Rent Break

When it comes to rental contracts, you can request a rent break for (service) items and resources. If you request a rent break, you might be eligible for a rental discount for the interruption period. Rent breaks can already be defined in rental quotes. These breaks will then be transferred once the rental quote is converted into a rental contract.
In this section you will learn how to request and approve a rent break for a (service) item or resource in rental documents and how to access the relevant rent break lines.

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Requesting Rent Break

To request a rent break in a rental contract or rental quote, please proceed as follows:


To be able to request a rent break, there has to be a rental contract that is released, printed and signed (for more information, open Release Rental Contract).
In addition, the rental objects that are part of the rental contract must have been shipped (for more information, open Return Rental Object via Rental Contract). The protocol resulting from the delivery must be released and posted.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rental Quotes or Rental Contracts page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The Rental Contracts or Rental Quotes page is displayed.
  • Select a rental contract or a rental quote from the list.
  • The rental contract card or rental quote card opens.
  • In case of a rental contract, select Invoicing > Interruption > Rent Break Request from the menu bar of the Contract Objects FastTab. In case of a rental quote, select Invoicing > Interruption > Rent Break Request from the menu bar of the Lines FastTab.

Rent Break Request

  • The window Rent Break Requests Contract opens. This window contains a table where you can view all rent break requests for this rental contract or rental quote.

Rent Break Request Table

Option Description
Posting Needed If you activate this field, the rental object return must be posted before the rent break can be approved. If this field is not activated, the rent break can be approved without having to post the rental object.
Request For Specifies what the request is for.
Rent Break Start Date Specifies the starting date of the rent break period.
Rent Break End Date Specifies the ending date of the rent break period.
Buffer Period In this column, you can define a value (e.g. 2D = +/- 2 Days). This value states how many days the return of the rental object can deviate from the rent break start date. For example, if a rental item is already returned two days before the start of the requested rent break, this value indicates whether or not the rental discount is still applicable for these additional days.
Comment If needed, enter a comment regarding the rent break.
‌Copy Comment To Invoice Activate this checkbox if the text in the Comment column shall be printed in the invoice documents.
Quantity Specifies the quantity for which the rent break is allowed. The quantity cannot be larger than the quantity in the contract line.
Unit of Measure Code Specifies the unit of measure for the quantity.
Applies To Contract Line This column specifies on which related contract lines the rent break will be applied. When selecting All, the rental discount will be applied to all recurring amounts. When selecting Rent, the rental discount will only be applied to rent. When selecting Selected, the rental discount will be applied to the selected contract lines. To select specific contract lines, choose Process > Add Contract Lines from the menu bar.
Rent Break Discount Specifies what kind discount is applied for the rent break period. If you select Full, the value in the Discount in % column will automatically change to 100%. If you select Partial, you can define your own value in the Discount in % column.
Disc. % Specifies the discount percentage.
Status Specifies the status of the rent break request. This column can have the value Open or Approved.
Interruption Closed Specifies whether the rent break request is closed.
Customer E-Mail Sent This checkbox will be activated automatically if an e-mail for the rent break request was sent to the customer.
  • Fill in the applicable fields. Your changes will be saved automatically.
  • The rent break request has been raised.
  • You can close the Rent Break Requests Contract window.
  • Close the Rental Contracts or Rental Quotes window.

Once you convert the rental quote into a rental contract, the rent break requests will automatically transferred.

Requesting Rent Break for Multiple Contract Lines

You can also request rent breaks for multiple contract lines.
To do so, please proceed as follows:


The Rent Break Posting Needed field needs to be disabled in the Interruption Settings FastTab of the TRASER Rental Setup page in order to use this functionality.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rental Contracts page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The Rental Contracts page is displayed.
  • Select a rental contract from the list.
  • The rental contract card opens.
  • Select Actions > Interruption > Rent Break Request from the menu bar.
  • The Rent Break For All Lines page opens.

