Rental 2302 Release Note


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Bug Fixes

[14164] Month is not calculated correctly in contract report

The month was not calculated correctly in a rental contract if the month price was used in the rental contract. This error has been fixed.

[14165] Attributes from rent classes are not transferred into protocol

Attributes from rent classes were not transferred into a customer delivery protocol. This error has been fixed.

[14166/14310] Variable revenues/registered revenues with negative amount are not shown as credit memo lines in invoice plan

Variable revenues or registered revenues with a negative amount were not shown as credit memo lines in the invoice plan. This error has been fixed.

[14184/14217] Multiple errors are shown in rental contract report

Printing out a rental contract led to various errors on the report. This error has been fixed.

[14224] Dimensions are changed by changing estimated rent ent date

By changing the estimated rent end date, previously entered dimensions in the rental contract lines were changed. This error has been fixed.

[14278] Rent order: Page for entering posting date appears twice

When a rent oder was posted, the system opened the page for entering the document dates twice. This error has been fixed.

[14281] Adding GTC manually to a rental contract leads to error

When General Terms and Conditions were added to a rental contract, an error occurred. This error has been fixed.

[14309] Search for number in protocol wizard shows results incl. non-activated objects

When searching for items in the protocol wizard, non-activated objects were also shown. This error has been fixed.

[14325] Counter value from service item is not deleted if the shipment/returning is canceled

The counter value from a service item was not deleted if the shipment/returning was canceled. This error has been fixed.

[14351] Customer changes from 0 % to 19 % VAT, lines not calculated properly

If a rental contract is created with a customer that has 0% VAT and the customer is changed to 19% VAT, the prices in the invoices are then wrongly calculated including VAT. This error has been fixed.

[14358] 'Invoice Until Date' is empty when activating an additional contract after registering the rent end date

The Invoice Until Date is getting emptied when activating an additional contract after registering the rent end date and before the return. This error has been fixed.

[14364] Rental invoice and insurance lines are not printed underneath in report

Rental invoice and insurance lines are not printed underneath in the report if an interruption is present. This error has been fixed.

[14374] Function 'Restore from archive' does not restore all fields

Not all fields were properly filled if an archived rental quote was restored. This error has been fixed.

[14376] Additional Contract: Price does not get updated when rent class is added with a start date later than the contract start date

In an additional contract, prices did not get updated correctly when a rent class was added that had a later starting date than the contract start date. This error has been fixed.

[14406] Release message of rental quote/contract shows 'Bill-to Customer' instead of 'Sell-to Customer'

When a rental quote or contract was released, the release message showed the Bill-to Customer instead of the Sell-to Customer. This error has been fixed.

[14407] Restoring of rental document does not calculate durations correctly

If a rental document was restored from the archive and a duration formula was entered for the new document, the duration was not calculated correctly. This error has been fixed.

[14539] Item cannot be commissioned/decommissioned with decimal quantity

An item could not be commissioned or decommissioned when a decimal quantity was used. This error has been fixed.

[14540] Dimension is deleted when changing the rental start date/rental contract date

The entered dimension was deleted when the rental start date or rental contract date was changed. This error has been fixed.

[14567] Attribute values are shown as text in printed rental invoices and quotes

In printed rental invoices or quotes, the attribute values were shown as text lines instead of being listed below each other. This error has been fixed.

[14590] Duration calculation does not work for integer values when restoring a rental document

When a rental document is restored and an integer value is entered into the duration field, the end date was not correctly calculated. This error has been fixed.

[14593] No amount available for registration/Order cannot be closed

This error has been fixed.

[14600] Shipping time is not transferred into posted delivery and return lines

The shipping time was not transferred into the lines of a posted delivery and return protocol. This error has been fixed.

[14611] Delivery plan lines are shown for partial returns

When creating a partial return in a rental contract, the full quantity stayed open in the delivery plan until the full quantity was returned. This error has been fixed.

[14652] Item cannot be rented with decimal quantity

An item could be activated but not be used in rental documents when it contained a decimal quantity. This error has been fixed.

[14653] Delivery/return price cannot be added to rent class

Delivery or return revenues could not be added to rent class price lines. This error has been fixed.

[14665] Service items can not be added if 'Reserved after contract end' is not filled

Service items could not be added if the Reserved after contract end field on the TRASER Rental Setup page was not filled. This error has been fixed.

New Functions

[10378] Additional contract revenues for rental purchase quotes/contracts

Costs can now be linked to revenues. For this, the Contract Costs page has been added.

[11976] Linking of rent classes to service item

It is now possible to enter linked rent classes to service items. For this, a new fast tab was added to the service item card.

[12853] Factbox in rental (purchase) protocols for linked rental (purchase) contracts

There is now a factbox in the rental protocols and rental purchase protocols where you can see the linked rental contract/rental purchase contract.

