Rental Purchase Contracts

Once you have created a rental purchase request and received an appropriate offer, you can sign a contract with the vendor so that the item can be shipped to you or to the customer.

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Creating a Rental Purchase Contract

If you want to accept an offer from a vendor, you can also create a rental purchase contract via the Rental Purchase Contracts page. Please proceed as follows:


You can only create rental purchase contracts if you have been granted the permission to do so. More information on user permissions can be found here: TRASER DMS Rental Permissions.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list with all existing rental purchase contracts is displayed.
  • Click on New to create a new rental purchase contract.

Create Rental Purchase Contract

  • Fill in the fields according to the table below. You might have to click More Options to view all fields.
Register Option Description
General Rent from Vendor No. Use this field to enter the number of the vendor.
Rent from Vendor Name Use this field to enter the name of the vendor.
Contract Start Date Use this field to enter the start date of the contract.
Requested Rent Period Start Date Here, select the date that should mark the start of the rent period by clicking on the calendar icon. This date will be also used in connection with the Estimated Contract End Date for the calculation of the rent price. The start date of the rent period cannot be earlier than the Contract Start Date.
Estimated Contract Duration (Days) Use this field to enter the estimated contract duration.
Estimated Contract End Date Use this field to enter the estimated end date of the contract.
Order Type Use this field to select the order type for this contract. The order type affects the posting process.
Document Status This field shows whether the rental purchase contract is open or has been released for the next processing step. This field cannot be edited.
Contract Status This field shows the status of the contract. This field cannot be edited.
Confirmation Status This field shows whether the contract has been signed.
Rent from Address Use this field to enter the vendor address.
Rent from Address 2 Enter additional address information here.
Rent from City Use this field to enter the city the vendor is located in.
Rent from Post Code Use this field to enter the vendor’s post code.
Rent from Country/Region Code Use this field to enter the country/region code in case the vendor is from a different country.
Rent from Contact No. Specifies the number of the contact that the rental document will be sent to.
Rent-from Contact This column displays the name of the contact person.
Email This column displays the contact person’s email address that the rent document will be sent to.
Document Date This field shows the document’s creation date.
Your Reference Use this field to enter the reference of the vendor. The contents from this field will be printed on the document.
Purchaser Code Use this field to enter the name of the purchaser that has been assigned to the vendor.
Person In Charge Use this field to enter the person that is in charge of this document.
Responsibility Center Use this field to enter the code of the responsibility center (e. g. Logistics) that was assigned to the persons in charge.
Lines This pane will be described in further steps and sections under this table.
Object Attributes This table shows the attributes which were assigned to a rent class. You can find more information on assigning attributes here. If needed, activate the check box in the Print in Protocol column if you want the attributes to be printed in the protocol. Deactivate the check box if the attributes should not be printed in the protocol.
  • Scroll to the lines register.
  • Click on Manage > Add Rent Class to add a rent class to the rental purchase contract.
  • The Rent Class Wizard opens.

Add Rent Classes or Rent Class Packages Wizard – Step 1

Add Rent Classes Wizard Step 1

The upper part is meant for filtering rent classes or rent class packages. The lower part displays the filtering results.

  • Select under Rent Class/Rent Class Package if you like to filter for rent classes or rent class packages. If you leave this field blank, both rent kinds are filtered for.


If you filtered for a Rent Class, you can select under Object Type Filter for Rent Class the rent class kind that you like to use. This way, you can narrow your search further down.

Objektart-Filter für Mietklasse

If you filtered for Rent Class Packages, this filter option is not displayed.

  • Enter the requested quantity in the Selected Quantity column if you like to add a Rent Class. The Selected Unit of Measure field will be filled automatically.
    *A value ≥1,00 must be entered. If the value is 0,00 in the Selected Quantity column, the rent class will not be used.
  • Optional If necessary, you can change the unit of measure of the rent class via the Unit of Measure Code (Delivery) column under the Lines register. For this, select a deposited unit of measure for this rent class from the list. This is only possible for items. You can find more information on depositing an alternative unit of measure for a rent class here.
  • Optional Select an invoice calendar in the Selected Invoice Calendar column.
    For more information about creating invoice calendars, clickSet up Base Calendar.
  • Optional The Has linked Rent Classes columns shows if there are any linked rent classes. By clicking on Yes, a window is opened which shows the linked rent classes. Linked rent classes are automatically additionally added to the rent document.
  • Click Next when you selected the desired quantity.
  • The Second Step of the Add Rent Classes Wizard opens.

