Setup in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Here you'll find all the essential information for setting up TRASER Mobile Rent 365 in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Interface Setup

To be able to use TRASER Mobile Rent 365, you must add the app as an interface in TRASER DMS 365. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Resp. Center Prot. Ints. page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The Resp. Center Prot. Ints. Page is displayed.
  • In the Responsibility Center field, enter the responsibility center for which the interface shall be set up. If you leave this field blank, the setup will apply to all responsibility centers.
  • In the Selected Interface field, select the Mobile Rent 365 value to set up the interface.
  • In the Interface Option field, select Automatic.

You have successfully set up the interface. The next section describes how to make all necessary settings in the TRASER Rental Setup.

TRASER Rental Setup

In order to be able to create protocols in TRASER Mobile Rent 365 that can later be converted into contracts, you must set this up in the TRASER Rental Setup. Additionally, you can activate the use of checkpoints in the TRASER Rental Setup. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the TRASER Rental Setup page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The TRASER Rental Setup page is displayed.
  • Navigate to the Logistic Settings FastTab.
  • Activate the Create Contract from Protocol toggle switch so that contracts can be created from protocols in TRASER Mobile Rent 365.
  • Activate the Use Checkpoints toggle switch so that you can use checkpoints in TRASER Mobile Rent 365.

You have made all necessary settings in the TRASER Rental Setup. You will find more information regarding the general setup on the TRASER Rental Setup page. The next section describes how to make all necessary settings in the TSRMR Mobile Rent Setup.

Mobile Rent Setup

In order to post protocols automatically in TRASER Mobile Rent 365, you must set this up in the TSRMR Mobile Rent Setup. Additionally, you can store an email address for sending emails in the TSRMR Mobile Rent Setup. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the TSRMR Mobile Rent Setup page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The TSRMR Mobile Rent Setup page is displayed.
  • Enter an email address in the Backoffice Email field that will be added automatically as CC when sending protocols via email in TRASER Mobile Rent 365.
  • Activate the Allow Posting Order toggle switch to post protocols automatically in TRASER Mobile Rent 365 when completing a delivery or return.

You have made all necessary settings in the TSRMR Mobile Rent Setup. The next section describes how to make all necessary settings for reports.

Reports Setup

In order to send or download reports in the app, you must set up the layout for posted rental deliveries and posted rental returns. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Report Selection – Rental page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The Report Selection – Rental page is displayed.
  • In the Usage field, select the Posted Rental Delivery value, and in the table, set up the report you want to store for posted rental deliveries.
  • Repeat this step for Posted Rental Return.

Once you have set up reports, you can specify which information shall be printed in the report when sending or downloading reports in the app. To do so, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the TRASER - Mobile Report Setup Overview page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • The TRASER - Mobile Report Setup Overview page is displayed.
  • In the Report ID field, enter the report numbers you have specified for posted rental deliveries and posted rental returns in the previous step.

  • The Report Name field will be filled automatically.
  • Click on the selection field in the menu bar, then click Create Default Report Option.
  • A dialog window is displayed. In the dialog, you can specify which information shall be printed in the report. To do so, activate the corresponding toggle switch.
  • Once you have set up all information, click OK to confirm the dialog.
  • The Has Report Option checkbox is activated automatically.

You have made all necessary report settings. The next section describes the email settings necessary in TRASER DMS 365 to send or download reports in the app.

Email Setup

In order to send protocols as emails in TRASER Mobile Rent 365, you have to add the subject, the name of the attachment and the layout to the Rental Email Templates for posted rental deliveries and posted rental returns. You will find all relevant information regarding the email setup in Storing Email Templates. The next section describes which settings are necessary in order to use checklists in TRASER Mobile Rent 365.

Checklist Setup

TRASER Mobile Rent 365 uses the checklists from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in all processes at object level. To set up the use of checklists, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Rent Classes page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list of all rent classes is displayed.
  • Open the rent class to which you want to assign a checklist.
  • In the menu bar of the rent class card, click on Flow > Status Flow.
  • The page Edit – Object Status Flow opens.
  • Navigate to the Preparation Checklist, Protocol Checklist and Finishing Checklist columns.
  • Select the line of the process status to which you want to assign the checklist. The checklist is used upon transition to the relevant status in TRASER Mobile Rent 365.

You have made all necessary settings for using checklists in TRASER Mobile Rent 365. You will find more information on checklists in TRASER DMS 365 on the Checklists for Rent Orders page.

Checkpoint Setup

If you want to use checkpoints in TRASER Mobile Rent 365, you must set this up on the service item card. Checkpoints are checklists for specific attribute values that are checked during the delivery/return process. To set up checkpoints, please proceed as follows:

  • Use the quick search (ALT+Q) to find the Service Items page in TRASER DMS 365.
  • A list of all service items is displayed.
  • Open the service item for which you want to set up checkpoints.
  • Navigate to the Attribute Values FastTab.
  • Click on Attribute Mapping in the menu bar of the FastTab.
  • Activate the Checkpoint Protocol checkbox for the attributes that shall be used as checkpoints in TRASER Mobile Rent 365.
  • Additionally, activate the To Be Checked checkbox for the attributes that shall be checked during the delivery/return process in TRASER Mobile Rent 365.

You have made all necessary settings for using checkpoints in TRASER Mobile Rent 365.