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Keyboard shortcuts
The operation of MaschinenParkOnline can be made easier using the following key combinations:
Action | Key combination | Description |
Close | ESC KEY | Closes the open card/page. |
Next | ENTER KEY | Switches to the next input field. |
New | ALT+N | Creates a new data record. |
Extend info area | ALT+F2 | Shows or hides the info area in the tables/lists. |
Mark lines | SHIFT+ARROW KEY | Marks several lines in lists. |
Select all lines | CTRL+A | Marks all lines in lists. |
Refresh | CTRL+F5 | Reloads the page in the web client and updates the displayed data. |
Switch view | CTRL+F12 | Switches between wide and narrow display. |
Search | FIXED+F3 | Switches immediately to the input field of the search function on the corresponding page. |
Show filter | SHIFT+F3 | Shows or hides a menu with predefined filter options. |
Quick filter | ALT+F3 | Quickly filters a list or table according to the selected value. Pressing the key combination again resets the filter. |
Reset filter | CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+F3 | Use this key combination to reset the applied filter. |