not match the default reservation period, an error message will appear. If you still want to select your entered time period, confirm the dialog window by clicking Yes. To correct the time period, click on No. - The rent object or resource is now reserved for the rental quote or contract.
- Optional Next, you can Plan Reservation.
- Close the Rental Reservation page.
Create Reservation via the 'Rental Reservation' Page
This subsection describes how to create a reservation via the Rental Reservation page.
Before you can create a reservation via the Rental Reservation page, you have to create a rental quote or contract. More information on these topics can be found under Create Rental Quote or Create Rental Contract.
- Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rental Reservation page in TRASER DMS 365.
- In the Rent Class Reservation Matrix FastTab, a list of all items is displayed.
- Optional Filter by rent class type and rent class in the Matrix Options FastTab to narrow down your search.
- Select a Rent Class from the table in the Rent Class Reservation Matrix FastTab by clicking in the respective line.
The line with the arrowin the first column is the selected line.
- In the Rent Class Reservation Matrix FastTab, click on Manage > Open Object Reservation Page.
- The Edit ‐ Rent Object Reservation window opens.
- The fields in the Matrix Options FastTab have already been filled with the information from the Rental Reservation page.
- Fill in the fields in the Availability Options FastTab according to the information provided under Check Ledger Entry Availability.
- In addition to the filter options regarding the Availability Options and Matrix Options you can also filter by Attributes. Attributes are added on the item or service item card.
- On the Rent Object Reservation page, select Attributes > Filter by Attributes from the menu bar.
- A new window opens where you can enter the attribute code as well as the attribute value.
- Confirm the entered attribute values by clicking OK.
- Click on New > Create Reservation in the menu bar.
Before you can create a reservation via the Rental Reservation function, you have to create a rental quote or contract.
If you haven’t created a rental quote or contact yet, click on Create Quote / Create Contract. More information on these topics can be found under
Create Rental Quote or
Create Rental Contract.
- Click OK.
- The Manual Reservation Page is displayed.
- The parameters from the Edit ‐ Rent Object Reservation window were transferred automatically.
- Select in the Reservation Doc. Type dropdown list whether the reservation should apply to a Quote, Contract, Add. Contract or Contract Template.
- Select the precise document from the Reservation Doc. No. dropdown list which the reservation should apply to.
- Click OK to confirm the reservation.
- Click Close to close the Edit ‐ Rent Object Reservation window.
- The reservation will be shown in the Rent Class Reservation Matrix and in the applicable document.
- Optional Next, you can Plan Reservation.
- Close the Rental Reservation page.
Create Reservation via Service Item
This sub-section describes how to create a reservation via an item or service item. To do so, please proceed as follows:
First, you have to set up a new rental quote or contract. More information on these topics can be found under Create Rental Quote or Create Rental Contract.
- Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to open the Items / Service Items page in TRASER DMS 365.
- A list containing all Items or Service Items is displayed.
- Open the (service) item you would like to create a reservation for.
- Select Rental > Reserve from the menu bar.
- The Edit – Rental Reservation window will open.
- The list will already be filtered by (service) items. (Service) items that currently have the status In Repair will be displayed in yellow.
- To create a reservation, please fill in the other fields as described in Create Reservation via 'Rent Reservation' Page.
- Optional Next, you can Plan Reservation.
- Close the Edit – Rental Reservation window.
Create Reservation via Resource
First, you have to set up a new rental quote or contract. More information on these topics can be found under Create Rental Quote or Create Rental Contract.
- Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Resources page in TRASER DMS 365.
- A list containing all resources opens.
- Open the resource you would like to create a reservation for.
- Select Rental > Reserve from the menu bar.
- The Edit – Rent Object Reservation - Resource window opens.
- The list will already be filtered by resources.
- To create a reservation please proceed as described in Create Reservation via 'Rent Reservation' Page.
- Optional Next, you can Plan Reservation.
- Close the Edit – Rent Object Reservation - Resource window.
Plan Reservation
The following sections describe how to set up a binding reservation for a service (item)/resource. To do so, please proceed as follows:
A service item can only be reserved for rental contracts. Furthermore, the contract has to be signed.
The Status field in the Contract Objects table has to be set to the first status of an object status flow (usually Start).
- Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rental Contracts page in TRASER DMS 365.
- A list of all rental contracts is displayed.
- Open the desired rental contract.
- Scroll to the Contract Objects FastTab at the bottom of the page.
- Click on Manage > Process Next Status.
- A pop-up window opens. Select Rent Object Is Planned and click OK.
- The Edit – Rent Object Reservation window opens.
In case you have already created a manual reservation for this rental contract, a dialog box appears that you can confirm by clicking Yes. If you want to use another ledger entry than the one that is reserved, select No to open the Edit – Rent Object Reservation window.
- The new window will show the correct contract parameters.
- Select an entry by clicking into the line.
- Click on Select > Select in the menu bar.
- The status of the service item in the Contract Objects table will be changed to Object has been planned.
- Optional Next, you can Assign Rental Objects.
- Close the Edit – Rent Object Reservation window.
Cancel Reservation
This section describes how to cancel a reservation. To do so, please proceed as follows:
- Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Reservation Ledger Entries.
- A list containing all reservations and rental parameters is displayed.
- Select the reservation you would like to cancel.
The line with the arrowin the first column is the selected line.
- Click on Actions > Delete Reservation to delete a reservation.
You may have to select 'More Options' first to show the Actions option.
- A dialog window is displayed. To confirm this message please press OK.
- The reservation has been cancelled.
- Close the page Rental Reservation Ledger Entries.
Create Rental Quote or Rental Contract via 'Rent Reservation' Page
This sub-section describes how to create a quote or contract via a reservation. To do so, please proceed as follows:
- Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rental Reservation page in TRASER DMS 365.
- In the Rent Class Reservation Matrix FastTab, a list of all items is displayed.
- Fill in the fields in the Matrix Options and Availability Options FastTab according to the information provided in Create Reservation.
- Click New and
- Create Quote if you want to create a new rent quote, or
- Create Contract if you want to create a new rent contract.
- A new window opens where you can create a new rental contract or quote.
- Select the customer number from the Customer No. dropdown list. The Customer Name, Order Type, Contact No. and Contact fields will be filled in automatically, though the latter two can be edited, if necessary.
- If needed, modify the order type in the Order Type dropdown list.
- Click on OK to create the quote or contract.
- The Rent Class Wizard opens to already add rent classes to the rent document. To do so, please proceed as described here.
- Optional Open the contract or quote.
- Close the page Rental Reservation.
The next chapter covers everything you need to know about assigning rent objects.
Continue with the next chapter