Filebox Export Entries

The overview of Filebox export entries shows you the data entries of the files stored via Filebox.
Among other things, it shows information on the storage categories and the processing status in the connected DMS. Furthermore, the infobox shows an overview of all error messages of the selected data entry.

Every Filebox export entry has related Filebox Export Values. You can view these by viewing the respective entry.
Using the export feature or a task queue, the Filebox export entries and their respective values will be exported into the connected Shareflex DMS via the Shareflex Graph API. If the direct Filebox export has been activated in the ECM Connect 365 x Shareflex Setup, the export is done directly when creating a Filebox export.
If the export was successful, the export status will be changed to Exported and the ECM status will be changed to Imported.


ECM Admins can delete entries that have not been exported yet.


Field Name Function in TRASER ECM Connect 365 x Shareflex Documents
ID Specifies the ID of the Filebox export entry.
Created at Specifies the date at which the Filebox export entry was created.
Exported at Specifies the date at which the Filebox export entry was exported.
Export Document Type Specifies the document type used for the export.
Table No. Shows which table has been used to store data.
Table Name Shows the name of the table used in the Table No. column.
Export Status Shows the status of the export. The possible statuses are: Ready, Exported, Error, In Progress and Deleted.
ECM Status Shows the status of the ECM processing. The possible statuses are: Waiting and Imported.
ECM Response ID This field shows the ID of the related entry in the connected Shareflex DMS.
Related RecordID Shows the RecordID of the data entry in which the file has been stored in the Filebox.
Respective SystemID Specifies the SystemID of the data entry in which the file has been stored in the Filebox.
Error Specifies if there was an error while processing the entry.
User ID Specifies the User ID of the user that created the Filebox export entries.
File Name Specifies information regarding the file name of the file stored in the Filebox.
File Expansion Specifies the file type of the stored file.
BLOB Size Specifies the size of the stored file.
BLOB deleted Specifies if the stored file has been deleted from the Filebox export entry.
Category Code Specifies which category code was used to store data.
Category Name Shows the name of the selected category code.
Description This field shows the description entered when storing the file.


export entry

This function completes the export of the selected Filebox export entry.

show errors

This function opens the ECM Connect 365 Error Protocol.

delete outdated entries

This function deletes the attached file, its values and the attributes of the Filebox export entry with the export status Exported and the ECM status Imported, depending on the storage duration set up in the ECM Connect 365 x Shareflex Setup.
The Filebox export entries will remain in this table for information purposes.

open related record

This function opens the data record related to the Filebox export entry.

open document

This function opens the selected Filebox export entry in the connected Shareflex DMS as soon as a ECM Response ID has been added.

Filebox Export Values
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