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Add salesperson for machine evaluation


This function is only available to agricultural machinery dealers.

In MaschinenParkOnline you can set selected sellers to be automatically notified by e-mail as soon as a seller has carried out a machine evaluation.

Proceed as follows :

  • Click on Seller in the navigation bar.
  • Select the Seller option in the menu.
  • The Seller page is displayed.
  • In the list in the Code column, click on the seller whose data you want to edit.
  • The Seller/buyer card page opens.
  • The relevant fields can be found in the Distributor for evaluation emails tab.


The user name stored in the evaluation device tab was stored by TRASER as part of the initial configuration and must not be changed under any circumstances.

  • Click on Assigned sellers for machine evaluation.
  • Select the Add seller option.

Deposit seller for the machine valuation

  • The Seller selection window opens.
  • In the Seller name column, click on the seller you want to add for the seller-specific machine evaluation.


If you hold down the CTRL key, you can select several sellers.

  • Click on OK to confirm your selection.

You have added one or more sellers for seller-specific machine ratings.