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Short machine lists

Short machine lists summarize the most important machine information and are also suitable for more extensive queries.

Short machine list

Proceed as follows to create a short machine list:

  • Click on Lists in the action bar.
  • Select the Machines option from the menu.
  • The Machines list is displayed.
  • Click on Print > Machine list (short) in the action bar.
  • The machine list wizard is displayed.

Machine list assistant

  • Complete the filter criteria for the machine list. You do not have to use all criteria. However, to narrow down the machines listed and keep the list clearer, we recommend using at least one of the criteria category, subcategory or manufacturer.
  • Activate the Print all statuses slider if you also want to include machines in the list that do not match the value for the following field Status.
  • In the Status field, enter the status of the machines that you want to combine in the list.
  • In the Sorting field, select the way in which the machines are to be sorted in the list.
  • Select the language in which the list should be created.

The following buttons are available at the bottom of the wizard:

Button Description
Send to... Click on this button to export the machine list as a PDF, Word or Excel document.
Print Click on this button to print the machine list as a PDF document.
Preview & close Click on this button to display a preview of the machine list to be printed.
Cancel Click this button to cancel the process and return to the All machines list.
  • Select one of the options.

You have created a detailed machine list.