Add Rent Class Package

  • Activate the check box in the Selected column to add a Rent Class Package
  • Optional Select an invoice calendar in the Selected Invoice Calendar column.
    For more information about creating invoice calendars, clickSet up Base Calendar.


If you deactivate a rent class in a rent class package which is marked as Optional, the related price lines of this rent class are also deactivated and hidden.

  • Click Next when you selected the desired packages.
  • The Second Step of the Add Rent Classes Wizard opens.
Add Rent Classes Wizard – Step 2

In the next step you can select or deselect add. revenue for the previous selected rent classes or rent class packages. Add. Revenue will be added directly for a rent class (see also Create Rent Class).

Add. Revenue Select Rent Class

  • Activate or deactivate the check box in the Selected column for the price lines which you like to apply to the rental contract.


Price Lines with Mandatory requirement can not be deselected.

  • Click Next when you selected the desired price lines.
  • To edit the selection of rent classes or rent class packages, click Previous.
  • To Add more rent classes or rent class packages, click Add.
  • The Third Step of the Add Rent Classes Wizard opens.
Add Rent Classes Wizard – Step 3

In the next step you can select or deselect contract components for the previous selected rent classes or rent class packages. Contract components will be added directly for a rent class (see also Assign Contract Components). This step is skipped if no contract components are assigned to this rent class or rent class package.

Contract Components Select Rent Class

  • Activate or deactivate the check box in the Selected column for the contract components which you like to apply to the rental contract.


Contract components with Mandatory requirement can not be deselected.

  • Click Next when you selected the desired contract components.
  • To edit the selection of price lines, click Previous.
  • To Add more rent classes or rent class packages, click Add.
  • The Fourth Step of the Add Rent Classes Wizard opens.
Add Rent Classes Wizard – Step 4

In the next step you can select or deselect contract texts for the previous selected rent classes or rent class packages. Contract texts will be added directly for a rent class (see also Assign Contract Texts). This step is skipped if no contract texts are assigned to this rent class or rent class package.

Contract Texts Select Rent Class

  • Activate or deactivate the check box in the Selected column for the contract texts which you like to apply to the rental contract.


Contract texts with Mandatory requirement can not be deselected.

  • Click Next when you selected the desired contract texts.
  • To edit the selection of contract texts, click Previous.
  • To Add more rent classes or rent class packages, click Add.


If the rent class to be added is a linked rent class, the linked rent class can also be selected or deselected in the next step. It can only be deselected if the linked rent class is not mandatory. If the linked rent class should be added, the deposited additional revenues, contract compontents and contract texts of the linked rent class can be selected or deselected afterwards.

Linked rent classes are recognizable by an indent underneath the main rent class in the lines of the rental contract.

Linked rent class indented in rental contract

In addition, the check box in the Linked to Rent Line column is activated.
If the main rent class is later deleted from the contract lines, the linked rent class remains as an independent rent class in the contract lines.

  • The Fifth Step of the Add Rent Classes Wizard opens.
Add Rent Classes Wizard – Step 5
  • The Add Rent Classes Wizard is completed.
  • Click Close to close the window.
    • Optional You can restart the Add Rent Classes Wizard by clicking Start. The previous input will be saved and the First Step of the process will be displayed.

