Fricke Customer Setup

You can use the GRANIT Integration to add several Fricke customer numbers. This could be necessary if a user has several locations, for example.

To add Fricke customer numbers, please proceed as follows:


You can also use the User Setup to add a Fricke customer number as a default value. The feature described below is used to define customer numbers.

  • Use the quick search (ALT + Q) to find the page Fricke Customer Setup in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • The page Fricke Customer Setup is shown.
  • Click on New in the menu bar.
  • Enter the Fricke customer number into the Fricke Customer No. field.
  • Enter a clear description into the Description field. This could be the location corresponding to the customer number.
  • Your entries will be saved automatically.

You have successfully added a Fricke customer number.