
All translations are machine-generated. Please let us know if there is anything you don't understand.

Create location

Proceed as follows to create a location:

  • Click on Locations in the navigation bar.
  • Select the Locations option from the menu.
  • The Locations page is displayed.


  • Click on the New option in the action bar.
  • A new location map is opened.

Location map

  • Complete the information:
Field Description
Code Enter a code for the location you want to create here, e.g. the abbreviation for the nearest town.
Name Enter the name of the location here.
Address Enter the street and house number for the location here.
Zip code Enter the zip code for the location here.
Location Enter the location for the site here.
Country/region code Expand the drop-down list and click on the appropriate country for the location (for example 'DE' for Germany).
First Claas Used Location No. Enter the First Claas Used No. for the location here.
Machinefinder Pro negotiator no. Enter the Machinefinder Pro No. for the location here.
  • Press the ESC button to save the changes and close the location map.

You have created a location.