Add Rent Classes Wizard Step 5

  • The Rent Class Wizard has been completed.
  • Click Close to close the window.
  • Check the parameters of each line after the Add Rent Classes Wizard is finished and optional adjust them if needed.
Option Description
Rent Class This column displays the name of the rent class.
Price Description This column specifies a description of the rent line position.
Cost Item No. This column displays the cost item number of the rent line.
Object No. Type This column displays the object type. Normal means that the object number is either the number of the service item, item or the resource. Vendor means that the object number is the number that the vendor uses. Alternative means that a different number series was used for the creation of the object number.
Object Type This column specifies the type of the rent class object.
Object No. This column specifies the number of the rent class object.
Description This column displays the description of the rent class object.
Description 2 see Description
Auto Create Service Item Activate this check box if a service item should be automatically created once the rented object is delivered.
Quantity This column specifies the quantity of the entry in the respective line. The value of this line will be multiplied with the value of the Unit Price Excl. VAT column and the result will be displayed in the Line Amount Excluding Tax column.
Unit of Measure Code (Delivery) This column specifies the code of the unit of measure in which the rent line will be delivered.
Attached to Rent Line This column specifies if the rent line is linked to a rent class. If the check box is activated, the rent line is linked to a rent class and will be controlled by it.
Unit Price Excl. VAT This column specifies the gross unit price of the rent line entry. The value of this line will be multiplied with the value of the Quantity column and the result will be displayed in the Line Amount Excluding Tax column.
Unit of Measure Code (Invoice) Specifies the code of the unit of measure in which the rent line will be invoiced.
Price Type This column specifies the price type for this rent line. You will find further information under Price Types and Definitions.
Price Base This column specifies the price base of the respective rent line.
You can find more information on the price base under Price Base.
Invoice Calendar This column specifies the invoice calendar for this rent line. If this field is empty, all days of the contract duration are invoiced.
You can find more information on creating an invoice calendar under Setting up Base Calendar.
Line Discount % This column specifies the discount percent for the respective rent line. If this column is empty, no discount is applied.
The entered amount must be ≥0 and ≤100 and can not have more than 5 decimal places.
The discount is calculated automatically and is included in the Line Amount Excluding Tax column.
Line Amount Excluding Tax This column specifies the gross total for this rent line. The value is calculated automatically and is the sum of the Quantity and Unit Price Excl. VAT columns minus the percentage of the Line Discount % column.
Source Doc. No. This column shows the number of the linked rental contract in case you Created a Rental Purchase Contract from a Rental Contract.
Source Doc. Line No. This column shows the line number of the linked rental contract in case you Created a Rental Purchase Contract from a Rental Contract.
Source Object Line No. This column shows the object line number of the linked rental contract in case you Created a Rental Purchase Contract from a Rental Contract.
Ship-to Location Code This column shows the location the rental object should be shipped to. If you select the location code of the vendor, the field Requested Drop Shipment will automatically be set to active.
Shipping Agent Code Select the shipping agent that will be used to deliver the rental object.
Shipping Agent Service Code In this dropdown list, you can select a code for the delivery type. For example, this might be a standard delivery period of 7 days, an express delivery or a forwarding delivery.
Shipping Time Enter the period between the shipment of items from the warehouse and delivery.
Requested Drop Shipment This column shows whether a drop shipment has been requested.
Requested Direct Return This column shows whether a direct return has been requested.
Requested Delivery Date This column specifies the requested delivery date for this rent line. This way, the rent object can be shipped to the customer on time.
Requested Ship-to Time Prefix Specifies if the rent object should be received until or from a certain time.
Requested Ship-to Time Specifies to which time the rent object is supposed to be received.
Requested Rent Period Start Date This column shows the start date of the rent period. This date will be also used in connection with the Estimated Contract End Date for the calculation of the rent price. The date field will be filled automatically with the date of the contract header. It can be changed separately for every main line of a rent class or a rent class package.
Estimated Contract End Date This column specifies the estimated end date of the rental contract.
Registered Rent Start Date This column shows the registered rent start date. This field can be used to check incoming rental purchase invoices.
Registered Rent End Date This column shows the registered rent end date. This field can be used to check incoming rental purchase invoices.
Invoice From This column specifies from when the invoicing should take place.
Invoice Until This column specifies by when the invoicing is due.
Quantity Received Quantity Received This column shows the rental object quantity that has already been delivered.
Qty. Returned This column specifies how many rent objects have been returned.
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Optional Enter the code for shortcut dimension 1 here.
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Optional Enter the code for shortcut dimension 2 here.
Invoice Status This column shows the invoice status for this rent contract line.
  • Scroll to the Prices Exclude VAT field in the contract lines and enter the price for the rent class you have negotiated with the vendor.
  • Use the Unit of Measure Code field to enter the unit of measure for the price. The information you enter here will be shown on the invoice.
  • Use the Price Type field to specify how the rent class should be invoiced. The information you enter here will be shown on the invoice.
  • Scroll to the Invoice Details register and specify the invoice frequency in the Invoice Frequency field.