The following options are available in the Request Information FastTab:

Option Description
Request For Specifies what the request is for. This field is filled with the selected rental contract by default.
Rent Break Start Date Specifies the starting date of the rent break period.
Rent Break End Date Specifies the ending date of the rent break period.
Rent Break Discount Specifies what kind discount is applied for the rent break period. If you select Full, the value in the Discount in % column will automatically change to 100%. If you select Partial, you can define your own value in the Discount in % column.
Disc. % Specifies the discount percentage.
Applies To This column specifies on which related contract lines the rent break will be applied. When selecting All, the rental discount will be applied to all recurring amounts. When selecting Rent, the rental discount will only be applied to rent. When selecting Selected, the rental discount will be applied to the selected contract lines. To select specific contract lines, choose Process > Add Contract Lines from the menu bar.
Comment A free text field for comments.
  • Fill out the request information as needed.

The following options are available in the Contract Lines FastTab:

Option Description
Selected Specifies if this line should be taken into account for the rent break.
Request For Specifies what the request is for.
Error Found Specifies if an error was found for the contract line.
Error Text A free text field for error texts.
  • Select the desired contract lines.
  • Click OK to confirm your selection.

You have successfully requested a rent break for multiple contract lines.

Approving Rent Break Request/Reset Approval

This section describes how you can approve a rent break request in a rental contract or rental quote and how to reset said approval.


If the Posting Needed field was activated in the rent break request, the rental object must first be returned before the rent break request can be approved.

To approve a rent break request, proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rental Quotes or Rental Contracts page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The Rental Contracts or Rental Quotes page is displayed.
  • Select a rental contract or a rental quote from the list.
  • The rental contract card or rental quote card opens.
  • In case of a rental contract, select Invoicing > Interruption > Rent Break Request from the menu bar of the Contract Objects FastTab. In case of a rental quote, select Invoicing > Interruption > Rent Break Request from the menu bar of the Lines FastTab.

Rent Break Request

  • The Rent Break Requests Contract window opens. This window contains a table where you can view all rent break requests for this rental contract.

Rent Break Request Table

  • Mark the rent break request you would like to approve.
  • Select Approve Request from the menu bar.

Approve Rent Break Request

  • The Status of the rent break request changes from Open to Approved.

If you want to reset the approval, please proceed as follows:

  • Mark the approved rent break request that you want to reset.
  • Select Reset Approval from the menu bar.

Reset Approval

  • The Status of the rent break request changes from Approved to Open.
  • You can close the Rent Break Requests Contract window.
  • Close the Rental Contracts or Rental Quotes window.

Accessing Rent Break Lines

You can view the rent break lines for a specific rental object. These contain all approved interruption periods for a rental object that are still open or have already been closed- To access the rent break lines, proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rental Quotes or Rental Contracts page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The Rental Contracts or Rental Quotes page is displayed.
  • Select a rental contract or a rental quote from the list.
  • The rental contract card or rental quote card opens.
  • In case of a rental contract, select Interruption > Interruption Lines from the menu bar of the Contract Objects FastTab. In case of a rental quote, select Interruption > Interruption Lines from the menu bar of the Lines FastTab.

Accessing Rent Break Lines

  • The Contract Interruption Lines window opens.

Interruption Lines Table

Option Description
Price Description Specifies the price description of the interruption line.
Status Specifies the status of the interruption line.
Interruption Type Specifies the reason for the interruption of the rental contract or rental quote.
Interruption Start Date Specifies the start date of the rent interruption.
Interruption End Date Specifies the end date of the interruption line. This field might be empty if no end date was set and the rent break is still active.
  • You can close the Contract Interruption Lines window.
  • Close the Rental Contracts or Rental Quotes window.

'Boolean' Table

The following table describes the boolean status for this chapter.

Symbol Status Description
Button Rent Object not available for Rent Disabled The option is not activated and the related function not available.
Rent Object Available For Rent Active The option is activated and the related function available.

In the next chapter you will learn everything important about invoice plans.

Continue with the next chapter