[12980] Document texts for printed protocols

It is now possible to enter document texts in protocols which will also be included in the printed protocol.

[12981] Document texts for printed rental purchase documents

It is now possible to enter document texts in rental purchase requests, rental purchase orders, rental purchase contracts and rental purchase protocols which will also be included in the printed rental purchase documents.

[12999] Combine invoice lines to one line in invoice plan after registering rent end date

When setting the rent end date all open recurring invoice plan lines are getting combined into one line.

[13479] Show linked rent classes/rent objects by entering a specific object in rental lines

If a rent object has linked rent classes, the linked rent classes/rent objects are shown by entering the object in rental lines.

[13486] Attributes for rent objects in rental quote/rental contract

When entering a rent object in a rental quote or rental contract, the attributes of this rent object will be inserted into these documents.

[13488] Adding attributes in additional contract

The register Attributes was added to the additional contract card.

[13489] Printing attributes in additional contract

Attributes that are entered in an additional contract are also printed.

[13983] Replacement line amount in rental contract line

If a replacement price exists, the line amount of the replacement price will now be shown in a new field in the contract lines.

[13986] Replacement price as text line in rental contract line

The replacement price can now be inserted as a text line in the rental contract line if a boolean on the TRASER Rental Setup page is activated. Additionally there is a new field in which the comment text can be entered individually.

[13991] Setup for invoicing extra hours

Hours per work day can now be inserted as preparation for invoicing extra hours to a customer. For this, a new field was added on the Consumption Type page.

[13992] Price per extra hour in rent class

Prices for extra hours can now be entered in a new field on the rent class card.

[13994] Price for extra hours in rental contract line

The quantity per work day in the contract line can be edited on a separate page to be different to the default value.

[13995] Logic for invoicing extra hours

A logic for invoicing extra hours to the customer has been implemented. With this function you can decide if you want to invoice the extra hours or not.

[14093] Service item description and serial number in rental transfer order

By entering a service item in a rental transfer order, the system shows the service item description and the serial number in a new field.

[14101] Show last counter value/counter in delivery and return protocol

The last counter value from the service item is now shown in the delivery and return protocol.

[14162] Set rental invoice lines to 'invoiced' without invoicing

A functionality has been implemented with which invoice lines can be manually closed without the lines being invoiced. This function has to be enabled per user on the TRASER Rental Setup page.

[14167] Add several lines for registration

Several lines can now be added for registration to a rental contract that has the additional revenue On Registration.

[14219] Dimensions are transferred from service item into other price lines related to the service item

By inserting a service item into rental quote or contract lines, the dimensions of the service item will be transferred into the line.

[14226] 'Orderer' added to rental reports

The Orderer was added to the printed reports of rental invoices and rental credit memos. The orderer is the contact which is entered in the General register in rental documents. If Sell-to Contact (Orderer) & Bill-to Contact are different, the orderer is printed as defined on the invoice and credit memo documents.

[14260] Rental purchase request can be created without releasing the rental quote

A rental purchase request can now be created without releasing the rental quote first.

[14321] Rent with sales option for several rent objects

Several machines with the rent option Rent with Sales Option can now be added to a rental contract.

[14323] Replacement fields in additional contract

The fields Replacement %, Replacement Price Text Line, Replacement Price and Replacement Line Amount were added to the additional contract card.

[14326] 'Source Document No.' and 'Source Rental Document' in rental purchase invoice header

The fields Source Document No. and Source Rental Document were added to the rental purchase invoice header.

[14378] 'Ship-to Address' added to rental purchase contract lines

The Ship-to Address field was added to the rental purchase contract lines.

[14441] Replacement price can be entered with four decimal places

In the rental contract header and lines, a replacement price with four decimal places can now be added.

[14449] Added 'Contract No.' in invoice plan

The Contract No. field is now shown in the invoice plan header.

[14591] Additional invoicing logic for extra hours

An additional invoicing logic for the invoicing of extra hours was implemented. For this, the consumption type Extra Hours was added. The set up unit price in the price line or the price code is taken for all hours exceeding the limit set by Hours per Work Day. The hours up to the limit get a 0,00 Price. Furthermore, a new boolean was added on the TRASER Rental Setup page for invoicing or not invoicing 0,00 price lines.


[14125] Improvements on rental reports for easier reading

In order to make rental reports easier to read, a few layout improvements have been done to the rental report documents.

[14267] Search improvement in delivery protocol wizard

  • New field Search on Protocol Wizard page to search for serial no., vendor item no. etc.
  • When typing in the object field, the list should be shown and filtered on the description.

[14359] Improvements on rental reports

  • Interruption text has been improved
  • Quantity on rental quote, contracts, invoices and credit memos should be rounded to 2 decimals

[14439] Rental Quotes / Contracts / Invoices: Object descriptions in bold

To make rental printouts with their many information easier to read, the object descriptions are now in bold italic font.