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Independent machine lists

Independent machine lists can be created with the machines that you have selected in the All machines list.

This type of machine list is particularly suitable if you want to provide a customer with information on various machines that meet more specific criteria (e.g. a tractor with less than 2000 operating hours, existing machine, sales price lower than EUR 90,000, etc.).

Proceed as follows to create an independent machine list:

  • Click on Machines in the navigation bar.
  • Select the All machines option from the menu.
  • The All machines list is displayed. At this point, you can work with filters to limit the number of machines.
  • Hold down the CTRL key and select the machines you want to include in the machine list.
  • Click Print > Marked machines in the action bar.
  • The machine list wizard is displayed.

Assistant for machine lists (Marked machines)

The following buttons are available at the bottom of the wizard:

Button Description
Send to... Click on this button to export the machine list as a PDF, Word or Excel document.
Print Click on this button to print the machine list as a PDF document.
Preview & close Click on this button to display a preview of the machine list to be printed.
Cancel Click this button to cancel the process and return to the All machines list.
  • Select one of the options.

You have created a detailed machine list.