Document Import Entries

The documents imported from the DMS are displayed in this overview. Documents are imported as Document Import Entries, Document Import Values, Document Line Import Entries and Document Line Import Values. These are processed into documents using the processing functions or a job queue.
Information about the processing status and the associated Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central document can be viewed in this overview.
In addition, the factbox provides an overview of the error messages for the selected data record.

When viewing an entry, a page opens that also gives an overview of the Document Import Values and the Document Line Import Entries.


Field Name Function for TRASER ECM Connect 365
ID Each document import entry has a unique ID.
Imported at Indicates the time when the document import entry was imported.
Processed at Indicates the time when the document import entry was processed.
Import Status Provides information about the processing status. Possible statuses are: Imported, Transferred, Posted, Corrected, Error Import, Error Transfer and Skipped.
ECM Import ID
Document Type Specifies the type of document being imported.
Document No. Returns the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central document number for a transferred document import entry.
Ext. Doc No. Specifies the external document number of the imported document.
Action Indicates the action of the document import entry. Possible actions are: Insert, Update and Delete.
Error Indicates whether an error occurred while processing the document import entry.
ECM Status
ECM Workflow finished


process document import entry

This function creates the document for the selected document import entries in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The import values are used as data for the document. Processing is only possible with the import status Imported or Error.

process all document import entries

This function creates all documents of document import entries in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The import values are used as data for the documents. Import entries with the status Imported and Error are taken into account in this processing.


This function flags the selected document import entry with the import status Skipped.


Information from the import will not be transferred to a document.

reset status

This function resets the status of an import entry to Imported. In this way, skipped imports can be included in the processing again.

show errors

This function displays the errors related to the document import entry.

delete outdated entries

This function deletes document import entries with the import status Posted depending on the keeping duration specified in the TRASER ECM Connect 365 setup.

show document

This function opens the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central document related to the document import entry if it has the Transferred or Posted status.

open purchase order

This function opens the corresponding purchase order for the selected document import entry.

show ecm document

This function opens the corresponding ECM document for the selected document import entry.

Document Import Values
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Document Line Import Entries
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