The rental purchase contract can be released afterwards.

Create a Rental Purchase Contract from a Rental Purchase Request

If you want to accept an offer from a vendor, you can sign a rental purchase contract with said vendor. Traser DMS Rental allows you to create a rental purchase contract from a released rental purchase request. Please proceed as follows:


You can only create rental purchase contracts if you have been granted the permission to do so. More information on user permissions can be found here: TRASER DMS Rental Permissions.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Requests in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list with all existing rental purchase requests is displayed.
  • Open the rental purchase request that you would like to convert into a rental purchase contract.

Create Rental Purchase Contract from Request

  • Click Process > Create Contract in the menu bar.
  • A new pop-up window opens. Here, you can specify whether you would like to open the new contract.
  • Click Yes to open the contract.
  • The rental purchase contract you have created is displayed. The information from the rental purchase request have been transferred to the rental purchase contract.
  • Scroll to the Lines register.
  • Use the Prices Exclude VAT field to enter the price for the rent class you have negotiated with the vendor.
  • Use the Unit of Measure Code field to enter the unit of measure for the price. The information you enter here will be shown on the invoice.
  • Use the Price Type field to specify how the rent class should be invoiced. The information you enter here will be shown on the invoice.
  • Scroll to the Invoice Details register and specify the invoice frequency in the Invoice Frequency field.
  • To release the contract for the next processing step, select Status > Release from the menu bar.

As soon as you release a rental purchase contract, the document for the contract will be moved to the archive. You can open the archive via the menu bar. Click Related > Contract > History > Archive. The page contains old documents that have been moved to the archive.


Create a Rental Purchase Contract from a Rental Contract

You can also create a rental purchase contract via a regular rental contract. Please proceed as follows:


You can only create rental purchase contracts if you have been granted the permission to do so. More information on user permissions can be found here: TRASER DMS Rental Permissions.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list with all existing rental contracts is displayed.
  • Open the rental contract that contains a rental object you would like to create a rental purchase contract for.
  • Scroll to the Contract Objects register.
  • Select the rental object you would like to create a rental purchase contract for.
  • Click on Rental Purchase > Create Rental Purchase Contract.

Create Rental Purchase Contract from Rental Contract

  • A pop-up window opens. Here, you can select the vendor for the rental purchase contract.
  • Click Yes to confirm your selection.
    Another pop-up window opens. Here, you can specify whether you want to open the contract.
  • Click Yes to open the rental purchase contract.
  • The rental purchase contract you have created is displayed. The information from the rental contract will have been transferred to the rental purchase contract.
  • Scroll to the Lines register.
  • Use the Prices Exclude VAT field to enter the price for the rent class you have negotiated with the vendor.
  • Use the Unit of Measure Code field to enter the unit of measure for the price. The information you enter here will be shown on the invoice.
  • Use the Price Type field to specify how the rent class should be invoiced. The information you enter here will be shown on the invoice.
  • Scroll to the Invoice Details register and specify the invoice frequency in the Invoice Frequency field.
  • To release the contract for the next processing step, select Status > Release from the menu bar.
  • The Document Status is set to Released.

Releasing a Rental Purchase Contract

To release a rental purchase contract, please proceed as follows:


As soon as you release a rental purchase contract, the document for the contract will be moved to the archive. You can open the archive via the menu bar. Click Related > Contract > History > Archive. The page contains old documents that have been moved to the archive.


  • In the menu bar of the open rental purchase contract, select Status > Release to release the rental purchase contract for the next processing step.

Releasing a rental purchase contract

  • The Contract Status will be changed to Inactive.
  • To print the rental purchase contract, click Print/Send > Print Contract....

