Table ★


Tables are a Microsoft Dynamics Business Central object type.

They are the core objects used to store data in Dynamics 365 Business Central. Regardless of how data is registered in the product – from a web service to a finger swipe on the phone app, the results of that transaction will be recorded in a table.

The structure of a table has four sections.

  1. The first block contains metadata for the overall table; the table type.
  2. The fields section describes the data elements that make up the table; their name and the type of data they can store.
  3. The keys section contains the definitions of the keys that the table needs to support.
  4. The final section details the triggers and code that can run on the table.

[source: Microsoft Docs]


In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, tables are used to list a large amount of information neatly arranged in one object. Below, please find a schematic example view of a table containing the terminology used within Docs:

Schematic table view

No. Name
1 Title
2 Menu bar
3 Column
4 Line
5 FactBox
6 FactBox menu
7 Tab

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Table at Microsoft