Dropdown Menu/List ★


Dropdown menus and dropdown lists are operating elements within a graphical user interface that can be opened or closed by clicking or tipping on them. Both contain a list of predefined values that users can select from, but differ as follows:

A dropdown menu is static. It contains fixed values that cannot be edited. An example would be the status of a service item.

A dropdown list is dynamic. Its values are generated automatically from a data set and may change if the underlying data is changed. In addition, entries can be edited or added manually. An example would be the base unit of a resource.


In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, dropdown menus and lists are used to select from an array of possible field values. Below, please find a schematic example view of a dropdown menu and dropdown list containing the terminology used within Docs:

Schematic menu bar view
Schematic menu bar view

No. Name
1 Dropdown menu
2 Dropdown list

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Dropdown List at Wikipedia