Information about RentBoard administration

Admin Documentation for TRASER RentBoard


The user authenticates himself on the RentBoard by entering his user name and password. If the Windows Authentifizierung (Windows Authentication) is set, a password can be assigned via the Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Kennwortauthentifizierung (Microsoft Dynamics NAV Password Authentication) tab.

Common Errors

Login to the Test System failed

This can happen if the password has been changed since the last copy of the test system. Since the data is kept separately, these changes are not exchanged between the systems. The solution is either to use the old password or to assign a new password in the test system.

Saved Filters are deleted after Reboot

This may be related to the fact that the browser does not save the data between reboots. In this case you have to contact your internal IT department. The default setting Bei Installation (at installation) also saves the data between restarts.

Rent Objects aren't displayed

A possible source of error may be that the desired rental object isn't filtered by the specified criteria. To test this, you can enter the filter in NAV and check whether the rental object in NAV is filtered. If the rental object is displayed in NAV with the selected filter, the rental object either has no inventory and/or is blocked for rent.