Print Rental Purchase Contract

  • A pop-up window opens.

Pop-up window 'Print Rental Purchase Contract'

  • Click on Send To..., select the desired file format and subsequently click on OK to save a local copy of the rental purchase contract.
    Click on Print to open a PDF file of the rental purchase contract in a new browser window.
    Click on Preview & Close to open a preview file of the rental purchase contract in a pop-up window.
    Click on Cancel to cancel the printing.
  • If you clicked on Send To..., Print or Preview, the rental purchase contract can be signed.
  • To confirm the rental purchase contract, select Status > Confirm.

Confirm Rental Purchase Contract

  • The Contract Status will be changed to Active.
  • The rental purchase contract is now created and confirmed.
  • From now, the Objects Lines are displayed in a new register and can be edited by clicking the Manage button, e. g. to manage the next status (see Process Flow), create transfer orders or join lines.

Closing a Rental Purchase Contract

A rental purchase contract can be closed once all rent objects have been returned and all invoice documents have been posted. To close a rental purchase contract, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list with all existing rental purchase contracts is displayed.
  • Open the rental purchase contract that you want to close.
  • Select Actions > Functions > Close Contract.
  • A dialogue window opens in which you are notified that you cannot create or post new invoices for a closed contract. If you want to close the rental purchase contract confirm with Yes.
  • The rental purchase contract receives the Contract Status Closed.

To revoke the closing of the rental purchase contract, please proceed as follows:

  • Select Actions > Functions > Reset Closed Contract.
  • The rental purchase contract receives the Contract Status Final Settlement.

To link a rental purchase contract to a rental sontract, please do the following:


Apart from the described possibility in this section to select a linking rental contract in the rental purchase contract, you can also create a rental purchase contract from a rental contract which is then automatically linked to the rental contract.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list containing all rental purchase contracts opens.
  • Either click on New to create a new rental purchase contract or open an existing rental purchase contract.
  • Select in the Lines register the option Rental Purchase > Create Link.

Creating a link to a rental contract

  • The Contract Lines window is opened in which you can select possible rental contract for linking. You can also filter for certain rental contracts in this window.
  • Select the relevant rental contract and then confirm with OK.
  • The rental purchase contract is now linked to the desired rental contract.

To remove the link between a rental purchase contract and a rental contract, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list containing all rental purchase contracts opens.
  • Either click on New to create a new rental purchase contract or open an existing rental purchase contract.
  • Select in the Lines register the option Functions > Remove Link.

Removing the link to a rental contract

  • A dialog window opens asking if you really want to remove the existing link to the rental contract.
  • If you want to remove the link, confirm with Yes.
  • The rental purchase contract is no longer linked to the desired rental contract.

Adding Rental Purchase Comments

Comments can be added to a rental purchase contract in order to share certain information or to make notes. Please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list containing all rental purchase contracts opens.
  • Either click on New to create a new rental purchase contract or open an existing open rental purchase contract for which you like to add comments.
  • Click Contract > Comments in the menu line.
  • A list containing all comments is displayed.

Comment List

  • The workdate is automatically inserted in the Date column. The date can be adjusted if required.
  • Enter the notes and annotations in the Comment column. Formatting or lists are not possible.
  • Close the Comments page.

The comments deposited in the rental purchase contract are now also shown in the Comments area in the info area (ALT+F2).
Comments from rental purchase requests are automatically transferred into the rental purchase contract during conversion.

Contract Status Rental Purchase

A rental purchase contract goes through multiple contract statuses while in its processing. The current status can be viewed in the General register of the rental purchase contract. The contract status will be set automatically by the system. The following subsection describes what type of contract statuses exist and when they are set.

Rental Purchase Contract Status Description
Open Once the rental purchase contract is created, it will have the contract status Open.
Inactive Once a rental purchase contract is released but not signed yet, it will have the status Inactive.
Active Once a rental purchase contract is signed, it will get the status Active. The signature also activates the rental purchase contract lines in which the rental purchase contract objects are processed in. The Invoice Plan of the rental purchase contract is also now available.
Final Settlement Once all rental purchase contract objects are returned in the rental purchase contract lines, the rental purchase contract will receive the status Final Settlement. This means, there are still invoice lines open for invoicing.
Closed Once the final invoice for this rental purchase contract is posted, the rental purchase contract gets the status Closed. This rental purchase contract is now closed.

