Error Log

The ECM error log lists all errors that occurred within the TRASER ECM Connect 365 app in an overview.
Filtered views of the error log can be accessed from various areas of the TRASER ECM Connect 365 app.


Field Name Function for TRASER ECM Connect 365
ID The ID allows each error to be uniquely identified in the TRASER ECM Connect 365 error log.
Company Name The company name indicates in which company the error occurred.
Source Type The source type indicates in which area of the TRASER ECM Connect 365 app the error occurred. Possible source types are: Filebox Export, Report Export and Document Import.
Related ID The related ID indicates for which entry the error occurred (depending on the source type).
Error Text The error text provides information about the error that occurred.
Error Date Time Error date time indicates when the error occurred.
User ID The User ID indicates which user generated the error.


view error text

This function shows the error text.