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Edit manufacturer lists

Manufacturers can be renamed, added or removed.

  • Click on Machines in the navigation bar.
  • Select the All machines option in the menu.
  • The All machines list is displayed.
  • Click on Process at the top of the action bar and then on CategoryCheckPro to open the editing system.

Upload image

  • Click on the Edit manufacturer button.

Upload image

  • The manufacturer list is opened.

Upload image

  • To rename a manufacturer, search for the manufacturer in the list and enter the new manufacturer name in both the No. column and the Name column. The name must be entered in capital letters in the No. column.

  • To add a new manufacturer, click on New and enter the manufacturer name in both the No. column and the Name column.

Upload image

  • To delete a manufacturer, click on the three dots in the line and select the Delete option.

Upload image