Document Status Rental Purchase

A rental purchase contract goes through multiple document statuses while in its processing. The current status can be viewed in the General register of the rental purchase contract. The document status will be set automatically by the system. The following subsection describes what type of document statuses exist and when they are set.

Document Status Description
Open Once the rental purchase contract is created, it will have the document status Open.
Authorized Once a rental purchase contract is released, it will get the document status Released.

Confirmation Status

A rental purchase contract goes through multiple confirmation statuses while in its processing. The current status can be viewed in the General register of the rental purchase contract. The confirmation status will be set automatically by the system. The following subsection describes what type of confirmation statuses exist and when they are set.

Confirmation Status Description
Empty Once a rental purchase contract is created, it will have the confirmation status empty.
Confirmed Once a rental purchase contract is confirmed, it will get the status Confirmed.

Add and Change Attributes

You can add attribute values to the rent classes of your rental purchase request or rental purchase contract, which can then be used when searching for matching items. Please proceed as follows:


Before you are able to enter specific attribute values, attributes have to be added to the used rent class. For more information about this, click Assign Attributes.

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Requests or Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list containing all requests/contracts is displayed.
  • Either click on New to create a new rental purchase contract or request or open an existing contract/request that’s marked as open.
  • Add a new rent class for which you have previously assigned attributes.
  • Select the rent class in the contract lines.
  • Navigate to the Object Attributes register.
  • The previously added attributes of this rent class are displayed.

Add Attributes

  • Fill in the Attribute Value field.
  • Your selection is saved automatically.

Define Rental Purchase Text Lines for Rent Classes

You can define rental purchase lines on a rent class card. These lines will be transferred to the rental purchase contract/request and allow you to add note texts or invoice lines to the request or contract. To define rental purchase contract lines for a rent class, proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rent Classes in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list with all existing rent classes is displayed.
  • Click on New to create a new rent class or open an existing rent class that you would like to assign rental purchase lines to,
  • Click Rental Purchase > Rental Purchase Setup in the menu bar.

Set up Rental Purchase Lines

  • Complete the columns according to the table below.
Option Action
Deactivated Activate this check box for those lines you would like to deactivate.
Type Here, select the type of the rental purchase contract line. To define a text line, select Text. To define a line for invoicing, select Add. Costs.
Standard Description Here, enter a description that will be transferred to rental purchase requests and rental purchase contracts.
Cost Item No. Only when type = Add. Costs. Use this field to enter the cost item number that should be used for the posting of the costs.
Requirement Here, specify whether the line is a required, optional or recommended part of the rental purchase request or contract.
  • After entering all important information, close the page Rental Purchase Setup. Your changes will be saved automatically.
  • As soon as you add a rent class to a rental purchase request or rental purchase contract, the rental purchase lines you have set up will be automatically transferred to the contract lines.

Open Email Setups in Rental Purchase Contracts

You can open and edit email setups previously added to contacts in rental purchase contracts. That way, you can manage the sender email address depending on the document type.
To open an email setup in a rental purchase contract, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The page Rental Purchase Contracts is displayed.
  • Create a new rental purchase contract or select a rental purchase contract with the status Open.
  • Click on Contact > Email Addresses on the menu bar.
  • The Contract Emails page is displayed.
  • Select the email scenarios to be used for this email in the Type field.
  • You can select the desired email address in the Email field. If you have already added a contact to your rental purchase contract, you can also choose from the email addresses in the contact card by clicking on the three dots.
  • Your entries will be saved automatically.

You have successfully created an email setup via a rental purchase contract.


If you add an email address to a contact of the Company type, it will automatically be added to related rental purchase contracts on the Contract Emails page and the Email field in the General register. You can open the Contact Emails page via Contact > Email Addresses.
For further information on adding email setups to contacts, click here.

Add Text Lines for Contracts

You can also add text lines to a rental purchase request or contract that will apply to the entire contract and not just to a specific line in the contract. This can be useful to provide the vendor with information on the delivery of the rental object. To add text lines for contracts, proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to open the page Rental Purchase Requests or Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list with all existing rental purchase requests/contracts is displayed.
  • Create a new request or contract or open an existing request or contract.
  • Scroll to the Lines register.
  • Click on an empty line.
  • Click Manage > Add Text Lines in the menu bar.

Add Text Lines

  • The Contract Texts Wizard opens.
  • Use the Contract Text field to enter a specific text, e. g. Note texts or delivery information. You can add as many text lines as you want.
  • Click OK, to add the text line. Contract Text Lines will be printed on all documents.

Setting up Additional Cost Centers for Rental Purchase Contracts

You can define and add additional costs for rental purchase contracts.
Please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) in TRASER DMS 365 to find the page Contract Additional Cost Setup.
  • The page Contract Additional Cost Setup is displayed.
  • Select New > New from the menu bar.


You can also create a additional cost line from an additional contract revenue. To do so, click on New > New from Add. Revenue. For more information on creating additional revenues, click here.

  • Now enter the desired settings for your additional cost center.
    You can choose between the following options:
Option Description
Active Specifies whether the additional cost line is active.
Standard Description Specifies the default description for the addtional cost line. This field will be displayed in the contract line.
Requirement Specifies whether the additional cost line is necessary, optional or recommended for a contract.
Unit Of Measure Code (on registration) Specifies the unit of measure with which the line is invoiced in case the price type was set to Once or On Registration.
Price Type Specifies the price type of the additional cost line.
Cost Item No. Specifies the cost item number which is used for invoicing the additional costs.
Price Base Specifies the price base for the price type Recurring.
Standard Invoice Calendar Specifies the days to be invoiced. If this field is not filled, all days will be invoiced.
  • Your settings are saved automatically.
  • Close the Contract Additional Cost Setup page.

You have successfully defined an additional cost center.

Adding Additional Costs to a Rental Purchase Contract

To add the set up additional cost center to a rental purchase contract, please do the following:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The page Rental Purchase Contracts is displayed.
  • Select the desired rental purchase contract or create a new rental purchase contract.
  • In the menu bar of the Lines register, click on Functions > Add General Additional Costs.
  • The page Select Additional Costs is displayed.
  • Click on the desired additional cost center.
  • Click on Edit List in the menu bar.
  • Enter the desired price into the Unit Cost field.
  • Click OK to confirm your selection.
    You have successfully added an additional cost center.

Create Service Item from Rental Purchase Contract

You can create a new service item during the rental purchase process. Please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rental Purchase Contracts in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list with all existing rental purchase contracts is displayed.
  • Create a new rental purchase contract as described in Create Rental Purchase Contract or open an existing rental purchase contract.
  • Scroll to the Lines register.
  • Select the rent class you would like to create a service item for. You can only create a rent class if the option Internal has been selected in the Object No. Type field,
  • Click Service Item > Create Service Item in the menu bar.

Create Service Item

  • Fill in the fields according to the table below.

Service Item Card

Option Action
Manufacturer Please enter a manufacturer for the service item.
Category Here, enter the service item category.
Subcategory Here, select the subcategory for the service item.
Model Here, select the model of the service item.
Serial No. Here, enter the serial no. that is assigned to the service item.
  • Check all information and click on OK to create the service item.
  • The information will be transferred to the contract lines.

Overview of rented objects

You can open a list of rented objects. This is helpful to gain information on the starting date and estimated end date of the rental purchase as well as the vendor which was rented from and if the rented object has been delivered or returned. Furthermore, you can open related rental (purchase) contracts directly from this page. To access the rented objects overview, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the page Rented Objects in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list of all rented (service) items is displayed.

To open a rental (purchase) contract related to a (service) item, please proceed as follows:

  • Mark the desired (service) item in the list.
  • Select Contracts > Open Rental Purchase Contract or Open Rental Contract from the menu bar.
  • The rental (purchase) contract related to the (service) item is opened.

In the next chapter you will learn everything important about working with rental purchase protocols.

Continue with the next chapter